Sunday, 26 April 2020

A LETTER by Hazel Howard

26th April 2020
After much confirmation
from various sources

My Dear Brothers and Sisters

I hope and pray that you are all staying safe and well and not climbing the walls with boredom, or home schooling your children, alongside all your other roles.

The Holy Spirit has been urging me to share with you where He has been leading me.
It began last year in October 2019 but has all come together now. In March this year, I saw how the fear of the Coronavirus and the fear of not 'having enough', was gripping us all in the UK and across the nations, causing people to panic. A spirit of fear had hit the nations so I began to intercede. I joined with a group who were holding a day of prayer and fasting to seek God on behalf of the people. Out of that I wrote, 'Sometimes revival is messy'. Holding on to that thought, I began praying daily, 2 Timothy 1:7 (Amplified Bible): 'For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but (He has given us a spirit) of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline , and self control.'

This is a 'Wake up' call! We need to get our houses in order both spiritually and physically. Our homes need to become Houses of Prayer.
Revival will come in our streets, not in our churches and we need (you and I) to be ready and prepared to gather in the Harvest where we live. 

So how do we prepare and be ready for what the Lord our God is going to do in this New Season that is coming - after Coronavirus? Please read 2 Chronicles 7:14 (Amplified Bible) for His directive that says:

"If My people (that's you and me)  who are called by My name (the name of Jesus), shall humble themselves and pray, seek, (search) crave (desire with passion) and require of necessity (which we do) My face and turn (stop it) from their (our) wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their (our) sin, and heal their (our) land."                                                                          2 Chronicles 7:14   Amplified Bible 

This word is for us as believers - all of us who know His name - not unbelievers that don't know about the things of God. Then we will be more like Jesus and our churches will reflect His glory, face to face.

Let's pray:

'23 Search me (thoroughly) O God and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! 24 And see if there is any wicked or hurtful way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.'              Psalm 139:23-24   Amplified Bible

In Jesus' Name, Amen

Your Sister in Christ 



Saturday, 25 April 2020

Hardship Part 2

(6) "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, (7) that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, (8) whom having not seen, you love."                                                             
                                                                                             1 Peter 1:6-8.  NKJV

No one is immune to hardship. It can come on anyone of us, at anytime. We just have to be ready for anything that may come our way to disable or rob us of the joy of God. In other words, we need to be vigilant and alert (1 Peter 5:8). We need to be able to stand firm in the mighty armour of the Lord Almighty (Ephesians 6:10-18).
Disappointment and failure may be part of our days at the moment, together with obstacles in the way such as, sickness, lack and a feeling of hopelessness. This creates a great struggle.
It's difficult for us to accept, that God will allow us to come face to face with such things in order to test our faith. But we need to realise that when we seek Him and ask for His help, He is faithfully there. However, at times we may have to wait.
He hears our cries and He sees our struggles but at times, we firstly have to overcome certain barriers before He will intervene. If we can't face the flak, then when deeper hardship or struggles come upon us, we'll not cope.
It's all about a relationship - an intimate relationship with Jesus. If we're a Christian, we have a covenant with Him and He with us. What is ours is His and what is His is ours; we're in covenant relationship with Him. But if we continue to fight and struggle, instead of seeking Him for advice and help, He'll consider that we can manage alone - which we can't.
He wants us to place Him in charge, totally. So stop trying to figure it all out yourself. He knows the answer; He knows the way out of this mess and if you let Him, He will do it.
He's preparing us. This is why things are so difficult at times. But as we call on Him, He'll give us hope, encouragement and refreshing. But it all comes down to our relationship with Him. If we have a really close intimate friendship with Jesus, we'll know deep down that whatever comes against us - whatever! He has a plan and His plan can be relied on.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Friday, 24 April 2020

Hardship Part 1

(6) "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, (7) that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honour and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, (8) whom having not seen, you love."                                                             
                                                                                             1 Peter 1:6-8.  NKJV

Peter addressed the 'pilgrims' here - the sojourners or indeed travellers, who had been scattered because of the persecution led by Nero. Peter's aim was to encourage and remind them that, even though at this time they were far from home and had lost practically everything, Jesus was still on the throne and was their hope in all of their suffering.
They were going through a terrible time and through it, God was testing the genuineness of their faith. They were more precious than gold, that perishes though it is tested by fire. They were undergoing a similar test but God would bring them through the fire. Charles F Stanley writes"

'How would you ever learn to trust God if you never experienced a situation where only He could help you? This is why adversity is a bridge to a deeper relationship with the Lord. He allows your faith to be refined by fire - just as gold is - so that every impurity, doubt, anxiety and frustration bubble to the surface. Then when He answers your desperate prayers, all of those hindrances to your trust in Him are removed, leaving only purified confidence in His holy ways.'
                                                                                      Copyright Charles F Stanley

This is what God is doing to each of us. We may be going through difficult days, but we will get through them, as we trust totally in Him. Jesus will see to that! But, He wants to check on the 'genuineness of your faith' v7. 
His wish is for us to be able to overcome each and every situation that comes our way. It's tough but we can do it.
Tomorrow, we'll look in more detail regarding this area.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard


Thursday, 23 April 2020

Just sit before the Lord

"Then King David went in and sat before the LORD; and he said, 'Who am I, O Lord God? And what is my house that You have brought me this far?"
                                                                                  Verse 18 of 2 Samuel 7:18-29.  NKJV

Spending time alone with God is the key to spiritual growth. He's interested in whatever we want to discuss; all the things on our heart that bother us and weigh us down. But -  watch this carefully -  the important bit is allowing God to speak to us, instead of speaking non-stop and not giving Him the opportunity to answer our requests and needs! He has so much that he wants to tell us but often, we don't give Him the opportunity. We dash in, fire our problems and needs to Him and then dash out again. We need to sit before Him and listen. David sought to know God. He frequently inquired of Him and spent time in God's presence singing and praising Him.
Note in verse 18 that David sat before the Lord. What does that actually mean? It means he spent quality time alone with God, talking to Him, sharing his heart. He questioned God and God answered him because David sat there and listened closely.
Jesus also used this technique. He more than anyone, needed this. He needed the comfort, strength and encouragement that could only come from His Father. The world was taking pieces of Him, He needed God to replace them. Do you know what I mean?
He also spent time alone with His disciples. He wanted to ensure that they were taught and refreshed and ready to take what the world would throw at them. We also need this, probably more so than the disciples because they had the benefit of walking with Him each day and seeing Him face to face.
We are wise when we determine to spend time alone with Jesus; where there are no distractions, such as the telephone or people calling to see you requiring your attention. This distracts us making us lose our focus. Discipline is needed. If Jesus needed time alone with His Father, then we do more so.
We need to set a regular time that is dedicated to Jesus. The place we do this, is better if it is a solitary place, like a study or a spare bedroom, somewhere where we're less likely to be disturbed. Don't take your mobile to this place! Determine the time and then relax in His presence, with your bible and a notebook and pen.
We must be willing to wait on God. He doesn't always answer us as quickly as we would like Him to. We also need to be more confident before Him. He loves our presence - what father doesn't love to be with his children? We can tend to inhibit our praise and worship. This may possibly be because we feel embarrassed or foolish. Let me tell you, our Father never thinks we're foolish or embarrassing. He adores us and loves the attention we give Him.
Sit in a chair, pace the floor or lay down and just speak to Him but allow Him to speak back to you. Don't hog the conversation. Worship Him; put some music on if need be and make the most of each moment with Him. You'll feel all the better for it.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Set your sights above

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.  3For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.
                                                                               Colossians 3:1-4.  NKJV

After the resurrection, Jesus left the tomb; so should we because we don't live there anymore. The stone's been rolled away and our life is now His; we live in Him and He in us. We've been raised to life with Jesus.

People often say things such as, 'Music is his life,' or 'She lives for her sport, it's her life.' In the same way, we should be letting it be known that 'Jesus is our life - we live for Him.' Do you realise that God gave Jesus His glory and Jesus gave each one of us His glory:

'And the glory which You gave Me, I have given them, that they may be one, just as We are one.'                                               John 17:22.  NKJV

We have Jesus' glory; He gave it us. We are co-heirs with Him (Romans 8:17). However, that doesn't mean we should get all puffed up about it all. Jesus suffered terribly and as co-heirs with Him, there'll be times when we have to as well. There'll be times when He wants us to do things that we don't want to. We've given our life to Jesus, so He can use it as He sees fit.
Read what David Guzik says about this:

‘It is important to remember that the glory that God the Father gave to God the Son was glory that often appeared humble, weak, and suffering. It was glory that was ultimately displayed in radical sacrifice. The glory of Jesus is almost the opposite of the self-glory and vainglory of man. As God the Father shared His glory with God the Son (John 17:5), so Jesus gave glory unto His people.

i. There are many ways that Jesus gives His glory to His people.
· The glory of His presence.
· The glory of His Word.
· The glory of His Spirit.
· The glory of His power.
· The glory of His leadership.
· The glory of His preservation.
ii. In all these aspects, there is the essential aspect of the presence of Jesus, God the Son. Scripturally speaking, when God gives or displays His glory to His people, it is some type of manifestation of God’s presence. God’s glory is, in some way, the radiance or shining of His presence, His essential nature.'
                                                                   Enduring Word David Guzik
Set your eyes and mind on the things above, on Jesus. It may be hard at times, but it is well worth it in the end when we meet Him, face to face. And we never know when that may be! 

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Meditate on these things

"Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."
                                                                                            Philippians 4:8.  NKJV

We've probably read this verse many times, but it's favourable to read it again - to expound it, so that we can eat it, digest it and live it.

Our brain gives us many things to consider and mull over on a daily basis. At times, the things that may come to mind are negative and spiritually damaging thoughts and we need to disregard them before we begin to believe it. A thought can enter our mind and if we are not switched on properly, we can process it all wrong, coming to wrong conclusions about something or someone.

This verse gives us the opportunity to meditate on wholesome things. Let's take a walk through the verse. There are eight topics that I briefly want to discuss:

The bible is a book of truth. Jesus is truth and we can rely on this. Nowhere else on earth will we find anything or anyone as true and faithful as Jesus and His Word.
To be noble, shows qualities of a high moral character. It displays a grand state of honour and majestic dignity. It is eminence distinguished by rank or title.
To be just, one is honourable and fair in their actions. The just have high, moral standards.
To be pure is to be free of dirt and pollutants or stains. To be free from any infectious agents. The pure are never tainted in any way.
To be pleasing, charming and enjoyable. To have the ability to be inspiring and have a beauty that appeals to the heart and mind. This is why Jesus is so lovely.
A person's high standing with others and something that is uplifting and gives hope.
Of moral excellence and righteousness
Deserving of our praise and attention.

When you consider the above, this whole verse can be summed up by saying it is all about Jesus. We often think about Him as we see Him in scripture, and that is great. But this verse gives each of us the opportunity to become much closer to Him, by prayer and meditation.

Why not give it a try, because I am sure this verse will open up wider to you as you study it, pray over it and ponder it to the full.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Monday, 20 April 2020

The Way to Live

"(4) Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice. (5) Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. (6) Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanks giving, let you requests be made known to God; (7) and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus."
                                                                                 Philippians 4:4-7.  NKJV

There had been some type of dispute between two workers of Paul's, Euodia and Syntyche, but Paul was not going to takes sides or let it become so bad that it split the church there. There will always be disputes wherever God's work becomes great. The devil doesn't want the good news of Jesus Christ spreading around, so he will try to drive a wedge between leading people and also split churches. Sooner that take a side, he addressed the matter with these words in verses 4-7.

We should always rejoice in the Lord. Paul felt this so important that he repeated himself - 'Again I will say rejoice.' (1) As we know, the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Paul encourages the church to do this always because then God's strength becomes greater within us. 

In verse 5, Paul says, 'Let your gentleness be known to all men'. One only has to look at Jesus to get an idea of the meaning of gentleness. Take for example the way He dealt with the woman who had been caught in adultery - a sin at the time, which was punishable by stoning. (John 8:1-11. After He had spoken with the men who had cast her to the floor in front of Him, and dispersed them, He looked at this poor frightened woman and said, 'Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? She said, 'No one Lord.' And Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.' Pure Heavenly gentleness, and this is how God wishes us to be, to one another.

Paul says in verse 6, 'Be anxious for nothing.' This is not a request but a command. Jesus also gave us the command not to worry in Matthew 6 and this is how we are to live. If we are anxious, our prayers are going to be weak. But as we rejoice and stand in the righteousness that Jesus has given us, we become more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37). 

God knows what you need. All it takes is to praise Him and get lost in the joy of His love for us and present our needs to Him. He will then give us a peace that is 
amazing. He doesn't want us worrying, no, He wants to fight our battles for us and He will give us a peace that the world could never have. It's a peace that will stop our minds from fretting; a peace that will ensure that our heart is sound and restful.

So refuse to be frightened or full of anxiety. Jesus is right beside you. All you have to do is turn to Him and present all your anxieties to Him. He'll take care of them. You are free to rejoice and rejoice a bit more. You're more than a conqueror!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

The Violence of the cross

"And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force".       ...