Monday 16 May 2022

Stop trying to do it yourself!

"Casting all your cares (all your anxieties, all your worries and all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares for you (with deepest affection and watches over you very carefully).                                           1 Peter 5:7  Amplified Study Bible 

Jesus is the one constant in life and the one true friend as well. If you haven't already, you are going to come up against people who don't share this belief and they will do all they can to give you a bad time. But do not fear, God can handle anything that you place in His hands and He is committed to this, as long as you obey Him. Notice these two conditions:
It's a pointless exercise if you place something in God's hands and then try to sort it out yourself. It is counterproductive because God knows what He is doing and, quite often, you don't; and are prone to make matters worse.
God will not help you if you are walking in the opposite direction, causing major problems. You must be in obedience to Him and not acting in a hypocritical manner, sounding off to all you see. What comes out of your mouth has the potential to negate and you then lose the victory.

God wants you to give Him all of your anxieties, your worries and your concerns. In other words, He wants you to release it all to Him. You either walk with the world or with Him. You can't do both, serving two masters Matthew 6:24.

You may have a problem today; if so bring it to God and ask Him to help you. Psalm 55:22 tells us:
'Cast your burden on the LORD (release it) and He will sustain and uphold you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken (slip, fall, fail).

Place it in His hands and continue to live in obedience and peace towards Him. If you give it to Him and then try to sort it out yourself, He will believe that you can do it yourself. If you want Him to help, leave it to Him. This is not being irresponsible, not at all, it is showing God you need His help and are willing to make whatever change He tells you to.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Pay attention Part 2

 "Listen closely to my sayings, 21 don't lose sight of them; keep them within your heart" v20-21                                                                          Proverbs 4: 20-22 CSB

When Solomon says, 'keep them within your heart,' he is saying, 'Live them'. We need to have that word alive within us - Logos to Rhema. Once it is alive, we will know it and so will others too.

To live our lives God's way, requires meditating and concentrating on His Word on a daily basis - hence we need to 'pay attention' to all that we hear and then live it out. God's Word brings life to us; it provides good health to our whole body as we confess His truth. In fact, these Words are God's prescription for health.

It may sound repetitious or to be truthful, like nagging; but the bottom line is God's Word is our foundation - He is the Alpha and the Omega. Things need to be reinforced many times before we grasp hold of the meaning properly. Look at the training of a puppy. When we first have them they are a wonderful blessing to our lives. However, pretty soon we realise that if we don't take control, we are going to be taken over by that little furry thing. The dog needs to be trained - the basic things at first such as its toilet habits. The dog needs to know the rules - that it must go outside for this. This may be the garden or on a walk. With persistence, this usually works but we need to 'pay attention' to this detail. From thereon, the dog is trained the 'do's' and 'don'ts' of the house. It doesn't happen over night but, eventually we get there.

We need to have a willingness to learn; paying attention doesn't usually work if we are stubborn about what we do. We don't know it all, as much as we think we do, there are many things that we need to 'pay attention' to such as honesty in speech. It is no casual thing, we need to train ourselves that only honesty (not exaggerated words) are spoken. We also need to train our eyes to only look at wholesome things, just a glance at what we shouldn't look at, can cause us to sin (Genesis 3).

Attention is required on all of these for us to be the way God created us to be. Yes it is tough to get it right but, be encouraged, you are making good progress

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Sunday 15 May 2022

Pay attention Part 1

"My son, pay attention to my words, listen carefully to my sayings."     
                                                                                                 Proverbs 4:20   CSB 

Many people drift off during a sermon, others may fall asleep. It's not what the speaker says that is boring, it is a lack of discipline. We need to pay attention. It's the same when people speak to us; many times we don't hear what they're saying, we only hear a part of the conversation. Again, there is a need to pay attention.

A counsellor listens with the third ear - they have trained themselves to hear what the person is really saying. When we meet up with people, they may want to 'talk' but, if they pick up that we're not listening properly, they may move on.

Sometimes people want to unload - vent their feelings but, through their embarrassment or not knowing if they can trust us, they say very little. Ask yourself, 'Can people trust me?' This means if someone tells you what is happening in their lives, will you keep it to yourself or be tempted to gossip about it? We should always treat people with confidentiality, unless of course if they're saying they plan to harm themselves or others. We need to balance this properly but, obviously we should never take risks; we should let the person know that we cannot keep this to ourselves and take appropriate action.

People in all walks of life need to unload and they may choose you. Could you handle this? We're not talking about you adopting the role of a qualified counsellor here, but being an everyday listener over a cup of coffee. Many have come to know Jesus this way and it can be very helpful. The world is a busy place full of busy people, so, someone needs to fill the role of being a listener.

Why not speak with God about it but firstly, ensure that you are willing to be a 'good listener' and you are able to 'pay attention' to what is being said, especially by God Himself. You may be a natural for this type of thing but, you'll never know until your try. Speak to God and if He gives you the open door to it, put it into action.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Saturday 14 May 2022

Getting to the core of things

"Your adversary the devil, is prowling round like a roaring lion, looking for anyone he can devour."                                                                                      1 Peter 5:8    CSB 

To get a good idea of what a core is, let's take a brief look at the apple. It is a very healthy fruit to eat and good for our system. However, when we reach the core, it is a different story. Where the apple is sweet, the tiny black seeds within the core are not. The seeds contain Amygdalin which is a substance that, when crushed releases cyanide, and when it comes into contact with human digestive enzymes can be a danger. One would have to eat many of these seeds before it became a risk. However, apples are healthy, the tiny black seeds are not.

We can enjoy the outer part of things but, when we want more, we have to go to the core.
This can be when things become exciting but, quite risky too. Remember the devil is prowling round; but in all honesty the devil is not the least bit worried about you, until you become a threat to him. This is when you begin to dig deeper into God's Word and when he begins to notice your presence. Why is this? Simple because you are coming into his realm - the core.

The core is the central, innermost or most essential part of something - in this case the devil's domain. As soon as you do this, you are a marked person and he will do all he can to stop you. You see, rather like the apple, things are all sweet on the outside; as you go to church, pray and occasionally witness for God, that is ok with the devil. It is not a worry at all. However, when you begin to make your stand for God - reacting about things the world is allowing to happen, demolishing strongholds, getting people saved and healed; you have entered into enemy territory - the core of things. Therefore, the devil will try to stop you by getting you to eat the core seeds - in this case sin, the lust of the flesh and everything that goes along with this. This way, he can force you to become disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:27).

Don't let him do this. Once you have penetrated his core, don't turn and run - stand and fight with the Word of God (Ephesians 6:10-18). You are a Soldier of the King on active service and you're making good ground. 'Never, never, never, never give up'  Winston Churchill

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Friday 13 May 2022

Peel that Onion

"And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive Him, so that your Father in heaven will also forgive you, your wrong doing"    
                                                                                                Mark 11:25   CSB

(The Christian Standard Bible, New Living Translation and several others, omit verse 26. This is probably because verse 25 says it all - 'forgive so the your Father in heaven will also forgive you.' However, this does not take us away from the truth Jesus was teaching us.)


When you peel an onion, notice how many layers there are. Imagine, if you will, that each layer represents a hurt from the past. It may also represent something that you regret or feel guilty about. This is a very good way of allowing God to take these things from you.

Just like the onion, as you peel it, it may bring tears. This is God's way of stripping you from the hurts of the past and also, the many disappointments you have had to endure. Each layer can represent a time in your life that was not pleasant. As you strip the layer away by talking and praying with God, He can begin to set you free.

You need to remember all of the things that wounded you in the past. make a list of them - one by one. Note that this is not a record of wrongs that you are keeping (1 Corinthians 13:5), but an action plan you are bringing to God for prayer and ministry purposes. Don't forget that they are still firmly in your memory; so this action plan is a way of permanently deleting them from your life.

Therefore, proceed as follows:

(1)   Write the Action Plan
(2).  Ask forgiveness for each entry
(3).  Forgive the person or issue that hurt you
(4).  Set them loose, thus setting yourself free too. You owe them nothing and vice-versa

It may take some time to complete this but, don't rush it. Spend time on each subject until you know within, that God has dealt with it. Once you are sure that you are free from it, scratch it off your list until you can destroy the list completely. Then refuse, point blank to re-visit these areas. You have been set free - enjoy it.

NB. The idea for Peel that Onion, originated from my wife , Hazel Howard

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Thursday 12 May 2022

Jesus is our defence

"If it had not been the LORD who was on our side -" v1          Psalm 124    CSB    

Think back throughout your life and pinpoint the times that God turned up, just at the right moment, and rescued you. What if He hadn't have been there? What if He had not been on your side? He was there when people turned against you and even when life was against you. Just think for a moment, what you have been rescued from. You may have died through illness or an accident. Your marriage may have folded. you may have been declared bankrupt; and what about those false accusations, what if they had stuck? Some may say, it doesn't bear thinking about - but it does! It is encouraging for you to think back and, prosperous for those who hear your testimony. You may have been ill and received miraculous healing.

In this cold, and at times, uncaring world, we need encouragement and Jesus offered lots of it. Imagine, if you will, being trapped in a swamp. Every time you move, you sink a little further and, just before you are going under and certain of suffocation (v3), Jesus turns up and saves you. This happened to you; your were sinking fast into a muddy grave and, He held out His hand to you and you were rescued.

Satan is all around and he is not your friend. 1 Peter 5:8 tells us that he prowls around - this is akin to stalking you, and he is ready to strike. But Jesus is stronger and as we dwell in Him, we have the victory (v6).

Just as a bird is freed from a trap and certain death (v7), Jesus frees us. Rather like the bird, we were helpless and fell into the trap. Jesus opened the trap and even broke it, by His death and resurrection; and we have complete freedom in Him. How do we know this? Because:

'Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth (v8)

Father, thank you that you sent Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour. We give You thanks that we are made free in Him. We offer ourselves afresh, or from this very first moment. You are our Lord and we will follow You recognising that, You are our defence. Amen

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Wednesday 11 May 2022

Be with those who bring peace

"I am for peace"                                                             Psalm 120   CSB 

We often come up against lying lips, fake news and gossip. People will slander us for our faith or success; they may then spread this fake news around because of their lying lips. Most are 
non-Christians, but sadly there are a few Christians that fit into this category very well.

If we're not careful, we can end up having prayer meetings where people's baggage is discussed all in the interest of prayer - 'I'm sure they won't mind me saying this', can be a common statement. This should never happen, this person should not be the subject of a prayer discussion.

Slanderers are the ones who do a person the most harm. Someone may not like you and what you're doing, so they let rip behind your back and occasionally to your face. I like what Spurgeon says on this subject:

'It is of no avail to appeal to the honour of the slanderer's, for they have none, and the piteous demands for justice will only increase their malignity and encourage them to fresh insult'

What can we do then when we are being insulted behind our backs? Spurgeon continues:

'When we are slandered, it is a joy that the Lord knows us and cannot be made to doubt our uprightness. He will not hear the lie against us but, He will hear our prayer against the lie.'

Romans 12:19 says, 'Do not avenge yourselves, instead leave room for God's wrath, because it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay" says the Lord'
Note Psalm 120:6-7 'I have dwelt too long with those who hate peace. I am for peace; but when I speak they are for war.' The Psalmist wrote, 'I am for peace', in other words, 'I am a person of peace'. Can you say that? If you can, spread it around, don't be harsh with those who are rude, pray for them and leave it to God. Challenge gossip whether it be in a prayer meeting, meeting with a friend or a church setting but again, not harshly but as an observation. Remember Proverbs 15:1

'A gentle answer turns away anger, but a harsh word stirs up wrath'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Grace (2)

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession...