Monday 3 October 2022

You have received Christ

"As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him 7 rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving"                                                     Colossians 2:6-7  NKJV

Tall oaks are rooted very firmly in the ground so that they can stand against the storms of nature. Likewise, we believers should be firmly rooted in Jesus, with knowledge and experience. So get into the Word.

Tony Evans comments: 'The Christian life should continue as it started - with faith in the gospel message'. The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

Let us focus on our text above. You and I have received Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Nothing can stand in the way of this fact. It's something we need to remember every time that doubt tries to attack us or problems surround us and it's difficult to find a way through. We have received Jesus; He is with us always!

As we read our bibles, pray and worship Him daily, we begin to walk in Him - He is beside us. However, there is a need to be rooted and built up in Him. This happens as we commit everything to Him. Trouble may attack us but, because we are rooted in Him firmly, we are able to stand against the storms of life. As we do, Jesus edifies us (builds us up) by gently whispering to us, 'Do not be afraid, only just believe' Mark 5:36. 

When we stand rooted in Jesus, we become established - we come into existence and are set up to stand in the armour of God, ready to come up against whatever we may face. As our relationship grows with Jesus, we abound in His love and His direction. We realise that He is 100% for us - we have His protection whatever may happen. If we were to die today, we know we would be with Him, face to face - instantly! He has paved the way the way for us and, this is where thankfulness comes into operation.

Where else could you receive such assurance of love and certainty for your future? Jesus is the manager of the greatest Life Assurance policy. You could never find better. And you have received this, in Jesus!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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