Wednesday, 5 February 2020

One thing I know

"25 Whether He is a sinner or not, I do not know. One thing I know, That though I was blind, now I see."                    John 9: 1-34.  NKJV

One of the greatest answers we can ever have for people who ask us tricky questions about Jesus, is this text. I say tricky questions because many times this is what we face from some unbelievers who just want to make a laughing stock of us. They come at us with both barrels blazing and say the most convincing things - things that stitch us up and leave us unable to answer adequately.

This was the case here with the man born blind. Jesus, seeing him, went up to him, made clay with His saliva, anointed his eyes and told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. He did this and his eyes were opened.

When the Pharisees  heard about this, they grilled the man wanting to know what had happened. They didn't believe what the man said to them, so sent for his parents, who confirmed this. 

They caused chaos trying to investigate this and began calling Jesus a sinner for healing a man on the sabbath. The man replied, 'Whether He is a sinner or not, I do not know. One thing I know, that though I was blind, now I see.'

At times, this really is all we can say 'I don't know the answers to what you're saying, but what I do know is He's changed my life.' Like the Pharisees, they probably won't want to hear this or believe you. But that doesn't matter.

You know the truth - Jesus. You know what Jesus has done for you and really, that's all that matters.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Book now available On Kindle

A Daily Bible Commentary


Daylight Robbery

"The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy"
                                                                                                John 10:10.  NKJV

You're having fun and a great day and all seems well in your life, then suddenly - WHAM, your enemy satan attacks. Out of nowhere he comes, you didn't even know that he was around. THAT IS MISTAKE No 1. He's always prowling around somewhere and when you least expect it, he strikes and knocks the wind out of your sails.

The mistake you've made is you've taken your eyes off the ball and when you do that, he scores a goal. 1 Peter 5:8 says:

'Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil, walks around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.'  

We do need to relax in this age of stress and pressures. However, we should never take time off from God. If you go on holiday, take Jesus with you, don't leave Him at home. The enemy attacks when we least expect it. He doesn't ring you up and ask if you're up for an attack tonight. No, rather like a snake, he lies in wait ready to strike.

You can have a load of things on your mind - home issues, work issues, bills to pay and places to go. Then stress and pressure kick in and you become distracted and choked of your faith. (Luke 8:14). THIS IS MISTAKE No 2. Your mind should be filled with Jesus and the things of God, not the things that cause you worry and pressure. 

Jesus told us not to worry (Matthew 6:25). Chasing around like a headless chicken is not conducive to a healthy walk with God.
Just look how the devil works, he:

STEALS                he steals your joy which is part of your strength. Nehemiah 8:10
KILLS.                   he kills your faith and brings you the opposite - Fear
DESTROYS          he destroys the moment and brings guilt, unhappiness and distress

Make sure Jesus is uppermost in your thinking and your life and avoid robberies.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

DAILY LIFE WITH JESUS - a daily bible commentary

Monday, 3 February 2020




A Daily Commentary


Riches and Persecutions

"Then Peter began to say to Him, 'See, we have left all and followed You."  V28
                                                                                             Mark 10:23-31.  NKJV

Peter was the type of person that we can all relate to, outspoken and a bit of a rough diamond, but Jesus loved him, as He does us, and was gradually getting him ready for service, as He is us too.

Prior to today's commentary in Mark 10-17-22, there we see a rich young ruler who wanted to follow Jesus but was reluctant to give up his extravagant lifestyle. This is quite a common thing today. Many people want to be Christians but struggle with tithing. When it comes to giving up all they have to go to bible college, be a missionary or pastor a church with very little remuneration, it is a major problem.

This was one of the problems here. This man was rich and no doubt wanted for nothing. That was ok; but Jesus was asking him to go all the way and be prepared to give it all up and follow Him. It was probably a test to see how dedicated the man would be; how committed to being a disciple instead of the gentry. He chose not to follow Jesus.

Jesus commented on this and Peter interrupted Him with, 'We've given everything up to follow you, what about our needs? (paraphrase). Jesus reassured him that all those who choose to follow Jesus and give up their livelihood, will be taken care of. They will want for nothing. However, not everyone is called to give up all they have to work for Jesus. Millions are doing that in their everyday jobs all over the world. But those who feel the calling of God and choose to follow Him, wholeheartedly, will be blessed and have their needs met.

However, this is never easy, as verse 30 shows us. There will be persecutions. Whether you work for Jesus full time or serve Him in your everyday life in your job, once people know that you're a Christian, the flak will start coming your way. Why is that? Well, all of a sudden you become a threat to the devil - yes you! He didn't like you very much before you were born again. Now he literally hates you because you have the ability to cause mayhem in his domain. Therefore, he guides people to give you a bad time.

Bosses, neighbours and even family see you as strange and an oddball. You become an embarrassment to your family and friends and some neighbours may avoid you. Bosses may discriminate against you and some forbid you to speak about Jesus. That happened to me at one time. Also, you may see fellow Christians having a blessed time, with all of their needs met while you are scrimping and short of cash, even though you have prayed non-stop. A word here that you need to remember, Jesus said, 'But many are who are first will be last and the last first.' V31:

This was the qualifying remark regarding the apostle’s reward. All who sacrifice for the Lord will be rewarded, but God’s way and timing of rewarding may not match up with man’s way and timing of being rewarded. When God rewards, expect the unexpected.

If you have honoured God with your time, your finances. your livelihood and all you have, He will honour you. That's a promise. But He doesn't say when. This is where our faith and trust need to apply. You may be feeling let down at the moment - people persecuting you, short of finance and struggling with bills, children and such like. You may have spoken to Jesus all the time about this, but with nothing in return. Well, you're in for a blessing! Stand firm, praise and trust God, thank Him and receive from Him by faith what you've asked Him for, and you will have it.

This is not the time to give up, it is the time to look up - to Jesus.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 2 February 2020

Who is the Greatest?

"33 'What was it you disputed among yourselves on the road?' 34 But they kept silent for on the road  they had disputed among themselves who would be the greatest. 35 And He sat down, called the twelve, and said to them, 'If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all."        Mark 9:33-37.  NKJV 

Jesus had disclosed to the disciples that He would be betrayed and killed but that He would rise again on the third day. This had led to a discourse between them as they walked along the road, about who would be the greatest among them. The dispute must have reached an anger pitch Because Jesus noticed this and asked them about it when they sat down. However, none of them would admit what they had been arguing about. But Jesus knew.. He misses nothing, and we need to remember that.

As they sat there in silence, they were no doubt feeling very ashamed of themselves - Jesus had told them that He would die, the people would kill Him. Rather than asking Him about this and showing concern about what He was telling them, they wrestled about who would be the leader when Jesus had gone.

If the disciples competed against themselves for the top position, then it goes to show that we are no different. All through the years since, man has been in competition with each other within the church. When we look at situations today people are jealous about others having more attention than themselves, they squabble and every now and then, it gets so bad that a church splits and people go different ways. Bad feeling, disputes and mind games, where someone has thoughts in their head about what someone is doing or not doing. Gossip, judging and accusations. I have two questions. Where is the love? Is that a clanging cymbal that I hear?

'Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.'     1 Corinthians 13:1

Churches split when people compete against each other. When someone puts themselves on a pedestal and another tries to knock them off. Back-stabbing and quarrelling. The Apostle Paul had a few things to say about this:

'But why do you judge your brother? Or why do you show contempt for your brother?   
For we shall all stand before the judgement seat of Christ. For it is written, 'As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall confess to God.'
So then each of us shall give account of himself to God. Therefore, let us not judge one another anymore, but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block or a cause to fall in ours brother's way.    Romans 14:10-13

Jesus goes on to add a few more things while speaking with His disciples; things that we need to take on board as well. If anyone feels the call to be first then he must be the last. (Mark 9:35-37) In other words they must be prepared to be a servant. To serve people, not judge them. To love and uphold the Word of God so that there is unity not separation. The character of a leader is to serve first of all. As this is done confidence is built up and people will follow - as with a shepherd.

But one of the main things within the church, we must all learn, is to be childlike, not childish! God's business is too important to argue and act like children would in the school playground. We are called to be the elite. We need to remember this.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 1 February 2020

A Lament for Gray-Headed People

"Gray hair is a crown of glory, it is gained by living a Godly life."
                                                                                                          Proverbs 16:31.  NLT

Many older people today, are feeling the impact of reaching maturity. Society, in general, depending on age, requires that a person retire when they reach this qualifying period. There are chances of extending this time or finding alternative employment, but usually, when you reach your sell by date, its over.
Well, I've news for you. That is a lie. It isn't over until God says it's over There's no retirement in the Kingdom of God but sadly, there is ageism and this makes it difficult to function properly in your ministry. Younger people tend to take over. However, one needs to remember that, young people grow old themselves. It cannot be avoided.
Young and old can compliment each other if they're allowed. The older person has a lot a experience to pass on. They've done it and know the mistakes that they've made - what works and what doesn't. So there is a mentoring facility just waiting to break out and be available to the younger people. 
Don't write yourself off or be written off. God is not into ageism. Just look around, many of the seasoned, well known and successful preachers and teachers, are of a mature age, yet they're still giving out. They have wisdom and experience. 

If you feel that you are past it, think again. God has a plan for you, even now. Seek and ask Him and He'll open the way for you. If you're still willing, He'll make it thrilling and it will be fulfilling and benefit all. All you need to say is, 'Yes Lord.'

Many older people carry the scars of battles fought in their work for the Kingdom of God. They know because they've been there and done it. Many times, people will say, 'I know just how you feel,' when they haven't a clue how you feel at all. The older generation know because they've lived it, they've run many races of life. This is why they're a valuable asset.

If you are reading this and feel that you're on the scrap heap, think again. You've only just begun. There's a generation who need guidance, direction and mentoring. They need to realise what lies ahead and what to do when they reach certain obstacles. You are important! You may think the church has forgotten you; but they can't do that because they'd never make it without you. You have the ability to make a difference. How? Well here's a few ideas:

You have a wealth of experience that you could mention. It is not as hard as you think.
Go on Facebook and create a site dedicated to Jesus. Find a blog site to include on this and be a regular feature in the world of social media.
Volunteer at your church to run a mentoring group, helping the younger people, who are the church of tomorrow.
If you feel the urge for preaching, tell God. He knows already of course but He likes it that we bring up the subject. He can open doors no matter how firmly closed they are.

Don't just sit and vegetate. Get the job done and make your years of experience count.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...