Tuesday 18 February 2020

Lord, I can't do this

"I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me. (I Am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me; I AM self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency).                            Philippians 4:13 Amplified

What is it that you're facing today? What is it that is giving you a dread; a fear; the feeling that, 'I can't do this, I just can't'. People all over the globe lie awake waiting for the alarm to off because this is the day that they have to go into action; do something special or face something that they do not want to face. You can do it!

Whatever it is you're facing today, I want you to know that others have gone before you and done it. It is achievable. Just look at today's bible reading. Jesus gives you self-sufficiency - the feeling that you can do this, without needing any help from outside areas. We realise our strength through Him as He infuses us with His awesome power; and what's more, He'll keep on pouring the power of God into our lives. He gives us contentment and that is the key to overcoming worry, fear and doubt.

Therefore, what are you facing today? What is making you say, 'Lord, I can't do this'? 
If God says you can, then you can. The tricky bit is getting your brain to understand this. If you're not careful, you will produce thoughts that are full of doubt, full of self-fulfilled prophecy that make you believe what you're confessing. And then you are a wreck, full of fear, self-doubt and no confidence at all. Refuse to think this rubbish.

Ask yourself a question. 'Is this how God sees me, a blubbering wreck? Someone who will fall at the first hurdle? No, He doesn't. He sees someone, who He created in His image, someone who has Jesus Christ living within their heart; someone who is all sufficient and someone who is equipped for everything they may face because they have the power of God within them.

Does this sound like you? You may reply that it doesn't, but God will disagree with you here. You have His power within you, that awesome, god-fearing power that can move mountains and slay any giant that may come against you, but you have to believe and receive this fact. It's there but you need to look in the mirror and confess it in your life. You need to declare, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'. 

You may benefit from reading my book, 'Lord, I can't do this'. This small book will help you realise that you can, do all that God asks you to do. Why not check it out on Amazon. Click the link below.

God has only the best for His children and His Word for you this day, is, "you can do this; just take My hand and we'll face it together'.

To view and purchase 'Lord. I can't do this', click this link:


Copyright 2020 Grahame Howarddailylifewithjesus@hotmail.com



Paperback  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Daily-Life-Jesus-Bible-Commentary/dp/B084DFYKHD/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Daily+Life+with+Jesus&qid=1581852824&sr=8-1


Monday 17 February 2020

When God speaks - Act!

"Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain." V17
                                                                                      Genesis19:1-29.  NKJV

To get a full grasp of what was going on here, it would be a good idea to read the whole passage.

God had seen the depravity of Sodom - sexual lust, homosexuality and no dignity for their fellow human beings. It was to God, hell on earth. He had to do something about it. He sent two angels there to take care of this business. 

Now this was Lot's homeland. He had chosen to live there and had become used to what was going on, although there is no evidence to say that he was involved in any of the behaviour. But he would have been affected, as would have his family. You can't live in an environment such as this without it affecting you. We should never allow ourselves or our family to be open to such evil. We need to choose our friends and our pursuits wisely.

Lot saw the two angels and even though he probably didn't know who they were, he knew that there was something special about them. He therefore begged them to stay with him. The men of the town heard about this and wanted to abuse them but they were struck blind as they tried to drag them outside. Lot had tried to protect them by offering his two virgin daughters, again something that not many father's would have even considered. 

This account flags up many things that we need to avoid and be aware of, but let's look at three of them:

The angels told Lot to get out of Sodom and take his whole family with him. They were going to destroy the place. He was reluctant to do this and riggled until the angels took him by the hand and led him out. Lot did tell his proposed sons-in-law that God was going to destroy the place but they thought he was joking V14. One cannot live two lives. They had obviously seen Lot living in such a place and putting up with it all and generally accepting the behaviour. Now he was acting self-righteously and they laughed.
There is no place for two lives when we serve God. We either serve Him and allow every area of our life to be Godly so that people know who we belong to, especially our family. Or we just get on with life and have no place for God in it. We cannot serve two masters. Luke 16:13

God told Lot and his family to get out of there V17. His proposed sons-in-law, probably didn't make it, but finally Lot, who wanted both lifestyles, went on his way, and arrived in Zoar, as he had requested the angels. 
When needed, God gives us warnings about the direction to take. If we don't heed the warning, we have to reap the consequences. God has our best interests at heart but He won't come against our will. What we decide to do today, will determine what we have tomorrow. If you want the blessing in your life, stay close to God so that you are in touch with His directions. Is he warning you of something right now?

Just how affected of the lifestyle Lot's family had been, is seen in his wife's behaviour V26. As they fled from the city, she was tempted to look back and was instantly turned into a pillar of salt. They had been warned, as seen in V17, not to do this, but there was a piece of her life back there that she was longing for - that she was trying to hang on to, and she paid the penalty.
Remember the Israelites in the wilderness? They constantly said how they missed Egypt and wanted to go back there. In the end, only two of them of their generation made it to the Promised Land - Joshua and Caleb. When God leads us on we have to give up what is behind - what we've left. It's in the past and should be kept there. There's a future ahead of us and God has great things in store.

Make sure you heed God's Word and do what He is directing you.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Paperback  https://www.amazon.co.uk/Daily-Life-Jesus-Bible-Commentary/dp/B084DFYKHD/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Daily+Life+with+Jesus&qid=1581852824&sr=8-1


Sunday 16 February 2020

Be careful what you say - God's hearing is good Part 3

"At the appointed time, I will return to you." V14
                                                                    Genesis 18:12-15   NKJV

At times, when we're standing on our faith, it can take an age before we see anything happen. At other times, things can happen so quickly that we're left flabbergasted at the speed of things. 

Waiting is never easy for most people. We can begin full of faith confident that God is going to fulfil what we have asked, believed and received Him for (Mark 11:24. But as time goes on, we can begin to doubt.

As soon as doubt enters our minds, we're on a fast slope down to losing what we are believing for. For instance, it may be healing that you're believing for, As frustration begins to take hold, we can let negative words be spoken out of our mouths, such as, 'I feel awful today. My back is killing me.' To allow such words to be uttered can totally negate what you have been believing for all this time.

Some people don't help, 'You look awful today, are you going to see your GP?' At this time, if they know that you're believing for healing, for you to say things such as, 'I'm well, I'm healed from the top of head to the soles of my feet.' may sound quite ridiculous to people who just don't understand. Also the devil can begin to convince us that we're lying and this is not helped by someone telling you, 'Not everyone is healed, you know.'

It is so difficult and we need to find and pray scriptures such as, 'And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart.' Galatians 6:9

David Guzik says:

It is strangely characteristic of us to believe God’s promise for a long, long, time, enduring through much discouragement along the way, until the promise is almost there, and then we find doubt. We are grateful that He is greater than our doubts.
                                                                    Copyright Enduring Word

There will always be doubt at every corner but we're not to lose heart. We have to carry on. Your healing or whatever else that you are believing for, may be just around the next corner. You have come this far. Don't give up now. There is an appointed time for what you are asking and believing for. You are a person of faith. A Jesus-filled, Holy Spirit powered, Bible believing, Born again son or daughter of the King of kings. You know and believe God's Word. You stand on it everyday. If your harvest doesn't come today, then there's always tomorrow. One things for sure, if you believe and don't doubt, it will come! 

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Paperback  https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B084DFYKHD/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0


Saturday 15 February 2020

Be careful what you say - God's hearing is good Part 2

"Is anything too hard for the LORD? V14
                                                                      Genesis 18:12-15.  NKJV

In our reading yesterday, we saw how Sarah had felt it quite comical that God had said that her and Abraham would have a child in their very old age. God's reply to Abraham was, 'Is anything too hard for the LORD.'

At times, God can tell us the most incredible things that it can blow us away, and we are left feeling a little like Sarah was. But we serve a big, faith-filled God who expects us to walk in faith too. 'For we walk by faith, not by sight.' 2 Corinthians 5:7. Our God gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist, as though they did. (Romans 4:17).

Just imagine living this way, calling those things which do not exist as though they did. Well, there is no need to imagine it because this is the way He wants us to live - by faith. Nothing is too difficult for God (Jeremiah 32:17) and His desire is that we accept this and live this way each and everyday.

There have been so many famous people of faith over the years, Smith Wigglesworth, James Hudson-Taylor and Kathryn Kuhlman to mention just a few. Then, let us not forget Simon Peter, who walked in faith performing such things as, 'Silver and gold, I do not have but what I do have, I give you. In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk. And the lame man did just that. 

'Yes but..' Yes but nothing. God's said it. He's not a liar so believe it! The same Jesus that lived in these people's hearts lives in you as well, and he wants you living this way. The devil will spread doubt around whenever you begin to live this way. People will frown on you and consider you an embarrassment but don't let that stop you, just remember what Jesus said to Jairus in Mark 5:36, 'Do not be afraid, only believe.'

God may have spoken to you about something just lately; and you may be thinking that it is incredible, even unbelievable. STOP JUST THERE! Nothing is too hard for God, so get your mindset tuned into Him and believe that He calls those things which do not exist, as though they did. As Wigglesworth said, 'If God said it, I believe it and that settles it.' 

This includes, healing, finance, housing, marriage, family and whatever else. Therefore, as a man, woman or child of God, stand up, look up and start confessing faith. Start speaking faith-filled things, not words that cancel out things. Call things that don't exist as if they do and then stand on this, never once doubting.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Paperback  https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B084DFYKHD/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0


Friday 14 February 2020

Be careful what you say - God's hearing is good Part 1

"Why did Sarah laugh saying, 'Shall I surely bear a child since I am old." V13
                                                                  Genesis 18:12-15  NKJV

We might live very differently if we fully realised for a moment, that God, hears, sees and knows everything we think, do and say. We often go through life and appear to forget this. We may be very mindful of our behaviour when we're out and about in the community or at church. However, when we return home, we not only take our coat off, it's almost like we take Jesus off too. I call it the 'Behind doors syndrome.' It's almost like, because we are in our safe environment - our comfort zone - we relax and take down our guard. We may talk about a church member in a gossipy way, become judgemental here and there and almost forget that we're the son or daughter of the King of kings. It's not done in a deliberate, hypocritical way; it's just that we've dropped down a gear and we feel it's ok to do so. Wrong! God hears all. He sees all and knows all that goes on in our private life.

In today's scripture, Sarah heard God telling her husband, Abraham, that she would have his child. V10. She considered it so highly comical because she was very old and Abraham was much older, that she laughed within herself. They wouldn't be able to enjoy this pleasure let alone, produce a child.

Even though Sarah's laughter had not been audible, God heard and spoke with Abraham about this. 'Why did Sarah laugh, saying, "Shall I surely bear a child since I am old?" Is anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed time, I will return to you according to the time of life and Sarah shall have a son.' V13 - 14.

Note that God had spoken about this to Abraham;not directly to Sarah herself. This would have been because Abraham would have been deemed head of the home, in God's eyes. Sarah, understanding that God was not pleased because of Him hearing her laugh, denied this, 'I did not laugh.'  But God replied, 'No, but you did laugh.' V15

It is no use trying to pull the wool over God's eyes - He knows. We may do or say something and then come under conviction but start denying we have done wrong or water it all down a little. But God knows. He saw you do this. He heard it. There's no denying about it all. It's best to come clean and confess it and be forgiven. End of.

When we look at things like this, it can become a little scary. We may feel like it's big brother watching over all we do and say. But no, it's not like that at all. it's big God seeing all we do; hearing all we say and watching where we go. 

Perhaps it is realisation time for us all. Time is running out and one day - may be sooner than we think, we will all, as Christians, have to stand before Him at the Judgement Seat. (2 Corinthians 5:10) and give an account of all we have done, not done and spoken about.

God wants the best from us. He has given us all we need to succeed. He knows we will get it wrong at times and provides the way out - forgiveness. This doesn't mean that we can take this for granted. We need to wise up. God has so much for us but He can't bless us with it if we are not walking totally with Him. 

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Paperback  https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B084DFYKHD/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0


Thursday 13 February 2020

Daily Life with Jesus

Lies will always catch you out

"What is this you have done to me?"           Genesis 12:18.  NKJV

Let's get to grips with the story line here:

'1 Now the LORD had said to Abram, "Get out of your country, from your family and from your father's house, to a land that I will show you. 2 I will make you a great nation, I will bless you and make your name great and you shall be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you and I will curse him who curses you. And in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed.'   Genesis 12:1-3

Now, does this sound like God would allow someone to kill Abram? No! God had told him to move away from his homeland and head to new horizons in Canaan. As time went on, there was a severe famine and Abram went down to Egypt to dwell there. All of a sudden, he became fearful of this powerful man - Pharaoh. He had heard so many stories about him and how he operated. He was frightened that Sarai would be taken into his house and he would be killed. He therefore, persuaded Sarai to lie and say that she was his sister, so that he would be safe and protected. To a degree, this was partly true, she was his half-sister (Genesis 20:12). But she was also his wife.

When they arrived in Egypt, as Abram had suspected, Sarai's beauty, even though she was 60, attracted the younger men, and she was taken into Pharaoh's house. Abram was treated very well for her sake and was blessed with sheep, oxen, male and female donkeys, male and female servants and camels. 

Pharaoh, after a short time, was plagued with condemnation over taking Sarai into his house and it was revealed to him that she was actually Abram's wife.
'What is this you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife? Why did you say, "She is my sister?" I might have taken her as my wife.'
This statement confirms that no sexual relations had taken place, yet. 

Abram was very fortunate. He received no punishment for his deceitfulness and as he left Pharaoh's country, he was allowed to keep everything he had been given.
Abram should have realised that if he was so special to God and blessed so much, that God would have protected him on his journey to Egypt. He would not have had to lie to protect himself. There was also no need to put Sarai's chastity at risk. But he didn't. It would appear that this lesson didn't go deep enough, as he would repeat this action again as we see in Genesis 20.

We need to trust in God. If we belong to Him then He is committed to keeping us safe, as we ask Him to each day. A lie is so deceitful and dangerous and can cause great distress and anguish. We need to remember to watch what comes out of our mouths. We can't confess that God is our protector one minute and then doubt Him and try to sort things out on our own, the next. It is a very unwise route to take. Also, we should never be tempted to persuade someone else to lie on our behalf. Doctors and medical staff face this quite often, where a family want them to hide the truth from the patient, to protect them. This is called collusion and can be a difficult time for those forced into it.
Finally, as a Christian, fear should have no part in our lives. God has said, 'For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."  2 Timothy 1:7

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Paperback  https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B084DFYKHD/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i0

Grace (2)

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession...