"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye."
Psalm 32:8 NKJV
God is committed to teaching us - if we will listen. The latter part of this verse in the Amplified, reads like this: 'I will counsel you (who are willing to learn), with My eye upon you. The Hebrew word for teach is yarah and it means, 'to shoot straight,' or 'direct the flow of something.'
God wants to direct the flow of our heart and therefore, He is willing to spend quality time with us to do so. The thing is are we willing to allow Him to do this?
We are told in Proverbs 3:5-6 to: 'Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths'. So this gives us further confirmation of how God wants to teach and direct us. Some people enjoy learning. They do courses on a regular basis and love the challenge of it. Others find it tedious and will do everything they can to wriggle out of a particular course.
I love learning but I don't know about you, I find it very difficult to concentrate on certain things. I start off ok and then my brain says, 'I've had enough,' and I drift off into some kind of daydream or plan that I have for later on. I really have to discipline myself so that I can appreciate and understand what I am being taught. I feel that I'm not the only one who has a low-attention span such as this.
I find that taking notes helps me to focus but, I also have to be careful that I don't write too much down and miss what the preacher, teacher or lecturer is saying. Not everyone has the skill to use Pitman's Shorthand, I wish I did, so I write short bullet point notes down, being careful that it is not too difficult to understand later when I am at home.
From a biblical point of view, God wants us to learn, whether we're studying the bible or on a course at work or university. He promises us here that He will instruct us, teach us and guide us, if we are willing to learn. That is the condition - being willing to learn? We need to settle that in our minds first. If we can answer a 'yes' to this then He will start to direct the flow of our learning. God is not looking for us all to be academical clones of Einstein, not at all. He is interested in us learning, knowing and living out His Word on a daily basis. When we can do this, we are equipped to use scripture against the devil's attacks such as Jesus did in the wilderness. He told Satan, 'It is written'. Be honest, we can't say, 'it is written' unless we know where it is written. We need to be familiar with scripture so that we can stand on God's promises and use His Word as a sword when we need to.
But more than this, studying and reading our bibles is the most popular way that God speaks to us. Yes, we can and do hear His voice on the inside of us, but He will more than anything, speak to us through the bible. When we have a problem, we need to find a relevant verse to pray and agree with. The thing is, if we can’t identify scripture verses, it is difficult to put this into action. All the more, why we need to be willing to learn and allow Our Father to direct the flow of His Word into our hearts.
Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard