"Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth." Ephesians 6:14 NKJV
Paul had just finished describing how we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against Satan and his demonic forces. He then goes on to discuss wearing the armour of God. Now at this time, he would have been in prison, so seeing Roman soldiers would have given him the creativity to write about armour. I would like us, to take a look at the belt of truth.
Roman soldiers, and indeed many ancient soldiers before them, wore a long tunic under their armour which protected their abdomen. They used a very wide belt to gather up the surplus part of their tunic so that they could operate properly. Hence, girding up the loins - tightening the belt so as not to hinder their action or possibly trip up. The belt held everything together and they were then prepared. The metaphor of tightening one's belt may have come from this time.
Some people think that the belt is not part of the armour but, it is an essential part. Without the belt around a soldiers waist, the soldiers undergarments would be flapping around and cause him to be distracted in battle. Wearing a belt, keeps everything in place so that, the rest of the armour is a better fit. The soldier is then prepared for battle.
Think about that for a moment. Without the truth girded around your waist, you will never win the spiritual battles that will come your way. It prepares you for strenuous activity. Truth serves as the central point of the battle at hand. If truth is lost, the battle is lost also.
We need to operate in the truth. Jesus is the truth and we need to walk with Him in such a way. (John 14:6) We need to be honourable and if we desire for God to bless us and our work, we need to be 100% truthful in all that we do, think or say. Hence, why we need to put on this belt of truth, daily.
Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard