Monday, 6 July 2020

The Door has Closed

"So those that entered, male and female of all flesh, went in as God had commanded him and the LORD shut the door."

                                                                                                          Genesis 7:16.  NKJV

When a door is closed it's practically impossible to open it again, except possibly by force. But that would make a situation worse and you wouldn't stay there very long. When God closes a door, no-one can open it again. 'He who is holy, He who is true, He who has the key of David, He opens and no-one shuts, and shuts and no-one opens.' (Revelation 3:7). No matter what a person does, if God closes a door then you will not be able to open it again.

This was how it was on the day that Noah and his family entered the ark. Prior to this, he had preached about how a flood was coming and everyone would be swept away unless they entered the ark. However, they wouldn't listen. So on that tragic day, God shut the door of the ark and the people who wouldn't listen, were left outside and perished. One can imagine how awful it would have been for those left behind, banging on the ark walls to be let in as the flood came and they realised what Noah had said, was true; but too late, being swept away by the mighty surging waters. This reminds me of how it will be on that final day when we stand before the Lord and those who are covered with the blood of Jesus, are allowed into the Kingdom, but those who haven't will be refused entry - forever.

The thing is, when God closes a door, we have to accept this. Until that final door closes on Judgement Day, we have work to do for Jesus. For you, the door may be closing to a certain work. This can be quite scary but also exciting. The scary bit is leaving the comfort zone of where you have settled. The exciting bit can be that God is opening the door to something amazing.
Is a door closing for you? You may not recognise this at first, although there may be signs, such as, you not being used like you used to be or there are so many changes and you just don't fit in anymore. If this is the case accept it and ask God to reveal the door He wants you to walk through. Sometimes it's hard to accept that it's time to move on, but God knows what He is doing, so trust Him.

For the ones who are uncertain about that final door that will close, why not give your life to Jesus, or rededicate yourself right now:

Lord Jesus, Come into my life and be my Lord and Saviour. Forgive my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I am Yours. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Now walk through that open door and don't look back at the one that has closed!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 5 July 2020

It may sound bizarre, but just do it.

" (14) Make yourself an ark of gopherwood" - "(22) This Noah did it; according to all that God commanded him, so he did."

                                                                                                   Genesis 6:13-22.  NKJV

Noah could well have thought he was hearing things; I mean, build an ark in the middle of dry land? How would you have reacted to that? Probably the same as most of us, I guess. I think the general consensus would have been, 'That was not God - it was me'. However, amazingly, Noah did it (v22) and it looks like he didn't even question it either. Why? Because he had a close relationship with his Father; Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD (Genesis 6:8). Noah was a just man, blameless and full of integrity. He walked with God. (6:9)

It makes me wonder what his family, friends and neighbours must have thought about this. It is not the norm to build a boat in a desert type environment. They must have felt that he was having a crazy moment, possibly a breakdown. Whatever they thought or said, it didn't prevent Noah fulfilling what God had ordained - what He had commissioned him to do for Him, and this is my point for today.

Over the years, God has told me to do some pretty crazy-sounding things; I'm sure that you've had similar requests from Him. When you're walking close with God; when you're hearing Him on a regular basis and your relationship is close, you will know - without doubt, when God asks you to do something that sounds bizarre, that it is Him, not yourself. You will have no doubt. Others may, but God is not speaking to them, He will be speaking to you . When this happens, it doesn't matter what people say or think about it - just do it! Don't let it prevent you fulfilling what God is asking you to do.

It may sound bizarre, it may even sound loopy but when you are close to God, you will know that He is speaking to you. It may be a test; it may be genuine. Whatever it is, do it. People may try to talk you out of it but don't let them; God will continue to confirm it to you. Really, it may be better not to tell anyone, or as few people as possible, but if you do, prepare yourself that they may not agree.

Thank goodness that Noah obeyed God, doing what He asked. Otherwise, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Friday, 3 July 2020

A Contrite Spirit

"The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, and saves such as have a contrite spirit."                                                                                          Psalm 34:18.  NKJV

Contrition is being sincerely remorseful about a wrongdoing. There is a deep remorse, regret and sorrow about what has happened. It can be described as being broken with the greatness of the calamity.

When we have fallen into sin, we need this. It's a deep Godly sorrow. Without it, a marital partner may tell their other half that they are sorry for shouting and being rude to them and then do the very same thing the next day, and be back to square one. If there isn't contrition, then there will be no full repentance.

Let's be honest, we can do things like this on a regular basis with each other. Afterwards, we feel so guilty; so full of shame and regret that we can tend to close down and even avoid God because we feel so unworthy. But God knows that when this happens, we need Him the most and He longs to comfort us, His strength being always available. Some days we can never seem to get things right. Oh, we mean well, but things go pear-shaped and instead of saying and doing what we know is right, a lot of old garbage utters out of our mouths and by then, it's difficult to change things. We know this, so we end up going down into the doldrums because we feel so awful. But take comfort, when we're under conviction, it's a sure sign that God is with us, because if God didn't reign in us, we would have no remorse at all - no Godly sorrow.

However, what it does flag up is that we need to do some work on these areas in our lives. Start by playing the video back in your mind, of what happened. Identify what you should have done differently and make a note to make some adjustments. You can't change what has happened but, you can change what happens in the future. 

You're not perfect. No one is except Jesus, but you can come pretty close by being a mirror-image of Jesus:

'But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.'
                                                                                                              2 Corinthians 3:18

Look in the mirror and see Jesus in you and decide that whatever mistakes you make, that you're going to learn by them and avoid them in the future.


Shine in the darkness

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. (15) Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. (16) Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."

                                                                                                            Matthew 5:14-16.  NKJV

Does anyone know that you're a light burning with the fire of heaven? Do you? Jesus said, that if you belong to Him, you're the light of the world and that means wherever you may be in your busy day and whoever you are with. God has called us to shine in this dark world that we dwell in.

Dwight L Moody writes in his book, The Overcoming Life:

'Remember a small light will do a lot when it's in a very dark place. Put one little candle in the middle of a large room and it will give a good deal of light.'

I remember my army days, when on Escape and Evasion exercises, where one has to get from one place to another without getting caught, where we would be in the middle of nowhere - cold, wet and miserable. If we saw a light shining in the distance, how comforting it would be as we moved closer towards it to get our bearing. It was a warm and comforting sight to see.

As Christians, we live and move in the darkness, it's all around us. Therefore, we're called to shine and show the way for all we come into contact with. Some may not be welcoming as our 'light', shines upon them. They may repel our presence. Others may be grateful that they have someone who cares, someone who is willing to listen and if possible, help them.

Light attracts all sorts things - moths and other flying insects for a start. It also gives away a person's position. As the light shines on them, others are able to see where they are and what they are doing. Light illuminates the way for many people. Many are lost and have no sense of direction. The light (us) can direct them to the way (Jesus). Light also reveals things that we need to be aware of and avoid. Remember, if people repel against you, the light that shines from your presence, may well be convicting them.

Whatever you come up against, make sure that you keep shining for Jesus, in this very dark and uncertain world we dwell in.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Your words affect what you do

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."   (v29)

                                                                                                              Ephesians 4:25-32.  NKJV

How often we grieve the Holy Spirit by our behaviour, especially by what comes out of our mouths. (v30). We are tempted to lie every now and again. We do this by way of exaggeration, painting things much bigger than they actually are. We add bits and take away other bits so that they fit into the story that we are telling, because it sounds better that way. We also become angry at certain times, where our mouths begin to rule and we end up saying words that we don't really mean, but once said, are impossible to erase. By not being in control of our anger, we fall straight into the trap that the devil has laid. 

We confess with our mouths that we will never steal - we could never do that, and yet, many of us have pens, note pads, highlighters, elastic bands and staples that we have taken home, and we justify this by saying that we may well be doing some work in our own time, so that we can catch up with things. But really, they're not ours.

But the biggest area of grieving  the Holy Spirit, is in the words that we speak out. We're tempted  to tell a joke, one that is quite unsavoury and contains swear words. We may feel that we need to fit in with our colleagues or neighbours but actually wouldn't it be better making a stand and showing them Jesus by setting ourselves apart? Our words and behaviour don't have to be 'religious', we don't want that type of reputation, but if we are letting them know that we are Christian, then they need to see this, otherwise they may form the opinion that we are a hypocrite. 

Let's do a little self-analysis; ask yourself, 'Do my words build people up?' 'Do they edify myself?' 'By my words, can people see that I'm different, that Jesus lives in me?' Wherever we are and whatever we do, let us always attempt to impart grace to people through our words and how we live our lives. And above all else, let us always be careful not to grieve the Holy Spirit. He is gentle and loving; peaceful and helpful; but He's also delicate and we can easily grieve Him by our attitude, our words or things that we do.

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Don't give up

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not use heart."

                                                                                                     Galatians 6:9.  NKJV

'I've had enough of this, nothing's happening' I never get used. I'm leaving'. Have you ever heard this or said it yourself? What about: 'I keep trying with this but I'm getting nowhere; I may as well give up, I'm nothing more than a failure.' Or there's this one: 'What's the point? I'll never get that job, it's a waste of time applying. They wouldn't want me, I'm not brainy enough.'

Three avenues of phrases of doubt that if we keep confessing, we'll believe and take on board, deflating any chance of living a life of faith. They're all full of failure and depression. The thing is, we're all tempted to feel this way every now and again. Life can seem like a great competition, where we begin competing against each other, trying to be what we are not. God wants you as you are. He knows you that way, not when you're being a cardboard cut-out of someone else or trying to achieve what is not meant for you.

All through the years, life has included people who have tried and tried again but never quitting until they met their goal. Thomas Edison was one. Time after time he endeavoured to perfect the electric light bulb but had many failures. Once he was quoted as saying, 'I have not failed. I have only discovered hundreds of ways in which this bulb does not work.' He wouldn't quit until he had won; and he did win. Bob Hoover, was an American test pilot and throughout his long career crashed many planes while testing them out. Yet, he refused to fear or to give up. His motto was, 'Get back into the cockpit of the bird who bit ya'. 

You may be only five minutes away from your harvest - your dream. Don't give up now - persevere. It will come, you can do this - with God's help. Proverbs 24:16 says, 'For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again.' Life can be tough at times; we can all feel like throwing in the towel and walking away, whether it's our marriage, our job or even the church. But hang in there, 'Get back into the cockpit of the bird that bit ya'.

Seasons come and go; the tide goes out but it does come back again. This tide may be yours. Don't give up!

Monday, 29 June 2020


"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

                                                                                                                           Romans 3:23.  NKJV

Have you ever looked at the middle letter of the word 'Sin?' It is 'I', and quite a significant point because the worst enemy you have to overcome is yourself. DL Moody writes, 'I have had more trouble with DL Moody than with any other person.' It seems quite strange for a mighty man of God to say but when you think about it, it is true. We can all be obsessed with ourselves. The 'I' factor is the central part of our focus quite a lot.

Conversion is like enlisting in the army. There's a battle going on and if we're to receive a crown, we have to work and fight for it. It doesn't happen straightaway. DL Moody said:

We have to learn how to watch, fight and overcome. When God and man work together, there will be victory. We are co-workers with Jesus. It is His power that makes the way of grace possible.'

When you consider this, we don't step out of Egypt to the throne of God. There's a wilderness in-between that we have to contend with and this is full of traps and giants and this is where our problems begin. One rule we must remember is, we can't make it on our own. We need Jesus (John 15:5). When we recognise this, the 'I' factor begins to crumble and becomes redundant. The problem is, we still try to go it alone. We can listen to ourselves instead of God. We can please ourselves instead of God. When we live this way, sin prevails because we're living for ourselves.

This is why the Apostle Paul stressed:

'I' have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer 'I' who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which 'I' now live in the flesh, 'I' live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.'           Galatians 2:20.  NKJV

Notice that I have used quotation marks around each 'I' within this text to give this clarity. For us to live our lives in a Christlike manner, we need to die to self - the 'I', and put others first. When we can do this, we are living at a higher standard. We are no longer ourselves but are living for Jesus. The 'I' has been taken out.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...