Monday 10 October 2022

Live for Today

"So don't be anxious about tomorrow, God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time."                                                Matthew 6:34  The Living Bible 

In Matthew 6:25, Jesus tells His disciples not to worry about their life, what they will eat, drink or wear. Many feel this is a command, others feel that it is wise advice. If it is a command, then we are guilty of disobedience if we worry. If it is only advice, then it makes sense to carry it out. On looking through the scriptures, I would say that it is a command because this ties in with Jesus' comments on faith issues e.g. 'Do not be afraid - only believe" Luke 8:50. Throughout the gospels, there is further evidence of this. But just the statement, 'Do not be afraid', is linked to worry and fear. Therefore, let us agree that Jesus commands us not to worry.

Anxiety, fear or dread all relate to worry. You can spend about 90% of your time worrying that something will happen and it rarely does. Probably around 10% of worries happen. This is a small percentage for a lot of worry and sleepless nights. If you belong to Jesus, why do you put yourself through such things? Haven't you enough on your plate without adding to it? It doesn't bring blessing to your day, does it?

Worry robs you of your effectiveness and joy. If you lose your joy, then you lose your strength Nehemiah 8:10. Answer this question, do you really believe that Jesus will take care of things for you? If you don't believe He will do what He says, you will have no peace. Let's look at a few scriptures, 1 Peter 5:7 says 'casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.' Psalm 55:22 'Cast your burden on the LORD, and He shall sustain you', and Proverbs 16:3 'Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established'. The word 'Commit' means to roll, so this a a brilliant example of rolling your burdens over to the Lord.

Do you acknowledge Jesus as your provider? Your answer has everything to do with your anxiety level. Don't get me wrong Jesus still expects you to work and provide for you family, wherever possible, but He doesn't want you fretting about how you will manage rising energy costs or whatever. Inflation may be rising but, there is no inflation in God's Kingdom, of which you belong.

Rise above this and throw every care on Him and then, leave them there! Live for today.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Sunday 9 October 2022


"you shall not commit adultery"                         Matthew 5:27-30   NKJV

In a world where there is every conceivable temptation possible, it is most difficult to keep one-self pure. In our text, Jesus tells us, 'whoever looks at a woman to lust for her, has already committed adultery with her in his heart.'  v28

The early Jewish law was so strict about this, that if anyone committed adultery they were to be punished by death - usually to be stoned. But what about Jesus' words in this text? If everyone who looked at another woman, or man, were to be punished by death, there would not be many people left in our world. No, Jesus was actually talking about the person who deliberately looks at another person with lust in mind. They are guilty of adultery.

In our world, we have easy access to pornography, sexually explicit videos and films and even our TV. This sort of thing, can be described as a stumbling block. It accelerates temptation and unfulfilled desires and, if we are in the wrong place at the wrong time, the temptation can be so great that adultery can so easily take place.

Jesus mentions a grim solution of plucking out the eye or chopping off a hand. However, He was not suggesting physical mutilation here. Rather, He was suggesting a radical approach to the problem - a rigid self-denial, which could bring about an inward change. Taking control of the heart, mind and body begins with taking control of the eyes - what we view; what is readily available to look at.

This requires finding the root cause that needs to be destroyed. A person needs to identify what causes the temptation. The eye views something and the thoughts then begin to process this; the heart then makes the decision of what to do. One solution could be to go away into the remotest place on earth, one in which no one is around. However, the thoughts that have been recorded in our memory bank will still be there to tempt us. 

Another solution could be to make a declaration that, 'I will not think these things anymore.' Some believe that if words such as these are spoken frequently, it will eventually change things. This is doubtful because, whenever a tempting situation arises, they will begin again.

Possibly the best way to deal with this situation at the time, is to think wholesome thoughts -  Philippians 4:8, then connect these thoughts with Romans 12:1-2 and 2 Corinthians 10:4-6. Check these scriptures out as they are life-savers. It must be stressed however, that conquering adulterous thoughts is never easy. But, if you can be disciplined to replace the bad thoughts with good ones, you can be victorious.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Saturday 8 October 2022

Light of the World

"Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven."                                                Matthew 5:14-16   NKJV

Jesus had already told His disciples that He was the Light of the world  (John 8:12), so what a compliment He was paying them, and us, that He wanted us all to be like Himself - a light of the world. This was not to be our own light however, but a refection of His Light to the world.

There is a certain radiance in this, reaching out from our heart to the hearts of whoever we meet. Jesus wants us lighting up the darkness wherever we are, so that our lights are visible to all.This means, not only in the church, but the supermarket, the restaurant, driving the car, at work, the workplace, in fact everywhere we are.
The light should shine in our daily language too, no matter what is happening to wind you up. You may be under pressure but, your light should still shine making the way clear for people. Shining your light for Jesus also means refusing to be party to certain things such as, unwholesome talk and behaviour. Lead, don't be led. 
Be a guiding light. In Jesus' day, people lived in small homes with perhaps only one small window. Hence it was very dark. Therefore they used a utensil, very much like a gravy boat in which they poured oil and placed a wick. If they went out, they would place a cover, like a basket over the light to make it safe. The light was still burning underneath. When they returned they took the basket away and light flooded inside again. Note, don't ever let your light go out, let it remain lit.

Watch this, in verse 16, Jesus talks about letting people see your good deeds in the light. Now the word 'Good' in the Greek is a word called, kalos that means that a thing is not only good but, is captivating, beautiful and attractive. This is the good, that people should see in you. However, be humble about it. Don't draw attention to yourself, looking for a pat on the back. The glory must always go to Jesus, never ourselves.

Allow me to challenge you. Consider this and answer honestly:
Are you a light among your family at home, your friends, work colleagues and your community?
This is not to make you feel bad if you don't measure up. It is to demonstrate that this is never easy to perform. In fact, it can seem impossible at times. Jesus understands this and asks that you keep trying. He knows you will get there in the end. It just takes a little bit of discipline. Start by proclaiming that you are a 'Light in the world' and then aim to reach this goal. You can do it.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Friday 7 October 2022

The Qualities of Salt

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavour, how shall it be seasoned?'          
                                                                                    Matthew 5:13   NKJV

Salt is connected to purity
It is said that the Romans felt it the purest of all things. If Christians are to be the salt of the earth, they must be examples of purity. A Christian should be honest in everything, it is an example of good moral standards. We have a mandate to God to show the world Jesus Christ. Therefore, we need to avoid being tarnished with the world's standards. In social conversations, we must rise above the jests that are not Godly. In social conversation, it is so easy to drop your guard and fall into the trap of ungodly chatter and acts. We must remain as salt - pure.
Salt is a preservative
Plutarch, a Roman historian and philosopher had a very strange way of describing preserving meat. It is told that he said, 'The meat is a dead body and part of a dead body, but salt preserves it, keeping it fresh and therefore, is like a new soul inserted into a dead body'  
                                                                                  sourced from William Barclay's notes on Matthew
Therefore Christians must do their best to preserve the Name of Jesus, keeping themselves pure as a shining example of belonging to Him.
Salt protects from corruption
If Christians are to be the salt of the earth, they must have a certain antiseptic influence on life. Christians must be a cleansing agent in society. They must be the ones who by their presence, defeat corruption.
Salt adds flavour to things
For many people, food cooked without adding salt, is not nice. They say that it can't be added afterwards, successfully, it never tastes the same. Just viewing certain cooking programs on TV, tends to agree with this thought with presenters saying that the food lacks seasoning. It is a choice thing but, in the medical world it is a no-go.

Christianity is to life what salt is to food - it adds flavour. For Christianity it is the flavour and aroma of Jesus that draws people to Him. Salt must never lose its saltiness. Mixed with certain chemicals, humid conditions and a damp environment, salt can become practically no good. In the same manner, Christians need to be aware of certain things that can draw them away from the truth, becoming ineffective in the presence of unbelievers. Don't allow this.

Therefore like salt, Christianity should, be pure, be a preservative, avoid corruption and add flavour. Acting in these qualities will make you, the salt of the earth.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Thursday 6 October 2022

Look up

"If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God 2 Set your minds on things above not on the things on the earth"                                                                             Colossians 3:1-2   NKJV

When things go wrong in your life, who is the first person you seek help from? Is it your partner, pastor, family or friends? When you are in a storm all of this helps but, the most important call you should make is Jesus. Our text tells us to 'Seek those things which are above' and 'Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth'. Jesus should be your first contact because He is able to provide the help that no one else can.

Verse 2 directs us to get our thoughts right. They should be focused on Jesus, not on what is happening around you. Your thoughts can lead you down the wrong path. Time and time again, false thoughts can enter your mind and cause panic. If you listen to these lies, you can be hooked into something that has not happened. Therefore, focus on God, because He always shows us the truth.
Tony Evans comments on these verses:
'Believers must be tuned into the Heavenly Broadcasting Network to receive data needed for daily living. Take a look a good look at heaven's perspective on every issue so you will know how to live on earth.'                            The Tony Evans Bible Commentary

Jesus is never too busy to answer you. He watches over you all the day. Take for example the account after the Feeding of the Five Thousand. Jesus put the disciples into a boat and sent them to the otherside of the lake. They did this but, soon got into problems as a storm hit the lake and they were in danger of capsizing. Jesus had gone up a mountain to be alone and pray. However, He noticed them and set off walking to the boat on the water. When He reached them, they thought He was a ghost and were scared even more. But He calmed the wind and the waves and they were safe Matthew 14:22-33. 

Watch what happened; He saw them from afar and heard their cries of desperation and He came to them. And He will come to you as you keep your eyes set on Him. He will bring peace, hope and encouragement. Therefore, don't ever take your eyes off Him and look at what is around you instead. Notice that Peter looked around at the wind and high waves and he sunk. He took his eyes off Jesus. Don't do that  -  Look up!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Wednesday 5 October 2022

He has taken your sin out of the way

 "Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it"                                  Colossians 2:13-15   NKJV

Have you fully realised that Jesus overcame sin? Whatever you may have done in the past, if you have confessed it to Jesus, He has forgiven you and taken it away. The devil had a charge card against you, but Jesus washed it away - He wiped the board clean and, nailed your sin to the cross. Where is it now? 'As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us' Psalm 103:12. He has placed them where they can never return - an infinite distance away.

Notice the words, 'And He has taken it out of the way' v14. If you were to mention a particular sin to Jesus, He wouldn't know what you mean because, He paid the price for this and nailed it to the cross. He refuses to remember it and so should you. Otherwise, you are agreeing with the accuser by thinking that your transgressions are there forever - you're condemned. NO YOU ARE NOT! You are forgiven. When you do sin, you come under conviction. This is the time to repent and ask forgiveness. Be careful here though, because if you think you are still under conviction, you are not, you are feeling condemned and this is what the devil does. Don't be fooled; repent and be free from it.

Watch this: 'Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it' v15. He actually bought shame and ridicule upon the rulers of darkness by the victory He had at Calvary. You back a winner with Jesus, don't give in to the loser. Jesus is the victor and, because of this, you become a victor too. 'Yes but.. ' 'Yes but nothing, you are a winner'.

The next time you fall into sin - and you will do - remember to repent as soon as you can, receive His forgiveness and refuse to remember it again. If condemning thoughts attack you, take them captive and make them obedient to Christ 2 Corinthians 10:-4-6.

Remember, Jesus made a public spectacle of the rulers of darkness. You are a sin-free Person of God. Is there an Amen here?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Tuesday 4 October 2022

Do you know that you're saved?

"Vengeance is Mine and recompense; their feet shall slip in due time; for the day of their calamity is at hand, and the things to come hasten upon them."  
                                                                               Deuteronomy 32:35  NKJV 

God was ready to take vengeance on Israel's enemies but, Israel had to learn a lesson first. They needed to stop relying on their false gods for help in times of troubles and, turn to God for help. He would then act on their behalf.

The great preacher Jonathan Edwards, used this text when he preached his infamous sermon - 'Sinners in the hands of an angry God', in 1741 at The Great Awakening in Enfield, Connecticut. The impact on the crowd was astonishing; they were hanging on to chairs, tables and even trees outside of the church, to prevent them sliding into hell. Many of these people were unsaved, critical and unsavoury men and women, who paid little attention to God. But this day they had turned up to listen to this man who the town were talking about. The result was they had a great awakening and they repented and were never the same again. 

God knows who are genuine believers and He also knows those who profess to be but, haven't actually asked Jesus into their lives. Let me just say this, time is running out. Take a look at our world, it is full of evil and its decaying rapidly. People are far away from Jesus and are dying in their sin and all they have to look forward to, is eternity in hell, separated from God and their believing loved one's.

Don't get left out. You may have been a Christian but, something happened to turn you away. Turn back to Him now. Others may never have thought about Jesus properly but, He has thought about you, often. Being a Christian is not a fairy tale. You will still have problems but, you will have Jesus to help you. Whatever has happened, Jesus will take revenge on all who have hurt you. Just leave it to Him and come and give your life to Him now:

'Lord Jesus, I repent of all my wrong-doing. Please forgive my sins. I am sorry. Please come and live in my heart and, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and be my Lord and Saviour. Amen

One thing is for sure, you will not now, slide into hell, you'll walk into heaven and the ams of Jesus when you die. Until then, walk happily with Jesus.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Grace (2)

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession...