Monday, 22 February 2021

'Lord, I need Your help'

"I called on the LORD in distress; the LORD answered me and set me in a broad place." 
                                                                                                        Psalm 118:5    NKJV

There may have been times when you have been in distress - in anguish - when it seemed that everything was against you and there didn't appear to be a way out. Then Jesus turned up in answer to your call for help. You may have been in a dangerous position - life-threatening even and, as you called out to God, He was there quick as a flash to help.

The scripture above reads, that God set the psalmist in a broad place. This means that when God answered, He set him free, delivered him and gave him the victory. If you've been on the end of a desperate prayer such as this, you too have been delivered, given the victory and totally rescued.

There are many who have become enveloped and chained in difficult situations and you may be in one of them right now. You may have tried everything to set yourself free but, it has all been in vane. There is only one who can set us free from anything and, His name is Jesus. (John 8:36). 
Some of us need to be set free from habits that have become a rigid part of out lives. It may be over-eating - obesity, drinking too much alcohol or smoking. Pleasures at the time but pleasures that can reduce the length of our lives, drastically. It may be difficult to change this but with Jesus' help, it can be attained. It just takes a little dedication, commitment and sheer hard work. Some people can do this by going cold turkey, others can't. Don't be put off by this; Jesus has the answer for you. You must though, recognise that He may not just wave His hand over you and the habit has gone. He can set you free this way and has done to many in the past, but not always. He may expect you to bite the bullet and be prepared - with His help - for a determined effort.

Many folk may have burdens and hurts from the past. They crop up from time to time but they are usually buried before anyone can notice this. When we do this, it is similar to painting a very cracked wall with whitewash. Initially, the job looks good but then it dries and all the cracks come back to the surface and they look uglier. In the same manner, our burdens and hurt do the same. They're forever there until you decide to do something about it, such as ministry, counselling or prayer. You may not want this but it's better than a lifetime of bad memories, isn't it?

Try this:

'Lord Jesus, I recognise that I need your help. I need to be set free from my stubborn habits such as......................Please help me Lord. I also have burdens and hurts from the past such as ............................. Again, please help me Jesus. I know that you have flagged this up today, so I come to You in faith, approaching Your throne of grace in my time of need, and ask You to heal me and set me free. May the chains fall off today Lord. Also, Lord, I have walked away from You like the Prodigal, I return right now and give my life back to You. Come into my heart, forgive my sins, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and be My Lord and Saviour.
I ask these things in Jesus' name. Amen

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