Saturday, 6 February 2021

When God can't forgive.

"But if you do not forgive, nether will Your Father in Heaven forgive your trespasses." 
                                                                                                            Mark 11:26    NKJV

Be careful to take note of this verse and understand it properly. God is not saying that He won't forgive you but, that He can't. Why? Because you have built a wall around yourself - a wall of bitterness. Someone has hurt you at sometime and it has gone so deep that you won't allow anything to penetrate your wall. Therefore, God cannot forgive you for the trespasses you commit and there is a break in the link between you and Your Father.

God is a loving god. His name is love because, God is Love - 1 John 4:8 +16. He lives and walks in love and he expects that we do the same. But, at times, people do or say things that deeply hurt us and our lives can be wrecked. When this happens, it is very hard to even consider forgiving them. Our whole focus on them can turn into hate. That is an opposite of love and God's heart begins to break. The longer we focus on it, the worse the hate spreads until it is hopelessly out of control.

However, please consider for a moment what happened to Jesus, Very few people believed Him. He was ridiculed and treated like an outcast. He was accused of being from the devil and wrongly arrested and tortured. His beard was pulled out - pull one hair from your face and see how it hurts. He was beaten with rods, spat at, whipped and subjected to hate and hostility. He was eventually, brutally hung on a cross and left to die while people hurled insults at Him from around the cross. However, from the cross, he was heard saying, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.' Luke 23:34.

Jesus knew what it was like to be hurt, abused, betrayed and treated like dirt. Yet, on this day, He knew how important it was to forgive all of the people who had hurt Him. This is why He was able to say from the cross, 'It is finished.' John 19:30. He had fulfilled His mission and sealed it with forgiving His enemies. It was over!

And it will be over for you as well, if you will forgive whoever has hurt you - those who you have harboured hate in your heart for. As you forgive them, it will be over - finished and you will be free. You will owe them nothing and will never be ruled by them again. As soon as you do this, that wall of bitterness will collapse and you will be able to walk over it and move on your way.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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