Saturday, 7 December 2019

The Beatitudes Part 3

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."                       Matthew 5:5.  NKJV

The Ancient Greek word for 'meek,' is praus. The word carries the ideas of humility and self-discipline. It is not a sign of weakness or being spineless but rather having a controlled strength.   
It gives the idea of one not easily pushed around but in control enough to be humble. 
David Guzik comments:
'It has the idea of the proper balance between anger and indifference, of a powerful personality properly controlled and of humility.'

God always loves humility. He hates the proud and opposes it (James 4:6). James further comments on this in James 4:10: 'Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.' A meek person can be angry but not sin (Ephesians 4:26). Suffering wrong without bitterness or a desire for revenge is characteristic of a meek person, as is having a willingness to submit and work under authority. This confidence is from having a deep trust in Jesus to perform on their behalf should they be wronged. God watches over the lives of the meek person; He watches over their cause and he will not let His meek ones be taken for a ride. 

Moses was possibly the greatest leader that ever lived. He wasn't weak at all, he was meek and so was able to control his temper when the Israelites were doing everything but what they should have been doing. He was humble and God was there to help him.

Proverbs 16:31 says it all: 'He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city.' 

This is the perfect description of a meek person. When we take control of our temper and seek humility and the willingness to serve, we are not showing weakness at all. We are showing the world meekness and God likes this and therefore acts on our behalf if we are wronged in anyway. This is the meaning of, 'they shall inherit the earth.' By living the life of a meek person. we submit to Our Heavenly Father and to all He shows us and directs us to do. In return, he watches our back. I don't know about you, but that sounds like a good deal to me. Don't you think?

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday, 6 December 2019

The Beatitudes Part 2

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."                    Matthew 5:4.  NKJV

William Barclay says of this Beatitude:

'It's true meaning is, 'Blessed are those who are desperately sorry for their own sin and their own unworthiness.'

Many may say that the meaning was to do with bereavement and grief - the loss of someone very close to us. And they would be right. The word to mourn has a very strong meaning and that meaning was included in Jesus' mention of it. However, here it was referring to our sin. Don't let us forget that initially Jesus had set out and begun preaching, 'Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.' (Matthew 4:1). We can't repent unless we are sorry for our sins - convicted. When the full realisation of the cross hits us and we see how Jesus suffered on it so that we could be declared 'Not Guilty,' we see how powerful and deadly is the sin we carried around and how close we were to going to hell when we die. Strong words I know but true all the same. This is why we need to repent each and every time that we become involved with sin.

As I mentioned earlier, the meaning of mourning here, is the same as when we are in grief when someone we love dies. The pain felt is the same type of pain mentioned in the Beatitude. Even though Jesus' first thought for teaching it, was for the weight of sin, He wouldn't have dismissed the feelings bereavement causes. After-all, Jesus knew the pain of losing someone close to Him. When He stood outside Lazarus' tomb, He wept. (John 11:36) Even though Jesus knew He was going to raise him back to life, when He saw the pain of Lazarus' family and friends, He hurt and His emotions erupted. And this is how He is with all people who are in grief.

Maybe this is you. You may be in mourning at this time. Grief takes time to heal. People in your neighbourhood move on much quicker than you because they were not that closely linked. You are still suffering and this is normal. Don't be hurt when the people you know in the street, either make a quick exit from you or just don't feel like you do. Life's busy and often they just don't know what to say so they may ignore the situation you're in, but they still care.

But accept this, Jesus still cares. He was with you when it happened and will be with you all the way through. The One who is mourning with you is saying, 'Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted.' So let Him!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 5 December 2019

The Beatitudes Part 1

"Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."        Matthew 5:3.  NKJV

The poor in spirit are those who recognise their spiritual poverty and casting aside their self-dependence, seek God's grace. The poor in spirit recognise that they have no spiritual “assets.” They know they are spiritually bankrupt. The ancient Greek had a word for the “working poor," which was penes. This was those who had to work for a living just to make ends meet. This was the basic, they had money to survive with nothing left over. The Greek also had a word for the “truly poor, which was ptochos this was absolute and abject poverty - those who were completely destitute. Jesus used the word for the truly poor here. It indicates someone who must beg for whatever they have or get. 

'Blessed," is recognised as being 'Happy', but it is quite a strange thing to start this teaching with. However, just stop for a moment here and think it through. In God's eyes we are all poor in the spirit. There is nothing we can offer God. Nothing that we can use to barter with. Yet through the precious blood of Jesus; by His Grace, we are rich in Jesus and share the Kingdom of God with Him. We reign with Him. Now that's something to shout about.

This Beatitude is first, because this is where we start with God. It's the first step near to our walk with Him, our first step in getting to know Him. This verse is not just for people starting out with Jesus. It is there for us all. Most of us can identify with being poor in spirit before we met with Jesus. We had no hope, no future, possibly no one who was there for us who wouldn't take us for granted. Then Jesus turned up. But we still have times when we feel like walking around as if we have nothing left. This verse is a reminder of just what we have in Jesus. We have been lifted from the scrap heap, and placed not among hired servants in the field, but among princes in the Kingdom of God. We reign with Jesus. We have a place in Heaven. We are His Ambassadors. 

Once you had nothing in spiritual terms, now you have everything. Once you may have been ashamed to be in the presence of Godly people, now you're one of them. But don't forget, there are 'Godly' people and 'Happy or Blessed,' people and if you know Jesus you're one of the latter. Why? Because Jesus said so, that's why and that is all that matters.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

He never changes

"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."                      Hebrews 13:8.  NKJV

People change; situations change even moods change, but Jesus Christ never changes! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! A good night's sleep can bring changes - changes to our mood, because we have been exhausted and not handled things very well. A good rest can bring changes to the way we view a particular thing. People often say, 'It'll be alright in the morning, you just need a good night's sleep,' and this can be so true for many things, but not always.

Over-tiredness can bring about mood swings, arguments and words spoken that were never intended but nevertheless have now caused heartache or division. Taking on too much work is not good. We should only do what we are physically able to perform. Anymore can be a recipe for sickness or at the very least, a volatile home and/or work life.

Take a look at how Jesus operated. He never took on more than He should and He even encouraged the disciples to do the same: 'Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.' (Mark 6:31). In other words, take some time out; slow down or you'll wear yourselves out.

Probably there is a lot going on in your life at the moment and you're finding it difficult to cope with it all. If you can change the situation, then go ahead and do so. If you can't, then you need to find a better way to be able to work through it. This is where Jesus comes in. He's done it all. There's not a thing that he has not seen or heard about and what's more, he has the answer to where you are at. The Jesus that was there  in the beginning - God Himself - is the same Jesus who lives in your heart, if you've invited Him in. He is committed to you and is waiting for you to call on Him. Even your angels are doing the same. The thing is, they can do nothing until you call on God for help. As soon as you do, he releases your angels to minister to you, or in other words, to work on your behalf and deal with what needs dealing with. If you don't call on Him, He can't help, 'For whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.' (Romans 10:13).

Jesus has not changed. He's still God and He's still your friend. You may say, 'Yes, but you don't know what I did last night. You don't know what I said.' True, I don't, but Jesus does and He still loves you, He never changes. Repent and move on with Jesus. Kenneth Copeland says, 'Jesus died for the ungodly, I said to myself, I qualify for that, and I've never looked back since.' 

As the song goes, 'What a difference a day makes - 24 little hours,' and it's so true. One day things may seem impossible to get through, but somehow you do; tomorrow may be different. Don't look too far ahead. One day at a time is enough. Jesus told us, 'So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today' Matthew 6:34 NLT.

Whatever happens, Jesus is still on the Throne! So give Him praise. It opens doors. There's always a reason to thank Him for His provision, healing, blessing, home, family, food and lots more. Rejoice in the God who never changes.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

There are changes ahead

"Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing. Now it shall spring forth."                                                                        Isaiah 43:18-19.  NKJV

The New Year is just around the corner which for some, signifies change as they make resolutions and promises of change that they want to implement in their lives. For some, it is, 'out with the old and in with new.' Promise of change that many will forget about in a very short while as they go back to how it was.

However, for believers of Jesus Christ, there are changes coming. 2019 may not have turned out as  you would have liked it to. There may have been sadness and frustration as you struggled with what was happening. But look out, change is on the way and this is change for the better!

In the UK we have some major decisions to make - who are we going to vote for? You may be feeling that politicians are all the same, say one thing and do another, promise this and forget it when they're elected. However, if you don't vote you can not complain afterwards. You must vote. But, seeking God is the way forward. He knows who is genuine and will make the best decisions for us. So why not pray for each leader and ask God to reveal to you who you should choose. Your vote is important because you want the right changes for our country and Europe.

For a lot of us, there has been decisions that we have made about our life and Christian walk. The decisions may not have been easy. But for you, accept that you have made the right one and move on. The way forward may be uncertain - what will 2020 bring; where will it lead me, and all that type of thing? 

I believe that God wants us to feel a sense of excitement because he is in charge and He is going to bring about something absolutely wonderful for each one of us. But to receive this and flow in this joy that He is about to bring to us, we must ensure that we are walking with Him and totally obedient to what he wants us to do. For some of us, it's like we have been forgotten and left by the wayside - rejected and alone. However, you haven't. Jesus knows all about rejection - the pain and heartache that is felt when all you've done is serve people and love them only to be cast aside like a piece of an old garment. Well rise up, Jesus is 100% for you and is raising you up. You're on His mind 24/7 and He intends to take your hand and lead you through an avenue of change that you never thought was possible.

Change is coming - for the better. You're not forgotten; you're not a reject or an after thought. You have a gift that only you can use and God intends to put you in a position so that you can flourish. 

However, I stress, do not walk off the path; be careful what comes out of you mouth; get rid of all bitterness and forgive because there is going to be an explosion of joy and happiness coming your way. Receive it because it is for you.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Monday, 2 December 2019

Keep your eyes on God

"My son, give attention to My words, incline your ear to my sayings,"   Proverbs 4:20-27  NKJV

Jesus gives us the Words of Life throughout the bible. It's our road map to show us the way. It's our survival kit and compass, our book of wisdom and truth.

When we read God's Word or when we feel Him speaking to us, He wants us to incline our ear to what He is showing us; what He is telling us. This means, He wants us to lean into Him so that we don't miss what He is saying. When we hear His word, He wants us to meditate on it and if required, confess it to whom He directs. No matter what we read or what He tells us, we need to agree with the word. There is no room for doubt where Jesus is concerned. People around you may disregard His word and even make fun of it. Even believers may scoff at the idea of healing or any other faith issue. 'God doesn't heal people today,' they may say, 'that was back in bible times.' No it wasn't, so don't believe them. Healing is for now!

If God says that we were healed by the stripes of Jesus, (1 Peter 2:24), then that's the truth. We are healed, we just need to believe and accept it. ''Yes, but,' they may say. But nothing. Leave that word out of your thinking; it's a negative word. Get into God's words. They are positive and full of life. Read Proverbs 4:20-27. It gives us directions in the way we should go on a daily basis.

Verse 21 tells us to keep hold of His word and not let go of it. We need to internalise it. In other words, eat it, swallow it and digest it. Why? because they are words of life and bring health to our body (v22). 

Be careful though, there are conditions. If you want to walk with Jesus it has to be clean up time. Words that come out of your mouth need to be pure, not full of death and negativity. Words determine where we will be tomorrow. Words determine whether we are healed or not. You can't be healed if you're confessing that you won't be, 'Oh, I'll give it a chance. Yes pray for me but I doubt if there'll be any change.' If that's what you confess, that's what you'll get.

Verse 25 tells us not to become distracted. We need to focus on Jesus and look straight ahead. In other words, stop looking at the things that you know you shouldn't be looking at. Stop saying the things that you know you shouldn't be saying.

Be careful where you go and who you associate with. (v26). Ponder the path of your feet. We need to walk wisely; be careful where we go - the places where you know you could be tempted to get involved in things that would be wrong. Wherever we go, we need to be establishing righteousness.

We need to have good decision-making skills (v27) and stop being indecisive - stop saying one thing and doing another. Stick to God's plan. This is not a game - it is survival. We get one crack at life and Jesus has given us that second chance. He gave us His all, let's give Him ours.

Healing is not over. Faith is not over. They are not just things that happened in the bible. They are for now. Yes there are things that we can't explain, why someone appears not to be healed or dies young. They're the things we'll find out when we get to Heaven. Until then, we carry on believing and not doubting.
 If you want to move in the power of the Holy Spirit and see Jesus at work in a mighty way, get into the word. Meditate on Proverbs 4:20-27. Read it daily if possible. Believe that God can do whatever He chooses to do. God wants us well. God wants us prosperous and not settling for second best. 

If you receive this today, say Amen and watch God move in your life!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 1 December 2019

You're a soldier - Be on Guard

"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same sufferings are experienced by your brotherhood in the world."                                         1 Peter 5:8-9.  NKJV

Let's break down these verses:

BE SOBER -  We need to be fully alert and fully aware of what is around us. If we're on guard, we have to have our wits about us and a clear head in order to determine if everything is safe and secure. There's so much at stake.
VIGILANT - We must have our eyes and ears open so that we can learn to read the signs about us and act accordingly. We're on active service, if you don't feel you are, you need to re-think this. The devil will not take any time off, neither should we. We should position ourselves in such a way, and be prepared to use God's words whenever it is necessary. This is why you need to read and study it. If you don't know it, you can't use it and then you have a problem.
OUR ADVERSARY - our enemy prowls around. Note here that he doesn't run; he doesn't want to miss any opportunity by getting involved with panic. He's a planner and a schemer and he is very good at it. He will set traps for us - trip flares that will show him where we are. He is sneaky. This is why he prowls/walks around instead of rushing.
RESIST HIM - You need to test your defence mechanisms to ensure that they're working properly (if this happens, how will I handle it etc). Preparation and the ability to be fixed and immovable is the way forward. You also need determination and an unwavering spirit that says, 'Whatever come my way, in Jesus' Name, I'll handle this. Again, the ability to know God's word so that you can speak this out to the evil one when he attacks - because he will, you can bet on it. As Jesus did in the desert whilst he was undergoing temptation from the devil, He said, 'It is written'. If you don't know what is written you can't use this to defend yourself and resist him. 

Attacks from the devil are not unique. He attacks all Christians in various ways. It's common to man and no matter how well you know your bible, he'll try and catch you out. This is why you need to be alert- on guard, because he will try and catch you out when you least expect it. Your welfare and the welfare of your family is at stake so you need to make sure that you pray daily and take authority. There's no need to walk around in fear. Him that lives within you is greater than him who lives in the world ( 1 John 4:4 )
Get into the habit of speaking to God as soon as you wake up, 'Good Morning Jesus,' is a great place to start. May it be the first thing you do each morning. This way, you're starting off a dialogue with Jesus instead of looking out of the window, seeing the rain and saying, 'It's an awful day today'. It's not an awful day, the weather may not be nice but it's another day of you life. Get into this positive way of living.

And remember beyond anything else, that your friend Jesus, adores you.

Have a great day!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...