Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Get ready for the battle

"Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. (13) And He was there in the wilderness forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts and the angels ministered to Him."                                                                        Mark 1:12-13     NKJV

Have you ever wondered why we go through times of extreme temptation and bad times? Being a Christian is not always easy. Many unbelievers probably think we spend our time sitting on grass singing songs and being extremely happy. How wrong they are. It can be hard work. Jesus had just had a major blessing from His Father. He had been baptised by John and then, the Holy Spirit had descended upon Him like a dove. The Father had then said, 'You are My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.' Mark 1:11. Immediately after this, the Holy Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. It's easy to picture Jesus being driven out there in a Heavenly Range Rover. But, joking aside, this was not the case; the 'drove' means, 'Forced'. Jesus was in no way cast out, He went willingly at the Holy Spirit's direction. But He had to face the battles ahead. You can be sure that whenever you have a wonderful blessing, you are soon going to be entering a time of difficulty. Things can go like this in Kingdom business. 

In verse 13, we read that Jesus had to face being tempted by Satan and be with wild beasts. At this time, lions and other dangerous animals roamed the area; this may have been the meaning of this term. However, some interpreters see an allusion to the wild beasts being demons. Whatever it was, it was enough to ensure that Jesus had angels to minister to Him.

If Jesus had to face this, you can be sure that you will too. You will have blessings and attacks, but as long as you stay close to Jesus, you will be fine. Remember, you are the sheep and He, is your Shepherd. Jesus is a great example of how to handle temptation and demonic attack. He stood firm; He answered everything with the Word of God and He refused to become involved with anything that is not of God.

You may be going through a bad time at the moment. It is not always the devil who does this. God will test you in order to assess how determined and strong you are in certain areas. Let's face it, if you are going to fall flat on your face at the first hurdle, then you need some help. Jesus tests us to analyse how capable we are. It is Satan that sends the bad stuff and who tempts us in our weak spots.

We all need to be equipped enough to carry out the duties that our Commanding Officer - Jesus - is giving us. So, let us get in trim; do some working out in God's Word so that when the time comes, you will overcome.

Monday, 1 March 2021

Don't get led astray

"Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod." 
                                                                                                   v15 of Mark 8:13-21    NKJV

Leaven, which is yeast, was used sparingly in the art of bread making. The Jews mostly ate flatbreads and would mop up their dishes with this, following a meal. If too much yeast was used, then the bread would puff up too high. Yeast was only used in very small measures. It was thought that yeast was a corrupting agent and most certainly not suitable for the Passover. Too much yeast would corrupt the dough in the same way, that being led astray by Pharisaical teaching could puff a person up. In addition, it was not recommended to operate with violence and brute force as Herod and his troops did.

The disciples missed it completely. They thought Jesus was complaining that because they had forgotten to get more bread, they would only have one loaf and that would be disastrous for them. One can almost hear the frustration in Jesus' reply which I have paraphrased: 'You worry about one loaf; what did I do last time? Can't I provide more bread for us? You're missing the point, something else is going on here.'

Jesus was warning them about the puffed up pride of the Pharisees; the way they feel that they are the bees-knees - the elite force in knowing God. It was a 'We are right,' mentality and much of the troubles in society today, is caused by religious argument and the twisting of what God said or didn't say. The Kingdom of God was not led by such religious thought; it was led by meekness, humility and love.

Jesus wanted the disciples to be aware of false teaching; of being led astray by self-seeking, puffed up religious thinking. And it is the same today for us. This is why Jesus told the seventy two, He was sending out, recorded in Luke 10, 'Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves' v3. In the wrong company, we can be ripped apart by false teachers and puffed up people. Be careful. If you meet someone who loves continually talking about themselves, treat them with caution. Love always puts others first. Read about it in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8, and you will get a good idea of the type of people God wants us to associate with, and become.

It's easy to become puffed up, especially if someone is always patting you on the back or if you are seeking their praise because you have dome something wonderful in the church or community.It's very easy to promote yourself. If you find yourself doing this, and we all have at some time or another, stop it immediately and begin to praise Jesus instead.
Don't get led astray!

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Call back all the devil has stolen

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly."     John 10:10    NKJV

As I was waiting on the Lord this morning, for something to write; I asked Him, 'Lord, what do You want me to say?' Straightaway, my mobile pinged. It was my wife, Hazel. She had sent this text:

'There is one thing he cannot steal and kill and destroy, and that is the Blood of Jesus shed for me and the Word of my Testimony, that Jesus Christ is Lord of my life'
                                                                                                           Hazel Howard 2021

This got me thinking around John 10:10. Satan has stolen many things from people: lives, marriages, children, good health, riches and much more. But, he cannot steal our salvation. We belong to Jesus Christ. Our names are written in Heaven, in fact, we have stamped on us, 'Made in Heaven', and he cannot change that at all.

Just think what Satan has stolen from you. It may be family, who have become separated from you causing total heartache. It could be your health or prosperity. Question: are you just going to sit there and die? This is what the four leprous men said in 2 Kings 7:3-4. They decided they were going to get up and do something about it; and so should you! Satan may have broken your heart, that's what he does, he's the joy robber. But Jesus is the joy bringer, He's very good at repairing hearts.

In Psalm 23, we read of the shepherd with a rod and a staff. The rod would probably have been, solid oak and about two foot long. It's purpose was to drive off any wild animals that tried to attack the sheep. The staff was for guidance. Often the sheep would fall into deep holes or fall down a hill. The shepherd would use his staff to pull them to safety. Nothing gets past a shepherd.

We need to realise that Jesus is our Shepherd. That He wants to guide us and bring justice to our lives. He is on our side. Therefore, we need to stand up, pray and take back what the devil has stolen. We need to believe that it is God's highest desire to bless us with superabundance and good health. So, we need to line up our highest desire with His. We then have agreement. The devil is a robber of our faith, health and prosperity, but God is the abundance giver, the healer and the rewarder. 

Jesus has your best interests at heart. Get in line with Him and ask Him for help. Get your authority bubbling in the name of Jesus and order the devil to return all he has stolen. Take Jesus at His Word and get your faith stirred up. Then sit and wait for the angels to bring you your request!

Saturday, 27 February 2021

How do you see yourself?

"(31) We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we ..... (33) we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight." 
                                                                                             Numbers 13:30 - 31 + 33   NKJV

Canaan was a land of opportunity that God wanted to lead His people into. Caleb saw this and said, 'Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it.' v30. However, fear distorts faith and truth and it also devours people's judgements. This fear provoked a lie within the others and so, they presented a bad report. 'We are not able to go up against the people', they protested, 'they are stronger than we are.' v31

They looked at the giants and felt that there was no chance they could move there. They felt like grasshoppers in comparison to the giants, and because of this they were; the giants saw them this way. Doubt and fear produces a low self-image and people see us as we see ourselves. If you are of a strong and productive nature, people around you will notice this determination that you present and will be impressed. If you hide away in a corner, they will pass by because you are no threat to them. We either have a giant mentality or a grasshopper one. Which are you? God sees us as winners and overcomers. How do you see yourself? Our attitudes either lift us or bury us when we possess a, 'I can do this,' or 'I can't do this,' attitude.

 In all honesty, the giants were not the Israelite's problem, their tongues were and what they confessed from their mouths. When we confess doubt, we receive doubt in return. We begin to believe it and so, we go nowhere. Many people today, allow fear and doubt to rules their lives. They won't take risks; they want the answer before they've asked the question. Remember the waters of the River Jordan didn't part until the priests stood in the water. When they did, the water stood still and rose in a heap, and the people were able to cross over. Joshua 3:14-16.

Things happen when we exercise faith; when we speak faith out of our mouths and when we feel and hear it in our hearts; 'So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.' Romans 10:17. 

Do you believe a bad report or do you go for the good one? How do you react when you hear bad news? Remember, God has the final word; therefore we need to place our trust in Him. He can change any situation - and I do mean any!

Today, see yourself as a Man or Woman of God. A believing, Holy Spirit filled, soldier of Almighty God. Fear and doubt do not figure in such a life - only Spirit-Filled faith.

Friday, 26 February 2021

Make it a habit to focus on Jesus.

"Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth."  
                                                                                              v2 of Colossians 3:1-2     NKJV  

These two verses  in Colossians 3, give us a good insight into focusing all we have on Jesus - the author and finisher of our faith. We have been raised with Christ. Those who have been baptised by submersion, symbolically died with Jesus as they went under the water and as they re-surfaced, they were raised to a new life in Jesus. Baptism is an outward sign to the world that we belong to Jesus. Don't worry though if you haven't been baptised. It won't prevent you getting into heaven. If you've accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour then you have died to your old life and been raised to a new life in Him. Baptism is a symbolic example of belonging to Jesus. Maybe if you haven't been baptised, you may want to do this at some stage.

Now that we belong to Jesus, we are to set our minds on Him. The world has relatively nothing to offer like Jesus has. We have His DNA; we have identified with Him by being born again. Therefore, we need to make a daily habit to focus on the things above where Jesus is. On the earth, things are all gloom and doom; there's endless news on Covid 19, political arguments, violence and deep unrest all over the place. It doesn't draw us to it and is definitely, not edifying. Newspapers are just full of stuff that can lead our thoughts away from what matters the most.

What we think about affects us more than we realise. Unimportant things can take our minds over. Whenever we hear gossip, we should nip it in the bud straightaway before it takes a hold and we begin to see it as the truth. All through our day, we encounter things that want to misguide us and lead us in the wrong direction. We become wound up over something that really does not matter, such we take the dog out and it begins to rain - heavily. On the walk, despite being saturated, the dog decides to do, 'his business', right in the middle of some grass which has now become quite muddy. 'Why can't you do it next to the path?' you exclaim as the dog looks at you wondering what you're saying. Think, yes you're wet and you're now covered in mud; but is it really worth losing the peace of God.

Be in control of your thoughts; focus on Jesus - on the spiritual reality of heaven. Let this control your motivations. Make it a daily habit, rather than being caught up with earthly things. When you set your mind on things above, you are setting your mind on higher things - Jesus, the Holy Spirit and all He wants to show you today.

Make it a habit to speak in tongues more and more. You may not understand it and the devil definitely doesn't understand it and he hates this fact and becomes paranoid that you may be plotting something against him. But you're probably not; he's not that important anyway because you're speaking to the one who really matter, Jesus Himself; and He totally understands what you're saying.

Thursday, 25 February 2021

God's benefits

"Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits."           Psalm 103:1-5   NKJV

The benefits that are handed out to people who cannot work for some reason or other, in the UK, are means-tested. This means they give it to you with one hand but, if you receive finance from another quarter, they will take the equivalent away with the other hand. Thank goodness that God's not like this. His benefits far outweigh any you could receive anywhere else. 

This is why David here, tells us to bless the Lord with our souls: 
Our Minds:
what we think and say; what we profess or confess; what goes on within us.
Our Will:
our determination to be faithful to God; to be a trusted follower of His; what we do
Our Emotions:
How we receive His benefits with gratitude in our hearts towards Him and show compassion to others with the willingness to try and bless them too.

His benefits cover a multitude of things, but here David mentions, forgiveness, healing, redemption, love and compassion and an attitude of gratitude and satisfaction towards God, so that we feel renewed - and this is for each day of our lives.

Think back if you will, on all the things that you have done wrong in your life. Yes, God has forgiven you, if you've asked Him to, but if you were God, would you? Would you forgive? Some of us can't even forgive ourselves when we have done something wrong, let alone forgive others. Thank goodness for God.

There have been times when you were ill, on medication and with a deep fear within your heart about it all. But God turned up and laid His healing hand on you. What about when God rescued you (redeemed) from certain destruction or death?

Each and everyday, He showers us with love and kindness - His love knows no end. Ok, things may go wrong and there may be pain for some people. However, He never leaves your side and shows you endless tenderness.

He has given you satisfaction. You have food and clothes and live in nice places. You are blessed. At this moment, you may not feel that you are blessed but, you are and as you begin confessing that you are blessed over and over, something will happen - you'll begin to believe it.

Try it - try saying, 'I am blessed, I am blessed'. Keep saying it, then begin to shout it out. Open the windows and shout it outside at the top of your voice. You may get taken away, but relax, if you do, God will redeem you, still shouting, 'I am blessed'. 😀

As you confess this over and over, you will not only believe it, but you'll begin to live it. You'll believe and accept it so much that you will live a blessed and a satisfied life with God's benefits.

Wednesday, 24 February 2021


"You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain."                                       John15:16    NKJV

You are a beloved friend of Jesus (v14). He chose you, not the other way around. That is amazing in itself. Jesus chose you and I; we didn't have to do a thing. He came along and chose us to be His friend. He trusts us enough to say this. We are friends of Jesus Christ and He has appointed us - ordained us to serve Him every day of our lives.

Each day, we have a choice whether to serve God. This is an over and over kind of thing. It's not just when we said, 'Yes', to Him and He came into our lives but, each and every day, we need to choose to serve Him afresh. It's a daily decision. Some would disagree and say that they serve Him anyway. However, this is a way of rubber-stamping the fact and it keeps us on our toes instead of getting staid.

We choose to serve Him in every situation. We all have choices. We have a choice to be depressed or blessed. You may say that you can't help being depressed but. God's Word disagrees by saying, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Philippians 4:13. We were delivered from this and healed, 'by whose stripes you were healed.' 1 Peter 2:24 and 'who heals all your diseases.' Psalm 103:3. We have a choice to make, so choose to be well and blessed.

Serve God and Him only. Each day we are faced with many alternatives. We must continually choose to serve God - wholeheartedly! Therefore, we can say, 'I choose not to lie, I choose not to steal, I choose not to commit adultery, I choose not to judge or criticise' etc. etc. We have to make the choice today, not tomorrow. 

If you have made the choice to follow Jesus and live for Him and Him only, then He will help you accomplish this. A well used Proverb is one that I recommend you stand on:

'Trust in the LORD with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways, acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

                         Proverbs 3:5-6    NKJV


'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...