Wednesday, 3 February 2021

How are your reactions?

"Stop being angry! Turn from rage! Do not lose your temper, it only leads to harm." 
                                                                                                     Psalm 37:8    NLT

The moment we give in to anger, we have lost control. We need to change this, although, it is easier said than done. It is possible however by taking control of our reactions and our mouth. This has to be done very quickly because, when anger surfaces, a message is sent from our hearts to the mouth and then if we're not careful, we begin to let rip. Be honest with yourself, who has never done this? Not many I am sure.

Therefore, taking control is the best way forward. Ephesians 4:26-27 says, 'And don't sin by letting anger control you. Don't let the sun go down while your are still angry. (27) For anger gives a foothold to the devil.' If we give the devil the opportunity, he is only too pleased to take it. When we're angry, the devil uses a foothold on us, 'You're not going to let them get away with that are you? Go on, go and give them what they deserve. You'll feel a lot better after that.' No you won't, that's a lie. If you let your guard down and give in to anger by letting rip at someone, you will feel awful afterwards. The Holy Spirit will be grieved and you will know this.

I remember over thirty years ago, parking outside of an office in a local town. It was only for a short time while I picked something up. On my return to the car, I had been given a parking ticket. The traffic warden was over the road speaking to a policeman, so I went over and tried to explain. It did no good at all, I would have to pay. Instead of walking away, I gave him a piece of my mind - a big piece. I reminded him of how people like him ruin people's working lives and they get a kick out of it. Oh yes, I really gave it to him. I then got into my car and screeched away like a boy racer.

When I arrived at my destination, about a mile away, God clearly said to me, 'Go back and apologise, you were rude and out of line.' 'You've got to be joking Lord, that ticket has cost me £60.' I replied. 'Go back and apologise, God said.
I drove back to where I had received the parking ticket, as slow as I could, hoping that they had gone. Wrong! They were still there chatting and laughing at something - probably me. 'AAARGH'
I parked right next to them, got out and apologised to them both. I told them that I was a Christian and should not have acted rudely towards them. They couldn't believe it but said it was ok, no harm done. For myself, I felt a great weight being taken off my shoulders.

You may have had similar things happen to you. It really shouldn't be this way, but we're only a work in progress. However, we need to learn to:

'Stop being angry! Turn from rage! Do not lose your temper - it only leads to harm.'

It does take great practice but the dividends are great!

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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