"For he is sent by God, He speaks God's words, for God gives Him the Spirit without limit." John 3:34. NLT
God poured out His Spirit on Jesus in full measure. He kept nothing back and He is the same with us - He holds nothing back; there's no limit for what God wants us to do. He doesn't limit us. therefore we should never limit Him. What He wants us to do, He equips us for.
Those of us joined to the Messiah - Christ, through the New Covenant, receive as much of the Spirit as needed and it's given without measure. Therefore, this makes sense of Philippians 4:13 which says, 'I can all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Focus on the 'through Christ;' it's an unwise person who tries to do things on their own. Remember Matthew 7:24-29? The difference between he who builds his house on rock - Jesus - or he who builds his house on sand - in their own strength. Also, don't forget, 'Unless the LORD builds the house, they labour in vain who build it.' Psalm 127:1.
Using our skills for the Lord, is futile without His presence and anointing upon them. It may seem a great idea to do a particular thing for God, but if He hasn't ordained it, then He's not in it and very little will happen. It is in our own strength, not God's. Whatever God has called us to do, He equips us for and anoints us so that we can fulfil His purpose. That doesn't mean things won't go wrong or he will give us all that we need immediately. No, sometimes we have to wait and pray, and pray and wait and it can feel like agony as people question whether we have it right or not. The thing is, if we're in God's will, we will have peace and excitement about it all even though we may be struggling in faith to receive what we need. If these feelings are missing, perhaps we need to go back to God and check things out.
Where are you with this at the moment? Are you struggling to find your way forward with God, or has he given you a firm direction, but you're still waiting for an open door? Sometimes, we have to push a door open because they usually don't open on their own. Therefore, you need to speak to someone and explain your calling. Usually God will show others that you are the person they need, but it depends on what you are called to do
You may feel that you need to write a book, if so, get on and write it and push a few publishing doors open. If the call is to do something within the church, you may have to wait until the Lockdown restrictions are eased but there may be a way around it. Speak to your pastor about it. Just think, you may be the cog someone is looking for. Speak to someone!