"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits." Psalm 103:1-5 NKJV
The benefits that are handed out to people who cannot work for some reason or other, in the UK, are means-tested. This means they give it to you with one hand but, if you receive finance from another quarter, they will take the equivalent away with the other hand. Thank goodness that God's not like this. His benefits far outweigh any you could receive anywhere else.
This is why David here, tells us to bless the Lord with our souls:
Our Minds:
what we think and say; what we profess or confess; what goes on within us.
Our Will:
our determination to be faithful to God; to be a trusted follower of His; what we do
Our Emotions:
How we receive His benefits with gratitude in our hearts towards Him and show compassion to others with the willingness to try and bless them too.
His benefits cover a multitude of things, but here David mentions, forgiveness, healing, redemption, love and compassion and an attitude of gratitude and satisfaction towards God, so that we feel renewed - and this is for each day of our lives.
Think back if you will, on all the things that you have done wrong in your life. Yes, God has forgiven you, if you've asked Him to, but if you were God, would you? Would you forgive? Some of us can't even forgive ourselves when we have done something wrong, let alone forgive others. Thank goodness for God.
There have been times when you were ill, on medication and with a deep fear within your heart about it all. But God turned up and laid His healing hand on you. What about when God rescued you (redeemed) from certain destruction or death?
Each and everyday, He showers us with love and kindness - His love knows no end. Ok, things may go wrong and there may be pain for some people. However, He never leaves your side and shows you endless tenderness.
He has given you satisfaction. You have food and clothes and live in nice places. You are blessed. At this moment, you may not feel that you are blessed but, you are and as you begin confessing that you are blessed over and over, something will happen - you'll begin to believe it.
Try it - try saying, 'I am blessed, I am blessed'. Keep saying it, then begin to shout it out. Open the windows and shout it outside at the top of your voice. You may get taken away, but relax, if you do, God will redeem you, still shouting, 'I am blessed'. π
As you confess this over and over, you will not only believe it, but you'll begin to live it. You'll believe and accept it so much that you will live a blessed and a satisfied life with God's benefits.
Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard