"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned?'
Matthew 5:13 NKJV
Salt is connected to purity
It is said that the Romans felt it the purest of all things. If Christians are to be the salt of the earth, they must be examples of purity. A Christian should be honest in everything, it is an example of good moral standards. We have a mandate to God to show the world Jesus Christ. Therefore, we need to avoid being tarnished with the world's standards. In social conversations, we must rise above the jests that are not Godly. In social conversation, it is so easy to drop your guard and fall into the trap of ungodly chatter and acts. We must remain as salt - pure.
Salt is a preservative
Plutarch, a Roman historian and philosopher had a very strange way of describing preserving meat. It is told that he said, 'The meat is a dead body and part of a dead body, but salt preserves it, keeping it fresh and therefore, is like a new soul inserted into a dead body'
sourced from William Barclay's notes on Matthew
Therefore Christians must do their best to preserve the Name of Jesus, keeping themselves pure as a shining example of belonging to Him.
Salt protects from corruption
If Christians are to be the salt of the earth, they must have a certain antiseptic influence on life. Christians must be a cleansing agent in society. They must be the ones who by their presence, defeat corruption.
Salt adds flavour to things
For many people, food cooked without adding salt, is not nice. They say that it can't be added afterwards, successfully, it never tastes the same. Just viewing certain cooking programs on TV, tends to agree with this thought with presenters saying that the food lacks seasoning. It is a choice thing but, in the medical world it is a no-go.
Christianity is to life what salt is to food - it adds flavour. For Christianity it is the flavour and aroma of Jesus that draws people to Him. Salt must never lose its saltiness. Mixed with certain chemicals, humid conditions and a damp environment, salt can become practically no good. In the same manner, Christians need to be aware of certain things that can draw them away from the truth, becoming ineffective in the presence of unbelievers. Don't allow this.
Therefore like salt, Christianity should, be pure, be a preservative, avoid corruption and add flavour. Acting in these qualities will make you, the salt of the earth.
Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.
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