Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Have you lost your hope?

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.'                                                                              Psalm 27:13   NKJV

Have you ever been so low that you feel that all hope has departed from you leaving you in total despair? Well, as long as God is with us, we will always have hope and that's a promise. Hope is always there but we have to hang on to it in bad times.

Some may say that its easy to think that way when things are going well. But what about the pain of a broken marriage with separation from the children? What about the loss of someone so precious that there seems no hope anymore? Then there is the misery of losing a job or business but the bills keep mounting up leading to possible bankruptcy? The list is endless and there is no quick fix that can change the situation. For many, Lockdown has been devastating. Jobs have been lost, homes re-possessed because mortgage payments have not been met and then the pain of a loved one dying from Covid. 

With all this happening, it's difficult to see where God is, but He is still on the throne. King David wrote in our text  'I would have lost heart UNLESS I HAD BELIEVED.' Did you get that. David didn't lose his hope despite every thing that was coming against him, he still believed in God and he knew, deep in his heart that God would rescue him.

This really is the way forward. Realising and believing that no matter what, God is still with you. he'll never leave. And what's more, our verse continues, 'That I would see the goodness of the LORD, IN THE LAND OF THE LIVING.' That is something to shout about. He is not saying that you'll be ok when you get to Heaven, everything will be ok then. No, not at all. David is saying that he would have lost heart if he had not believed that he would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. In other words, whilst we are still alive. I don't know when, I can't tell you that. What I can tell you is, you will see the goodness of the Lord whilst you are still here. He is going to come and bless you. Why? Firstly because He loves you, secondly, because he has seen the awful time that you have been through and He didn't like it one bit. Therefore, He's on His way to bless you!

Can you believe that? David did, and it kept him going. If you can as well, it will keep you soldiering on. You are about to see the goodness of the Lord. Say that to yourself out loud, 'I am going to see the goodness of the Lord.' Keep saying it until it is more than a belief, it is total fact. It is coming if you don't give up. Can anyone say Amen to that?

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Don't neglect what God wants to give you

"So be careful how you listen; for whoever has (a teachable heart) to him more (understanding) will be given; and whoever does not have ( a longing for truth) even what he thinks he has will be taken away from him."              Luke 8:18   Amplified Study Bible  

This verse has been so misinterpreted over the years. It is often quoted that God gives many possessions to one and takes things away from another. I suppose we've all heard things like, 'Oh yes, the Lord gives and the Lord takes.' This is not true. It is not about materialism but about spirituality.

To be only hearers of God's word and not doers, can lead to destruction. What is the use of knowing it all if we never put it into operation. It's like knowing how to drive a car but never getting into the driver's seat and driving off. We need to hear and then live the life putting God's word out into the world; showing people that because of Jesus, we are different and so can they be. Do you remember the story of the man who built his house on the sand, with no firm foundation? It fell in during the stormy weather conditions and he lost all.  Luke 6:49.

We need to hear properly when God speaks; when we hear Him through bible reading or sermons or in our hearts. We then need to receive it with gladness and we will be given much more. Have you ever had that wonderful feeling that you just want to read more and more about Jesus - you just can't get enough. This is what I'm saying. The more we hear, the more we will receive.

More of what, some may say? More desire to hear God's word and a clearer understanding of what He is saying to us. The more we do this, the more we will receive. If we lose this habit through neglect, then the harder it will be to get it back. We can lose that special place with God.
One word of warning, we need to be careful that we don't fool ourselves that we know it all; we've read the bible through six times and know all the key verses. That can be like the Pharisee. They had plenty of head knowledge but it didn't come from the heart. We need to receive heart knowledge and we only receive this by working at it daily. Take for instant an athlete. He or she will work out daily, for many hours until they are really fit and well-toned. If they then neglect this, their body will become flabby. This is how it will be for the person who doesn't work out in God's word.

Be careful that you don't neglect what God wants to give you - and that is a lot. You have got to put in, to be able to take out, and believe me, God wants to give you the best of things.

Monday, 30 November 2020

Anxiety and depression

"Anxiety in the heart of man, causes depression. But a good word makes it glad." 
                                                                                                       Proverbs 12:25   NKJV

Many people in our world today are in a state of depression and many have no clue why. You may be one of them. Anxiety can kick in when faced with pressures from people such as critics, ridiculers and even bullies. Once it settles in, a person can become a wreck and find it very difficult to face each day. In fact, every day can be a huge challenge to negotiate.

I am no doctor, but I have suffered depression for many years and know how difficult it can be to get through a day. I know what it's like to hide away when someone visits the house. I know what it's like to hide away in a crowd when I suspect someone is coming to speak with me and I would sooner be raptured than take part in this.
Depression is a great weight and anything out of the norm, such as an unplanned trip out, can cause so much anxiety. Living in this way is not easy.

But take heart, there are ways to control this. Yes, a person may need some medication to help give a kick start. Let me stress that there is no shame in having to do this. Anything that can offer some help has got to be positive. 

Take a look at our text today. The last part states, 'But a good word makes it glad.' Anxiety and depression are great weights that can bring about utter despair, but when an encouraging word is spoken to us, it can bring such a lift to our spirit. The thing is, if we hide ourselves away from people, it may be difficult to have good words spoken to us. But take comfort in the fact that we have the best word ever - The Word of God. Your depression may say that it doesn't want that but really, if you are a believer, you need it. It is your food and contains life and joy, peace and healing and it will never, I repeat never be a source of ridicule to you.

There is no shame in suffering depression and anxiety. It can happen to anyone. Take for example  King David and Elijah. They suffered such as this. They were great men of God and yet were prone to depression and it was the Word of God that brought them healing. If they needed it, you and I certainly do. 

You may be suffering today. If that is so, remember that Jesus knows how you feel and wants to help; He wants to give you that Word of Encouragement. Why not speak with Him today!

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Go in Peace

"Then He said to the woman, 'Your faith has saved you. Go in peace." 
                                                                                                                      Luke 7:50   NKJV

Usually at this time of year, there is much hustle and bustle as people dash into towns to buy Christmas presents for their loved ones; finalise the Christmas holiday or plan food shopping for the Festive period. Now add to this our present day problems, such as the Lockdown because of the Coronavirus and try to comprehend the ever-changing restrictions issued by the government. It is mind-blowing and causes sheer panic and frustration to many people throughout the world.
One thought to mull over is, if the Lockdown causes all of this panic, imagine what it will be like when Jesus returns, and that may be very soon the way the world is going.

In our text today, Jesus mentions three important words, 'Go in Peace'. The peace Jesus refers to covers a multitude of things but one worth mentioning is 'Shalom' a Hebrew word meaning, Perfect Peace. Isaiah 26:3. Jewish people greet and also say good bye to people with 'Shalom, Shalom', wishing them perfect peace wherever they go. It is a term that means good health, happiness and well-being. in other words it is a blessing, and one in which Jesus was giving to the woman mentioned in our text.

Jesus said in John 14:27: 'Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.' Therefore, He was blessing His disciples that day and He does us too. Remind yourself of this every time you read it. Jesus is giving you His blessing - Shalom, Shalom, His Perfect Peace, and this is the peace that He wants us to walk in.

There is so much hustle and bustle in this world at this time and, you may have a lorry-load to add to it at the moment. Your friend Jesus, does not wish for you to carry this around with you. He tells us to cast our burdens over to Him Psalm 55:22, and leave them there. He then wishes us Shalom, Shalom. Therefore we need to flow in it. Also we need to pass this on to other believers as we see them. They need blessing too because they feel just as stressed, if not worse than you feel.

So there we have it, Shalom, Shalom - Perfect Peace is to rule in our hearts. Read the verse in Isaiah 26:3: 'You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You.' Notice the last part, 'whose mind is focused and set on Jesus'. That is how we walk in Perfect Peace.

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Remain faithful

"Be faithful to the point of death (if you must die for your faith), and I will give you the crown (consisting) of life."                               Revelation 2:10   The Amplified Study Bible

The Greek crown or garland of green leaves, was given to winners in athletic event. James also mentioned the crown of life in James 1:12 as an encouragement to believers to persevere under trial. The thing is, when we come against tribulation, it is easy to throw the towel in and give up. 'I'm not playing that game anymore,' we may utter, 'it's just not fair,' and then stomp away taking our ball back. But just the fact that Jesus offers us a crown shows us that He wants us to win it.

He sees us as winners and the crown of life is our reward. Whatever we come up against, God wants us to stay away from fear. Faith cannot work with this. They are total opposites. If he can, the devil will try to kill or injure us as we try. He will try to discredit us by giving us a bad reputation; but just keep on going.

God has many secret weapons in His armoury and one of them is the ability to use keys. The devil may try to trap us or prevent us from doing a particular thing. However, God can use one of His keys to open a way forward, He can make a way where there wasn't one before. It's exciting stuff to hang around with Jesus.

God goes before us and does a recce of all that's about. He knows what we will be going into, hence why we need to constantly be in touch with the Holy Spirit. Things may not always go our way. A look at Shadrach, Meshach and AbedNego in the fiery furnace because of their refusal to compromise their faith, shows us this. And then, there was Daniel trapped inside the lion's den. They could have felt that this wasn't fair at all and agreed to compromise. But, they were committed to God and nothing was going to stop them from fulfilling His will for their lives.

When we're up against flak, it is not the time to give up and walk away because it is not fair. No, it's the time to stand and dig in. If we want to win that trophy, that crown of life, we need to grit our teeth and never surrender - except of course to God Himself. 

Whatever you are facing today, do not compromise your faith. Pray and give it to Jesus; He loves to help. He is looking for commitment and He is willing to do His bit too. When you feel snookered - can't find a way out of the situation without doing some damage, He is your man. He is sold out to you; is faithful and is your best friend too. Reciprocate and the benefits will be immense.

Friday, 27 November 2020

Jesus - the burden remover

"Cast your burden on the LORD (release it) and He will sustain and uphold you." 
                                                                                   Psalm 55:22   The Amplified Study Bible

Jesus said in Revelation 2:24-25  'I will put on you no other burden. 25 But hold fast what you have till I come.' Basically Jesus is saying here, I will ask nothing more of you except that you hold tightly to Me. Did you get that? Again, He is saying that we need Him, things are impossible without Him and without Him we can do nothing. 

He wants us to live life without burdens. Sadly, they come along but this is why, He tells us to cast these burdens upon Him. He takes the burden away or He ensures that it is manageable. He takes the burden away but the world will try to bring it back to us. This is why we have to be careful and walk with Him - daily.

God is the one constant in our lives and He is our only, true friend. Yes, there are many lovely friends around, but none are as reliable and true as He is. He sustains us. The word sustain means to maintain, nourish, provide food, hold up, protect and support. It also means to defend us. Whenever we are in a situation that we find difficult or painful, as we acknowledge that He is our source of help and the only one that can handle the situation, He will be there, standing at our side and taking the control.

I am sure that there have been times in your life when things seemed hopeless. As you called on Jesus, He was there to make a way through. His intervention may not have been as you expected, but we need to accept that He knows best and that is the bottom line. If we have placed Him in charge of our lives, then He must have the freedom to do what he feels is the best way out of things.

When you have a burden, this is not the time to panic and go to pieces, running around like a headless chicken trying to sort things out but watching them get worse. You need to calm down. What's the point of panic anyway? It serves no purpose except to stress you out and make you ill. Rushing around too. Just because you move around fast under the pressure, it doesn't necessarily mean that things are going to get better. In fact, they'll probably be worse because in your panic, you forgot certain things that were relevant.

It is time to be at peace with God, to, 'Be still and know that I am God.'  Psalm 46:10. It is time to allow Him access to every part of you. It is time to stop the panic and hustle and bustle, It is time to seek Jesus.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Nothing is impossible with God

"For with God nothing will be impossible."                                             Luke 1:37   NKJV

As we approach the Christmas period, I am reminded of the announcement the angel made to Mary about the birth of Jesus. She replied, 'How can this be, since I do not know a man?' This would have been a terrible shock to the young Mary and of great concern. She was betrothed to Joseph. How would he react to the fact that she was going to have a child when they had not been intimate? She would have had a fear that she would have been cast out and ridiculed for her behaviour. It would have been a worrying time. But Mary replied to the angel, 'Let it be to me according to your word.' This was surrender.

This is the kind of attitude that God longs for us to have when we are faced with challenging situations. After-all, He is our Saviour - if we've asked Him to be. Therefore, we can't really complain when things go against what we had expected. Sometimes, things go this way and we may be left with the thought, 'Why?' There really is no answer to that.

However, things may appear impossible to us, but they are never impossible to God. He is the King of the impossible and let's be grateful that he is. God is teaching us all to deny self and put Him in His rightful place. Many times, there is nothing we can do about certain things; it's impossible to try; and Jesus tells us that without Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5). We really need to learn this and quickly.

Perhaps, you are facing an impossible situation today. You may have had a sleepless night and been pacing the floor praying like crazy. Just relax. You've prayed about the situation, now give God some space to perform the impossible. You do this by what Mary said, 'Let it be to me according to Your word.' This is not giving up; it is not saying that nothing can be done. No, it is putting God in the driving seat of your life. You're admitting to Him that you can do nothing, that it is impossible for you to try. In fact, you have done something when you think about it, you've handed it to Jesus where things are possible. You have surrendered to Him.

This is the total surrender to God, that He likes. There is no other way. We need to put ourselves into the hands of God, because, He has the power to do all things. We haven't. When we are in a situation where we admit we can do nothing, but we know a man who can, and we pass it over to Him; then we open up the options, and God is ready and willing to step forward and do what is necessary.

Listen, nothing is impossible for Him so, don't keep it to yourself, place it in His hands. You won't regret it. Say this prayer:

'I am in God's charge. My God is working out my life for me.'   (Andrew Murray)

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...