Saturday, 7 August 2021

Faith or Fear

"Jesus said to them, 'Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith and confidence [in Me]?" v40                                                        Mark 4:35-41    Amplified Study Bible

After a busy ministry day, Jesus suggested they go over the other side of the Sea of Galilee. As can often happen in this region, a storm broke out and the waves became very troublesome. They feared they would sink and were dismayed to see that Jesus was asleep in the stern. After challenging Jesus, practically saying that He didn't care that they were in peril, Jesus stood up and stilled the water and peace was restored. 

Now, the disciples had been with Jesus for some time, witnessing many miracles. One would have thought they felt secure with Him. This resulted in Jesus rebuking them because of their lack of faith and trust in Him to take care of them. Jesus had been very much at peace as He gently snoozed on a cushion. He was very content and this was the way he had been teaching His disciples to be, as well. They appeared to grasp hold of this concept and then, at the first sign of fear, panicked.

Let us be honest, we can all be this way. We confess our trust in Him and tell who we may about His faithfulness and then, when a storm comes our way, we can be a bundle of nerves. 'How are we going to pay this bill', we say when an unexpected envelope drops on our mat. 'I've not allowed for this, we'll be skint.' And then, what about when the doctor rings and says he wants to see us to discuss an abnormality? Panic sets in and we begin to believe the worst. 

Have we forgotten that, when we gave our hearts to Jesus, He told us not to worry, 'But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness {His way of doing and being right - the attitude and character of God}, and all these things will be given to you also.' Matthew 6:33 Amplified.  Jesus expects us to put Him in the driving seat of our life. This means being people of faith, not fear, which is the total opposite. 

When a crisis comes along, the first thing we should do, is call on Jesus. That is how He wants it to be. I remember Pastor Ray McCauley preaching that the church in South Africa had received a huge bill. On looking at the amount of the bill, he said to Jesus, 'Jesus, we can't pay this, it is your problem, not mine. I'm going home' And he did and God honoured him and the debt was paid.

You may feel this is quite rude and alien to how you would speak to Jesus. However, this worked for Pastor Ray and he believed that God wants us to be this way with Him. It is called, exercising our faith, not fear.

Friday, 6 August 2021

Lies and deceit.

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly."     John 10:10     NKJV 

Following Daniel's night with the lions, he had no injury whatsoever. God had protected him as he did, Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego, while they were in the hot furnace (Daniel 3). It could well have been a scary night but, if it was, Daniel showed no sign of it. 

Think about this episode for a moment. How would you have handled this? Christians in many parts of the world suffer terrible persecutions, even losing their lives because of their faith. Yet, they do not give in.

Temptation to compromise can be strong when we find ourselves in difficult circumstances. People may try to persuade us to take an easier route, 'You can always repent afterwards, God will forgive you.' He probably would, but would we forgive ourselves? Jesus took the route to the cross. He took no easier route but, went the whole way suffering the pain and the humiliation for us. Shouldn't we do the same? It's hard to say you would when you're not in the situation, but it may be different if you are. I believe at times such as this, Jesus gives us the strength to be able to cope with it all, no matter what.

When we are going through difficult situations and we are ready to throw the towel in and compromise our faith, we can almost hear the devil whispering, 'Go on, do it, no one will know.' Don't ever fall for that lie, because he will tell tales about you, after all, he's a liar. He's also a thief too (John 10:10), he will steal all that you have got if you let him, in fact, he will destroy you.

You see, the devil has nothing to look forward to. He has blown it and will suffer the consequences when Jesus returns. Therefore, he wants to take as many people with him as possible. However, take another look at the experiences of Daniel and his young friends. They knew they were in for a bad time and it would lead to their death. However, their trust was in God and they would not turn from that.

You may be going through a rough time at present. You may be at risk of losing your job because of your faith. Then again, you may be suffering terrible persecutions because people know you trust Jesus. Stand firm and keep standing (Ephesians 6). Call on Jesus and He will stand with you. Don't let the devil steal your faith. Take authority in Jesus' Name. Like Daniel and his friends, they will discover that they cannot take you on and win, because Jesus gives you the victory.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 5 August 2021


"Then this Daniel distinguished himself above the governors and the satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king gave thought to setting him over the whole realm."                                                                                                Daniel 6:3   NKJV

Because of Daniel's strong relationship with God, he had been given an excellent spirit that dwelt within him. This meant that people were drawn to him and kings felt he was the right type of person to rule under them. This, understandably caused a lot of friction with other people.

Darius, had set governors and satraps over his kingdom and they ruled their various territory. Daniel was made a governor and in the end, Darius promoted him to president over the presidents - the top man, second only to Darius himself. This is similar to how Joseph had been made ruler years before.

The other governors wanted him out of the way but could find nothing positive to accuse him of. Then the sleaze began. They remembered that he prayed to God 3x daily, so they persuaded Darius to make it law that no one should worship or pray to anyone except Darius himself for a 30 day period. Darius was reluctant to do this but submitted to their demands. Anyone caught breaking this decree would be thrown into the lion's den.

It didn't take them long to gather the evidence they needed to convict Daniel. He prayed three times every day and nothing would stop him from doing this. They reported the matter to Darius, who liked Daniel but, again had to stick to his decree. Daniel was placed in the lion's den. Darius' words to Daniel were, 'Your God, whom you serve continually, He will deliver you.' This demonstrated how much he cared for Daniel.

Sleaze is defined as anything that casts a shadow, stain or scandal upon a public figure ruining their credibility and reputation. One only has to look into politics of our day, all over the world, to see sleaze in action. It totally brings a public figure down. Jealousy is the chief cause behind this; people who can't get their own way so they either, make up lies about them or expose their failings. In a way, it is telling tales and creating gossip and slander. However, it usually works. But, not in Daniel's case.

Daniel's friends would have no doubt said things to him, such as, 'Just tone things down for the 30 days Daniel; don't let them see you praying, close the blinds'. However, not Daniel, he would not compromise, he was a man of God and nothing would stop this old man from honouring God.

He had an excellent spirit within him and God was about to honour His man. Daniel was placed into the lion's den. Darius, had no sleep that night thinking and hoping that Daniel would be ok and the words he had spoken to him, would come about. Early the next day, he raced to the lion's den and called for Daniel. Daniel came to him and said that God had sent an angel to keep the lion's mouths shut. Thus he was ok. Wowzer!

Daniel was honoured and, so will you be if you place Jesus in first place in your life. But, note the 'excellent spirit within'. This puts a seal on our relationship with our Father. No matter what sleaze is brought against us, whatever dirt is dug up, God will honour us. Our sins of the past are dealt with by Jesus. Just ensure that you readily repent each day in order to remain in that special place with Him.


Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Keep your simplicity

"But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ."      2 Corinthians 11:3    NKJV 

Today, as I walked our dog, we saw a black cat who immediately, raced into some bushes to get away from the dog as he began to bark at it. As our dog was on a long lead, he ran up to the bush where the cat had entered. He didn't try to follow the cat but what he did do, was to foul the area by cocking his leg and watering the opening to the bush. I thought, 'that cat will never exit from that part of the bush again.

It made me think about this, In this world, the devil attempts to block our way to Jesus any way that he can. We begin to get close to Jesus and the devil sends something our way which is ready to disable our walk with Him. 

It all started in the Garden of Eden that day, (Genesis 3). The serpent tricked Eve into tasting the fruit that was attracting her attention. Paraphrased, the serpent told Eve that it would be ok to pick and eat the fruit; God didn't mean it that way. 'Look at it, it's very lovely.' And, this is how he still catches Christians out today. He plays on our weaknesses by convincing us that it will be ok to try this or that, out. 

This was why the apostle Paul was so concerned. He knew that there were false teachers going around, speaking contradictory words about what God's word was saying. As the serpent deceived Eve with his craftiness, he was using these false teachers to do the same, and he still does today and, they make their way into churches too.

Paul mentions the simplicity that is in Christ. This is better recognised as, our sincerity and pure devotion to Jesus. We should never allow anything or anyone to lead us away from the truth that is in the Word of God. They are lies. Anything that contradicts what God says, is a lie. 

Think for a moment, what is in this world today that is accepted as normal and yet contradicts everything that you believe in? It's in the world and the world accepts it and if you challenge it, you could get arrested or at the least, ridiculed. These things are spoken by false teachers and are most definitely from a different spirit.

Be careful that you don't get hoodwinked and lose your simplicity.

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Stain remover

"Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside , redeeming the time. 6 Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one."                                                                             Colossians 4:5-6   NKJV

Walking in wisdom is having the ability to discern and judge what is true and what isn't. It is having insight; so therefore, a person with wisdom is able to make a wise judgement. We need this wisdom because each and every day, we do not know what we are going to face' and this includes believers and non-believers. 

Actually, for the person on the 'outside' - a non-believer, time really is slipping away. None of us know when our lives will end and, for them to end without Jesus means that the person only has one more journey - to hell. God doesn't want that but He doesn't want us bombarding them with heavy God talk either. Each person is different and we need to learn how to handle them and their situation. 

Grace must be an uppermost priority. God uses grace in His dealings with us, we need to do the same. Therefore, our conversations with non-believers needs to be 'seasoned with salt.' This means, being Jesus to them, learning to get into their internal frame of reference, which means being able to sit in their shoes, and learn to know where they are coming from and how they are feeling, what baggage they are carrying. This is called empathy. It also means, not doing all of the talking but, listening instead. 

Salt, incidentally, among many other things, is a very good stain remover. It will remove rust, coffee and tea stains and most other stubborn marks. One can see why the apostle Paul used the term, 'seasoned with salt'. The word of God can remove the stains of sin, what non-believers need most of all. 

Being Jesus to the people we meet, can help cleanse these stains. However, we can only reach their needs by being able to sit in their shoes. Once we do this, they will trust us enough to open up

Monday, 2 August 2021

God's Word reaches the parts our's cannot

"So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
                                                                                                       Isaiah 55:11    NKJV 

God's word is a certainty. Note the 'it shall accomplish what I' and the 'I sent it' We can stand on street corners and preach the Word but, it may not achieve very much unless God sent us to preach this in the first place. God sends the word and He chooses who to send it through and it will accomplish what He has sent it for. It will never return empty but it will be effective. 

Now the effectiveness of God's word may not reach fruition for some time but, it will reach it, we can be sure of that. Prophecy may have been spoken over you but, as of yet, nothing has happened. Don't give up, if you believe it is from God, it will surely come about at some stage. God's timing is absolutely  perfect.

We may often pray over someone or for someone at the request of a prayer request. But, it may be that you never seem to hear the result of this prayer but, you don't know what is happening in the Spirit world. The person you prayed for may have received the answer to the prayer and you may never know. But, that doesn't matter; what does, is that there was any answer to the prayer. God's word never returns empty.

Grandmothers have prayed salvation for the family and future family that they will never see, and later on down the line that family member is saved and goes on to carry the name of Jesus. All we need to do, is pray the word of God and then, leave it to Him to sort out the rest. So be encouraged, your family members may not be saved at this time but, if you pray for them, God's word will not return void.

We need to believe and stand on God's word. It will never let us down.

Sunday, 1 August 2021

Remember me Lord

"Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom." 43 'And Jesus said to Him, "Assuredly, I say to you. today you will be with Me in Paradise."    
                                                                                                Luke 23:42 - 43      NKJV

There were two criminals either side of Jesus, each on a cross. They had divided opinions about Jesus, as is common in the world even today. One cursed Him, 'If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.' This statement was completely blasphemous and selfish. He had the audacity to tell Jesus what he wanted Him to do, 'Save Yourself and us.' There was no repentance, no guilt, nothing, except hardness of soul. He was following the crowd, who were screaming for bloodshed. It never fails to surprise me, how many people love to witness an execution. This first thief was with the crowd, totally ridiculing Jesus and all He stood for. 

On the other hand, the second thief defended Jesus. He openly rebuked the first thief by saying, 'Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? Basically, he was saying, 'we deserve this punishment but, He doesn't, He is innocent.' This thief was full of repentance and recognised that Jesus should not have been there, about to suffer this awful punishment. He looked at Jesus and said, 'Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom.' Jesus straightaway replied, 'Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.'  They are the most important words that we could ever want to hear, and furthermore, Jesus' words, confirm that we will not linger in the grave but, we will be with Jesus, in Paradise, the moment we die. It is a problem that many fear - dying and laying in a grave for years until we are resin. But, don't forget, when we die, time ceases, there is no measurement of time at all. Therefore, it can be deduced that at the moment of our death, we will be with Jesus, if, of course, we believe in Him and have asked Him into our hearts.

Just think for a moment about these words from Pastor Jerry Vines:

'That morning, the thief had breakfast with the devil. That night, he had supper with Jesus'.                                    Copyright Jerry Vines, The Vines Expository Bible

This verse in Luke 23:42-43, is a reference point for prayer life, 'Remember me Lord.' My guess is that He will answer, 'My child, I can't forget you.'

We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...