Friday, 12 February 2021

God - Our shelter and our refuge.

"The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble".     Psalm 9:9   NLT

We all need a safe place to go every now and then. It's a shelter and a refuge, somewhere away from the worries and cares of the day and a place that we can unwind and know, that no one will bother us for a while. Most schools these days have such facilities - a special place where a pupil can go if they're not coping well and may be subject to being bullied or pressured. It is their safe place. If King David needed this, you can be sure that we will at some time or another. Everyday life can be stressful. Problems mount up and if they're not resolved quickly, they can become a great burden. 

Praise is one way that can bring freedom because it stops Satan in his tracks. He cannot stand to hear such things as prayer and praise and will quickly vanish from our presence. However, when we're stressed and troubled, one of the last things we want to do is praise God. It can be such a sacrifice to do this (Hebrews 13:15) and it takes all we have got to put it into action; but, once we do, the chains that the enemy has been trying to bind us with, fall off. 

Focus on Jesus, not the problem. The problem will eventually go away when we fix our eyes and full attention on to Him. James 4:8, tells us to, 'Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.' But be aware, praise should never be governed by our emotions. God is worthy of our praise all the time, whether we feel like praising Him, or not. Psalm 34:1 tells us 'I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak His praise.' We should develop a life of praise.

Focusing on Jesus is a must for our daily walk and survival. When we are up against problems, the ones that are so difficult to deal with, we need to re-focus. If we don't re-direct our focus, the problem will consume our life. God is our shelter and our refuge in times of trouble but, we need to be full-on with Him. When we praise Him, which should be a regular occurrence, our praise should be our all - everything we have, and it should be at all times, not just when we think about it, but in the good and the not so good times.

Many people do a daily Keep Fit schedule which may include, jogging, swimming and general exercise. It is a great way to keep in shape both mentally and physically. In the same way, we also need to develop a Keep Fit Plan for our daily walk with Jesus. This should include, praise, prayer, listening to God, reading our bibles and generally keeping focused on Him. When we do this, we are guaranteed to be in constant connection with Jesus - our shelter and refuge.

Thursday, 11 February 2021

'If You are willing - I am willing.'

"If You are willing, You can make me clean. (41) Then Jesus moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, 'I am willing, be cleansed."    V40-41                                                                             Mark 1:40-45    NKJV

There was faith and determination in this man's words to Jesus. He had obviously heard about Him and how people were being healed. Having leprosy, he was an outcast; people would not go near someone who had this disease. They believed that it was caused by sin in their life and one would be defiled if they touched such a person.

We get a glimpse of Jesus' heart here; when He spoke with the man, He was filled with compassion. This man was an outcast and had nothing, no life that you could speak of. He had no one to love or to love him. Then he met Jesus and his whole life changed for the better. 'I am willing; be cleansed.'

It would be easy to berate the man. Jesus had healed him on the spot and told him to go to the priest for confirmation that he was ceremoniously clean. He was told to tell no one what had happened, but he did. Think about it for a moment though, he was not blatantly disobedient, not at all. He had been an outcast with no life at all, now he was a somebody with his life back and a future; of course he wanted to tell someone, wouldn't you? He had a story to tell. Sadly though, this prevented Jesus from preaching in the area because of the publicity, so it was an hindrance. People all over the world love to testify of God's goodness to them. He was just doing the same. He just had to tell someone.

Looking deeply into this account, we see someone with a very great need. An outcast with no one to turn to, no one to share love with. We may also see a deep poverty, that is filled with brokenness, loneliness, depression and desperation. You may be married, separated or single and life at the moment may be pretty grim. In fact, for many reasons, your life may be falling apart. No one seems to care; the telephone never rings and no one ever calls in. Money is also tight and that special job is always too difficult to secure. 

In a way, this is similar to what the man with leprosy was feeling. But notice one important thing; he didn't just sit around waiting for things to change. He became proactive and approached Jesus - 'If you are willing'. And that is all it took. He knelt down before Jesus and poured out his heart. Jesus' heart melted, and His heart will melt for you as well. Go to Him now!

Wednesday, 10 February 2021

Learn to prioritise and be flexible

"When they found Him, they said to Him, 'Everyone is looking for You." v37
                                                                                                        Mark 1:29-49    NKJV

After spending time in the synagogue, Jesus, James and John, made their way to Peter's home. However, when they arrived, Peter's mother in law was laying sick with a fever. Jesus went straight to her, took her hand and lifted her up. Immediately she was healed. Jesus was an important fellow to have around and the mother in law would have been wanting to see Him and cook Him a meal. She would not have missed this opportunity for the world, but here she was sick. But when Jesus took her hand, it was like a lightening bolt hit her and the healing power of God manifested within her. Notice that she didn't just lay there or sit around for a while after Jesus had healed her. No, she got up and served them v31. She believed and received Jesus' healing and so, she was able to get on with serving them all.

By evening time, after finishing a fine meal and fellowship, the door kept knocking and the whole city turned up on the door needing some type of ministry. Imagine that at your place - the whole city, wow! That would have been mind-blowing. Jesus, no doubt resting by this time, got up and healed many and drove out demons, forbidding them to speak because they knew Him.

Jesus was an early riser and much before dawn, He was in a solitary place praying and spending time with His Father. If He needed this, we definitely do. People had been following Him everywhere and he needed to get refreshed and re-energised, like we all need to do. Peter and the others, noticing Jesus wasn't in the house, went out to search for Him. When they found Him, Peter said, 'Everyone is looking for You.' They encouraged Him to go with them and attend to the crowds that were gathering and to the workload that they had planned. But Jesus didn't respond the way they had thought He would. He prioritised v38. Jesus did what His Father wanted Him to do, not what man was wanting. He was about His Father's business. He was focused; He didn't seek popularity, His priority was the Kingdom of God. 

Jesus shunned people's attention at times, He was driven to serve His Father and He was committed to this role. Are you getting the point of all this? Jesus didn't have a rigid, man-enforced diary. He was flexible, He created new ways forward going where the Father directed. His time was limited and He was determined to make every second count. He was busy, but not too busy for people who desperately needed Him. As I've said, He had a flexible diary. He wasn't worried about something distracting Him from what He was doing, if it was genuine. Remember the nobleman who had a dying daughter and asked Jesus to come and heal her. As He did remember, a woman with a desperate need touched the hem of His gown and this led to her own healing Mark 5:21-43. The man could have felt that Jesus had been distracted and wouldn't go with him. However, that day, both the woman and the child were healed. He was open to the direction of His Father.

Are you able to prioritise or are you one of those people who have appointments in their diary and they must be done? There are many occasions when we need to be open to the direction of the Holy Spirit. The diary may contain very important appointments but when the Holy Spirit re-directs your day, that is far more important. Stop being so rigid. Be prepared to change things around at the drop of a hat. Jesus is not chained to a diary full of appointments and He doesn't want you being either.

Be flexible. Be like Jesus. Be Holy Spirit-led and you'll be far more successful!

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

It is coming - get ready!

"(43) Go up now, look towards the sea'. So he went up and looked, and said, 'There is nothing.' And seven times he said, 'Go again.' (44) Then it came to pass the seventh time that he said, 'There is a cloud as small as a man's hand, rising out of the sea."
                                                                                                        1 Kings 18:43-44    NKJV

Elijah had proclaimed that there would be a drought for 3.5 years and there was. When the time arrived for this to be over, Elijah prayed again that the drought would end. He took his servant and they went to the top of Mt Carmel and looked out to sea. Elijah asked his servant what he could see and the servant told him that he could see nothing. Several times he asked his servant to do this and on the seventh time, the servant informed Elijah, 'There is a cloud as small as a man's hand rising out of the sea.' Elijah knew it had come and sent his servant, in the chariot to inform Ahab that the drought was over. 

It is interesting to see that the victory came on the seventh occasion, which is a similar thing to Joshua marching his army around Jericho. Remember, the wall didn't fall until the seventh time of walking around. Some people have said that the hand would have been in the shape of a fist and that may be true. What is certain is, what was in the hand. It was the victory factor. This whole example shows us the importance of persistence. Elijah waited for 3.5 years before it was time to pray for the drought to end. He then had to wait a little longer until the hand-shaped cloud rose out of the water confirming that rain was on the way.

You may have been waiting for many years for God to fulfil His promise. Up to now, it is still a dream. But, this is not the time to give up on that dream. If God said it is coming, then it is coming, so hang in there. It may have been a dry and very tough time while you have been waiting, a time when you have been tempted to doubt and feel that you got it wrong. But it is coming nearing each day. That 'fist' on the horizon didn't explode with rain straightaway. It got bigger and bigger as it came nearer and then, it rained. This is how it will be with the fruition of your dream. It is near and coming nearing, in fact, you may have a strange feeling that the 'Fist' is on the horizon now. This means it is very near.

Allow me to give you a scripture that is most relevant:

'My beloved spoke, and said to me: 'Rise up, my love, my fair one and come away. For the winter is past, the rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land. The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grapes, give a good smell. Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.'
                                                                                    Song of Solomon 2:10-13    NKJV

In other words, your success is on the horizon. That 'fist' contains the dream and blessing that you have waited for, that you have longer for all of this time. It is coming. The drought is over, spring has sprung and there is a fresh breath of the Holy Spirit coming upon you. Get ready, the dream is about to explode into your life.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Monday, 8 February 2021

Don't fret, He will fulfil His purpose.

"Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me. You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. (8) The LORD will perfect that which concerns me."                                                     Psalm 138:7-8    NKJV

Many times you will face adversity as you walk along with Jesus in your daily lives. It goes with the territory and will come from the most unlikely of place and people. When it does, the trouble it causes can be difficult to put up with. But keep on keeping on; you can do this!
Peter says: 'But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen and settle you.' 1 Peter 5:10.

A tool that God uses quite a lot to bring us through to maturity, is 'Trouble' - testing and trials. He puts us through these tests to makes us stronger and to be able to face whatever may come our way. He wants to perfect us - not to turn us into perfectionists - but to fulfil all of His promises and intentions within us. This is why Paul wrote in Philippians 1:6: 'being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you, will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ'. To complete means to fulfil, thus perfecting us. It may not feel that way at the moment but, that is the bottom line.

Let's look again at 1 Peter 5:10. Peter tells us that God will:

PERFECT  He will complete and fulfil all He has promised you - all of it. Just stay focused on Him and don't move from these promises.
ESTABLISH  God will restore everything the devil has stolen from you. Restoration is His business and he's very good at it. You may have hit rock bottom but, you're still here. Just reach out and tell Him that you trust Him and He will support you through this difficult time.
STRENGTHEN  He will give you the strength to cope with anything that comes your way. You may have discovered this already but, things are still a little wobbly. Keep standing - this is important - stand up in the strength God is giving you and refuse to surrender.
SETTLE YOU  God will place your feet on solid ground. If you keep your eyes on Him, the King - Jesus Christ, your friend and Saviour -  He will place His loving arms around you and hold you up until you are able to stand on your own. Don't forget that he is your rock and your fortress (Psalm 91). He intends to fulfil His purpose, to bring you through this rough period. Trust Him!

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Sunday, 7 February 2021

The Awakening

"So the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah and the spirit of Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the LORD of Hosts, their God."                                                                                      Haggai 1:14    NKJV

The temple of the Lord was in ruin while people were living in relative luxury in their panelled houses. God had had enough, 'Consider your ways,' He said (v1:5). It was time for an awakening - a Holy Spirit stir-up with renewed energy and desire for doing the will of God. And it is the same today. God is stirring up the church and saying the same to us, 'Consider your ways.' He will have it no other way.

To stir up means to awaken, excite, to arouse, rise up, get into the action and to open one's eye to what is happening around us today. Take a look around; we have a deadly pandemic killing thousands each day; terrorism, stabbings/murders, starvation, poverty and floods, to name just a few. I believe that we are living in the End Times. Jesus is going to return for His church sooner than later. What will He find?

God is calling each of us to consider our ways. He is shaking up His church. He is calling us to wake up and stop living for ourselves and live for Him - totally. There are a lot of souls in this world today. They need Jesus. They're hurting, scared and lost. If the church doesn't point them to Jesus, who will? How would you feel if, when you're in Heaven, you meet someone you know who is on their way to hell, because Jesus said to them, 'depart from Me, I never knew you,' and they look at you as they walk by. You may say, 'I know they need Jesus, but what can I do?' Well for one thing, live your life for Jesus. If you do this, you will have an overwhelming desire to tell people about Him.

End times means End Times, the return of Jesus could be just around the corner. Grab hold of this statement. He may come this week and we need to be ready. The church needs to wake up - big time, in fact, we all do. We need to prioritise. What is more important, writing that perfect worship song or preaching that amazing sermon, or planning how people in your family and neighbourhood, can be saved? Great worship songs are amazing and a challenging sermon or study are needed. But what is better than bringing someone into the Kingdom of God; someone who was headed to hell. 

Think about it. God is calling for an awakening; are you willing to be stirred up, excited and willing to give your all for God? If you are, then tell Him.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Saturday, 6 February 2021

When God can't forgive.

"But if you do not forgive, nether will Your Father in Heaven forgive your trespasses." 
                                                                                                            Mark 11:26    NKJV

Be careful to take note of this verse and understand it properly. God is not saying that He won't forgive you but, that He can't. Why? Because you have built a wall around yourself - a wall of bitterness. Someone has hurt you at sometime and it has gone so deep that you won't allow anything to penetrate your wall. Therefore, God cannot forgive you for the trespasses you commit and there is a break in the link between you and Your Father.

God is a loving god. His name is love because, God is Love - 1 John 4:8 +16. He lives and walks in love and he expects that we do the same. But, at times, people do or say things that deeply hurt us and our lives can be wrecked. When this happens, it is very hard to even consider forgiving them. Our whole focus on them can turn into hate. That is an opposite of love and God's heart begins to break. The longer we focus on it, the worse the hate spreads until it is hopelessly out of control.

However, please consider for a moment what happened to Jesus, Very few people believed Him. He was ridiculed and treated like an outcast. He was accused of being from the devil and wrongly arrested and tortured. His beard was pulled out - pull one hair from your face and see how it hurts. He was beaten with rods, spat at, whipped and subjected to hate and hostility. He was eventually, brutally hung on a cross and left to die while people hurled insults at Him from around the cross. However, from the cross, he was heard saying, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.' Luke 23:34.

Jesus knew what it was like to be hurt, abused, betrayed and treated like dirt. Yet, on this day, He knew how important it was to forgive all of the people who had hurt Him. This is why He was able to say from the cross, 'It is finished.' John 19:30. He had fulfilled His mission and sealed it with forgiving His enemies. It was over!

And it will be over for you as well, if you will forgive whoever has hurt you - those who you have harboured hate in your heart for. As you forgive them, it will be over - finished and you will be free. You will owe them nothing and will never be ruled by them again. As soon as you do this, that wall of bitterness will collapse and you will be able to walk over it and move on your way.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

"LET'" - It's down to you!

"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.   16 Let the word of Christ ...