Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Be careful who you listen to

"Get behind Me Satan. For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of man.' v33                                                                                Mark 8:31-33.  NKJV

Jesus had just spoken to His disciples about what lay ahead for Him - suffering, rejection, death and finally, Resurrection. On hearing this, Peter took Him on one side and began to rebuke Him. However, Jesus turned around and faced the other disciples and rebuked Peter, severely. What was happening here? Genuinely, Peter was concerned about what Jesus had told them and, because of this concern wanted to protect Jesus.

From one point of view, this was a nice thing to do - it displayed his love for Jesus. From another, Peter had crossed the line. Jesus was a friend but He was also the Son of God and nothing could stand in His way of fulfilling God's work. Peter's actions were very reminiscent of Satan's attempts to hoodwink Jesus in the wilderness. (Matthew 4). This had used up all of Jesus' strength by combating the temptations so much, that He had to have angels minister to Him afterwards. (Matthew 4:11).

This was not the kind of dialogue that Jesus needed. Don't forget that He was still in human form and was subject to all that we encounter. It must have seemed very hurtful for Peter but it had to be done.

Well-meaning people may often come and seek us out when we broadcast that we are going to do a certain thing for God. Some are genuine and just don't want us to make a mistake. However, others may be controlled by Satan to overthrow an important piece of work that God has given us to do. It's always difficult when we are facing such things. We feel we've heard God but it's difficult to be certain. When we are at this stage, to have someone offering us doubt and concern can only add to the confusion.

When I am faced with such a thing as this, I don't rush in but I ponder it, checking scripture to get some confirmation - which is not always easy. I count the cost and listen to people's comments, matching them with the scripture to get clarification. I consider their motives for speaking such concern to me and I attempt to analyse if Satan to trying to block God's work. Usually for me, after a while, if it is God I begin to feel a glow of excitement about it all and this leads to peace. I then begin to feel this is what God may have in mind for me to do. 

There is always a sense of being scared about it all. I class this as being spiritually healthy and if it is not there, I been to feel it may not be from God at all. It is always sensible to be cautious. If we are too full of ourselves, it may not be the right thing to do.

Check to see if there is a:
*  a glow of excitement about it?
*  Have you a sense of peace?
*  Is there a healthy feeling of apprehension and a sense of being scared?

If that is all there, there's a very good chance that God has a piece of work for you to do.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

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