Thursday, 4 February 2021

How are your reactions? Part two

 "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man."                                                                             Matthew 15:11    NKJV

As long as we refuse to respond to anything that comes along, we are ok. But this is an impossible action. We are built to react. Stick a pin in our finger and we get a reaction. We have to learn to overcome the things that trip us up.

Take for example car parking. We like to park our car in a particular place, especially outside of our home. When someone abuses this and parks in our place - after all, we own the road - we can begin to become upset or even angry if it is done on a regular basis. 

What about someone sitting in 'your place' at church? This is unforgivable; 'how dare they'. Once again frustration, leading to anger can take over and these negative thoughts are transferred to our, 'I'll get you for this', file. 

Then of course, what about the person who borrowed something off you, nearly twenty years ago and hasn't returned it? Nearly every time you see them it is lodged within your mind that they have something of yours and never mention it. You don't like bringing it up; they borrowed it in the first place so at least, they should bring it back. Once again, it is placed in your, 'I'll get you for this' file.

For some people, these things are very important and take their peace away. But does it really matter? Does it? Are they worth losing your peace over? If you answered, 'Yes' you need help. Joking aside, when we are in possession of a 'I'll get you for this,' file we are keeping a record of wrongs. Scripture tells us, 'Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful, or proud or rude. It does not demand it's own way. It is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5    NLT.

When we have a file of people's wrongdoings, we're harbouring a grudge and over a time, the grudge can turn into a root of bad thinking - a bitter root. It spreads and before too long we begin speaking these grudges out, probably only to ourselves at first but also within the home, later we can speak outwardly about being wronged. We begin to judge and criticise and it is like the presence of the Holy Spirit has left us and we are in a mess.

Stop and think for a moment; are you harbouring a grudge against anyone? Have you a, 'I'll get you for this', file? If so, empty the contents out now before God. Give Him the issues and follow His directions. He may want you to seek forgiveness from someone. Then again, He may just want you to repent and then lose the file forever. This is so important; you cannot continue pretending there is nothing wrong. If you have an issue with someone, deal with it, forgive them and then move on.

Don't allow words from the pit to proceed out of your mouth ever again. (Ephesians 4:29). You are a Son or Daughter of the King. Act like it!

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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