Sunday 6 October 2019

Second Wind

"But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."                                                 Revelation 3:16.  New Living Translation

Cast you minds back to when you first got saved. We became Christians in October 1980 - my wife two days before me. It was an amazing time, one that was filled with a spiritual excitement that we had never thought was possible. We purchased bibles and bible notes; Christian books to tell us what we needed to know and Christian music records and tapes. We also went everywhere where we could learn more about Jesus. We both walked around with a copy of The Living Bible New Testament in our pockets and read it at every opportunity. It was an amazing time.

The honeymoon period  of our Christian relationship with Jesus, lasted for ages. Every night when I came home from work and we had eaten and cleared everything away, Christian music was played all night and we would read and fill our minds with more and more of Jesus. We just couldn't get enough of Him. Life was so exciting. 

The thing is, it is a honeymoon period. We're starting a new relationship with Jesus. However, after a time, rather like a marriage, reality kicks in. There is work to do, bills to be paid, kids to be fed and as the reality sets in more and more, spiritual attacks begin, something that we've heard and read about but have no clue how to handle them. It can be a confusing time. But we realise that Jesus is with us but as we grow more and more as a Christian, that wonderful feeling that we had initially, seems to go away.

When Jesus first comes into our lives, it is so wonderful and He holds us in His arms for quite a while as He feeds us with spiritual milk. As time goes on, He expects us to mature so that we are on solid food and able to go forward in our new life with Him. He never leaves us, He just wants us to start making our way in the Christian world. There are wolves out there and He wants us to learn how to fend them off. Our enemy, the devil will try all he can to get us to curse God and turn away from Him; and we have to learn to make a stand against him for Jesus.

It's not easy and for some, we can begin to lose a little of that fire that we first had - that spiritual excitement. You may be feeling that way right now. We need our 'Second Wind.' This is a return of the strength and energy that makes it possible for us to continue our activity or even start again.

Jesus, in our text above, refers to The Church in Laodicea, as being lukewarm. They had lost their fire - their get up and go. It's easy to do this. Lives are busy and if we take our eyes off the captain of the s hip, we can hit the rocks or sink. We need that lift - that Second Wind, to put us back on the road of excitement and fire. If that is where you are right now, say this prayer along with me and fly high in Jesus once more.

Lord Jesus
I come to You right now a little worse for wear. I confess Lord that I am lukewarm; I have lost that fire and excitement that I once had. But I recognise that You are the Chief Fire Starter and I ask you to give me my Second Wind right now. Fill me with the fire of the Holy Spirit. I mean business Lord. I do not wish to be lukewarm any longer, but red hot for You.  Lord, come right now. I receive Your fire; I receive Your Holy Spirit, I receive that excitement for You once again. And I will get back to the business of doing Your will, of spreading Your Word; of letting people see who I belong to.
In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday 5 October 2019

Values No 9 - Hope

"(2) We give thanks to God always for you, making mention of you in our prayers (3) remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labour of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of our God and father,"   
                                                                            1 Thessalonians 1:2-3   NKJV

In our final day of looking at Christian Values, let us look at hope. The Greek word for hope is elpis which means, not having wishful thinking without any foundation; but a confident expectation based on solid certainty. 
Kenneth Copeland says:

'Wishing accomplishes nothing in the Kingdom of God; but hoping will, especially when you couple it with faith and love'.  Copyright 1995 Kenneth Copeland

Biblical hope is certainty! Many people say, 'I hope to make it into Heaven one day.' That is not biblical hope, it is wishful thinking; it is almost like we say, 'fingers crossed.' Biblical hope says, 'I hope - fully that I will go to Heaven someday. I have a certainty about it Because Jesus is My Lord and He has gone to prepare a place for me.' (John 14:2-3) 
But saying, 'I hope to make it into Heaven one day,' is uncertainty. As born again believers of Jesus Christ, He has given us a certainty of Heaven. It is not being facetious or big-headed, rude or pompous. It is being certain of what Jesus tells us: 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.' (John 3:16).

Living with biblical hope changes your life. God wants us living this way. He wants all of us and that includes our ailments and problems. As we give everything to Him, totally trusting Him for everything in our lives, we transfer over from uncertainty to certainty in Jesus. To be uncertain is to doubt Jesus. Have you ever considered that.? When problems come our way or a big bill drops onto the mat, the best way is to say, 'Lord, we have a problem here, but I'm trusting in you.' It is not being irresponsible. It is putting Jesus in the driving seat of our lives. Doubting and getting all wound up and upset about stuff, is putting Satan in the driving seat. Who would you sooner have drive you? Yes, so would I.

So grab hold of biblical hope and start living at a new level in Jesus. Yes, it may be scary at first but if you trust Jesus, you know that He will NEVER let you down.!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday 4 October 2019

Values No 8 - Wisdom

"Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock."                       Matthew 7:24.  NKJV

Wisdom is a unique and important value; it helps us to decide on the right choices in life and helps us to learn through the mistakes that we have made.

In our text today, we see two men who built houses. One worked really hard, building on rock but the other one, took the easier route and built his house on the sand. To the world, the houses looked identical - their outward appearance was the same. However, their foundations were different, one had a firm foundation, the other was the risky option. 

Note what Jesus says in our text above. 'Whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them.'   
Wisdom tells us to abide by what Jesus tells us to do: 'But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.'  (James 1:22). Wisdom shows us that we should always obey Jesus and carry out what He tells us; and this parable shows the foolishness of disobedience. (Read Matthew 7:24-27.)

When the storms came, the house that had a firm foundation by being built on the rock, survived and was still intact. The house that was built on sand, collapsed and was washed away. 
Timothy tells us:

'And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.'  
                                                       2 Timothy 2:5

To be a winner, we have to work according to the rules that are set out before us by God. The rewards for Christian service, depend on our faithfulness - doing what God tells us to do. He knows best and He knows the way forward and it is total wisdom to believe Him and trust His direction. 

Outwards appearances can be deceiving. It is what is on the inside that shows a person's true character and what they're building on. To survive the storms of life - and they will come fast and furious at times - you will have to build your life on the rock, the foundation of Jesus. It is the only way.

We started this piece on wisdom helping us to make the right choices. How wise are you? Are you wise enough to realise, that your foundation at this time may be a wobbly one; or are you certain that you are building on solid ground. A good test is whether you are able to get through the storms of life and still be standing firm, praising God.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday 3 October 2019

Values No 7 - Peace

"Peace, I love with you' My peace, I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you.   
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."   John 14:27.  NKJV

The Greek word here for peace, that Jesus used, is called eirene and means, a state of rest. It also includes quietness, calmness, absence of strife, tranquillity, perfect well-being. In addition it means, harmonious relationships between God and man, men and men, nations, and families. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and will give this peace to all who call upon Him.

Jesus wants to give you His peace. Yet, things of the world rob us of this on a daily basis. From the moment we awake and start to get on with the day, we are a target for the evil one to attack us and rob us of this peace. If you have children, they need to get to school and are demanding this and that. Sometimes they appear to do everything that you don't want them to, or it seems that way. Telephone ringing, burnt toast, late for school, the dog needs walking and don't forget about the washing. Off to work, stuck in the traffic, then the car breaks down or you drive through a police speed camera because you had lost concentration. This is all a recipe for stress.

What can you do differently to avoid all of this? There is a way, it's just finding it. However, trying to find peace when you are totally wound up is a 'no-go area.' This is why we read"

'You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist'
                                                    Golda Meir/Indira Ghandi

All things can be worked out; it just takes a little time and patience to find the way; and do you know something? God has the answer. He told us to not to be troubled or afraid; He told us that He had left His peace with us - He has given it to us, so seek Him out and allow Him to show you how to apply this to the areas that you are tripping up with each day.
You may have a short fuse, so get it fixed. You may be prone to flap around, then like the eagle, find a way to soar through it all. Crazy? No it isn't. 

God wants you in a state of eirene peace. A place of calmness and tranquillity. It's attainable but YOU must reach out and grab hold of it. 

Therefore, find some time today to do just that. Spend time with our Peacemaker and let Him alter a few valves within you.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday 2 October 2019

Values No 6 - Compassion

"But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion."                                                        Luke 10:30-37.  NKJV

Today we look at the value of 'Compassion,' and it is wonderfully demonstrated in the parable of The Good Samaritan. A man left Jerusalem and walked along the road to Jericho. Now this road was famous for attacks so it was always recommended that going it alone was dangerous and risky. This turned out to be a true, some robbers and thugs, jumped out on the man from their hiding place, robbed him and severely beat him, leaving him to die.

After a time, a priest came along. The man seeing him, immediately had a hope that he would be helped and taken to safety. However, the priest walked by on the other side. Later, a Levite also came along and he did the same - walked by on the other side. The man must have been devastated. Then, a Samaritan came along and without hesitation knelt down, bandaged the man's wounds, gave him a drink and took him on his animal to an Inn and paid the Innkeeper to take care of him until he returned from his journey.

Now the man that showed the injured man compassion, was a Samaritan- one of the most hatred breed to a Jew. There was racial division towards the Samaritans, and yet, this despised source, showed the man love, care and compassion; whereas, the priest and the Levite, decided to pass by without helping.

Let's think about this for a moment. It could have been very costly for the Samaritan to stop and help. He didn't know if the man was a decoy and as soon as he stopped to help, he may be attacked and robbed himself. It was a risky decision. And let us not be too hard on the priest and Levite. It would be so easy to judge them. However, we don't know the circumstances why they didn't help. What would you have done in the circumstances? Bring it forward to today's problems and tragedies like terrorism in our cities. It takes guts to stop and help. However, stop and help the Samaritan did; and because of the compassion that he showed, the man would never forget his kindness. 

Compassion is being able to recognise when somebody needs help. It's the ability to recognise that someone needs to talk to you and have you listen. That's the secret, listening - we tend to talk too much at times.

Is there someone you need to show some compassion to today; or would it be easier to pass by on the other side and leave it to someone else? Many people are messed up, hurting and confused. A listening ear and heartfelt compassion towards them, can be just what they're longing for.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Values No 5 - Thankfulness

"But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death, through our Lord Jesus Christ."                                           1 Corinthians 15:57.  New Living Translation

We need to be thankful for each minute that God allows us on this earth. Each and every morning of your life, let thanksgiving be the first thing that you do; even if it is only a hurried, 'Thank You Lord for my life.'

Remember to always thank people for what they do for you. I remember when I was a manager, that I always tried to thank everyone in my team for their work each day. Being told, 'Thank you,' makes you feel appreciated and valued. People love to feel appreciated and wanted. Each day, God gives us 86,400 seconds; surely we can use a few of them to thank God and others for what they have done.

We have so much to be thankful for:

*  That our parents gave us life
*  Our schools and teachers helped us to learn
*  Doctor's and Nurse's who fixed our ailments
*  Bosses who gave us a job so that we could pay our way in this life
*  Friends who have stuck by us
*  Wives, husbands, girlfriends, boyfriends who have given us love and friendship
*  That we are alive

There are many other people and organisations that should be on our Thank you list. However, most of all, there is God who created us and gave us life in the first place. There is Jesus - God in human form, who gives us His friendship and died in our place for our sin. Then, last but not least, there's the Holy Spirit who dwells within us and gives us the power, the victory and the guidance to approach all things with confidence.

'The faithful love of the LORD never ends!
His mercies never cease.
Great is His faithfulness;
His mercies begin afresh each morning.'

                                                    Lamentations 3:22-23   New Living Translation

Each day that we wake up, God has given us a new day to enjoy, and share His love to all we meet. Why not make it an every day occurrence to say, 'Good morning Lord, thank You for this new day that You have given me.'

As you do this, great things will begin to happen.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Monday 30 September 2019

Values No 4 - Respect

"Love your neighbour as yourself. No other commandment is greater than these."
                                                                        Mark 12:31.  New Living Translation

The Greek word agape is commonly known as Christian love. It means, respect, affection, benevolence, good will and concern for the welfare of the one loved.

Respect means, showing appreciation for what people have done for you or others. It means treating people with honour and being considerate. It also means, being polite, showing proper attention to someone. One can't have a proper conversation with someone while they speak to another on the telephone.

Respect includes extending Christian love to all people, and that means to those that we don't particularly like. For some reason, you may not like a person but you can still show them the respect that they deserve. Let us not forget The Golden Rule:

'Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.'
                                                 Matthew 7:12

How would you feel if someone totally ignored you and didn't show you any respect at all. I know what you're thinking, This has happened to you a lot, hasn't it? Jesus would tell you to rise above it; to not act as they do. Whatever, show them love and respect. You may not want to do this; you may have a better idea, which would show everyone the wrong way. No, be the better person and love them.

Ask yourself:
'Do I want people to show me love and respect?' Then show the same to them!
'Do I want to be respected?' Then show respect to all you meet. 
If your partner does something for you, are you grateful or do you take it for granted? This could be doing the weekly shopping' cleaning the house while you're at work or cooking you a meal. 

As I have said before, many times, we give off signals by our body language. If we see someone we don't like or don't wish to speak to them, we might quickly walk the other way or even blank them totally. It would be awful if Jesus did this to us, wouldn't it? At times, we can have the glare that conveys the message, 'Whatever happens, don't talk to me.' Have you this glare? I must be honest, I've had this a few times and I'm not proud of it. At the end of the day, as Christians, we'll all be together. Yes, we may be different then, but it would be nice if we begun showing love and respect now, before we go to Heaven. 

Why not make an effort to show your appreciation and gratitude to someone you see today. They may be feeling as if they're being taken for granted by someone and you just blessing them, may make them feel so good about themselves.

Go on, go and do it

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Grace (2)

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession...