Friday, 5 February 2021

Mercy and grace

"But go tell His disciples - and Peter - that He is going before you into Galilee ; there you will see Him, as He said to you." v7                                                    Mark 16:1-8    NKJV

Mary and some of the others, had gone to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body. It was very early and the sun had just risen. They were asking the question, 'Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?' Now this stone would have been large and very heavy. The setting of the stone in place would have been a relatively easy task, however, once it had slipped into the specially cut groove in the bedrock, it would have been a very difficult task to move, practically impossible for the women to do. But they had a surprise, when they arrived, the tomb was open - the stone had been rolled away and there was an angel sitting inside saying to them that Jesus had risen and gone ahead of them into Galilee.

Lesson number one, whenever we are faced with an enormous task to do, don't panic and don't doubt. God is able to move the situation out of the way if we ask and trust Him. Nothing is too difficult for Him and what is more, He is very willing to help. We become bogged down by worry and defeat otherwise. Have you ever been burdened by something, to find out later that it is now ok? That's Jesus. What is the stone in your life that is blocking the way?

The beautiful part of this message is the statement from the angel, 'But go tell His disciples and Peter' This latter part of the statement is a special message for Peter and for us too. It was an assurance of forgiveness and restoration. Peter was singled out by the angel because of Jesus' special concern for him. Peter had denied Jesus to save his own life; in other words, he had given up on Jesus by lying and insisting that he didn't know who He was and had never followed Him. And yet, Jesus thought not of the wrong Peter had done Him but the remorse that Peter was now feeling. He was a broken, wreck of a man, a person who had walked away from his friend. 
Lesson number two, it's never over until it's over. Jesus is our forever friend; our second chance friend, a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Whatever you may have done or said, it's not the end of the world when you place it into God's hands. Your heart may have hardened up but. He can roll the stone away from it and turn it into a fresh heart full of the Holy Spirit. You may have walked away from Him, but the Prodigal returned, so can you; and when you do, He will run to you, throw His arms around you and welcome you back. He will hold nothing against you, in fact, you will be classed as not guilty.

Don't be frightened to come and tell Jesus that you are sorry. Don't be embarrassed to admit to Him that you need help; the stone is too heavy to move. He is able and very willing.

Come now: 'Lord Jesus, there are many things that bother me and they are difficult to cope with. But there is one major issue in my life - a stone that needs to be rolled away. Please help me. I give my life to You this day.Please forgive me my sin, fill me with Your Spirit and be my Lord and Saviour from this day forth.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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There's still no answer from God

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