Wednesday, 12 July 2023

How much do you trust God?

"If I must die, I must die"             Esther 4:16   NLT 

Esther, a Jew, was a very beautiful lady and when Queen Vashti refused to obey an order from her husband King Xerxes, she was banished from his kingdom and Esther eventually replaced her as the Queen. It was not easy being the Queen; the only time she could approach him, was when he gave her permission to move towards him. There were no guarantees that he would do that and she could be risking her life. However, the King loved her and gave her favour.

Haman, the Kings aide, was promoted to second in command of the empire and demanded respect by everyone having to bow to him. Mordecai however, Esther's older cousin, refused to do this. He was a Jew and he only bowed down to God. This infuriated Haman, who plotted to have him and all the Jews executed. Haman was a selfish, ungodly man who wanted everything he asked for. If he couldn't get this, people would have to be careful. Mordecai asked Esther if she would approach the King and ask him if he would save her people. This in itself was a risk, as she had to admit she also was a Jew. 
However, she said, 'If I must die, I must die.' She made a stand for God. In the mean-time,
Haman built gallows in his garden and he intended to execute Mordecai on these. 
Esther met with the King and following two banquets which the King, Esther and Haman attended, she revealed that Haman had plotted to kill the Jews together with Mordecai. Haman, died on his own gallows that he had intended for Mordecai.

There is a lesson here, if a person plots evil against someone, they need to be careful that it doesn't come back on them  (Psalm 37:1-40). Haman thought he had it all stitched up, but he was in for a shock. Esther, even though fearful inside, made a stand for God and approached the King. That day, she saved the Jewish nation.

How much do you trust God? Could you have been an Esther and saved the day?Sometimes, we have to be willing to make a stand for Jesus; it's never easy and one never knows if it may explode in our face. But, as we seize our God-given opportunity, we may forge a way for God to make improvements in our land and situation. Is God speaking to you right now?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday, 11 July 2023

A Tunnel of Darkness

"I am the Light of the world. If you follow me, you won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life"       John 8:12   NLT 

When I was a kid, I got trapped inside a tunnel that some other kids had built. I was trapped because, a friend(?), stood on the tin that covered the entrance. It was  pitch dark in there and really scary. I thought I would never get out. I stay away from tunnels these days. But if you were in a tunnel and then saw a small light in the distance, it would give you a hope. As you crawled towards it, the light would become bigger until, you were fully in that light and free from the tunnel.

There is an analogy here. we can be in a tunnel of darkness - completely surrounded by the sins of the world. Everywhere you look, temptation lifts its head trying to lure you into it. Voices may be in your head yelling,' Get out, you shouldn't be here,' and yet another may say in a sultry voice, 'it's ok, you'll like it here.' Confusion sets in pulling you each way. Then suddenly, you see a speck of light. It's like no other light that you've seen and even though it is extremely small, there is something that you can't resist. As you focus on this small light, a kind of freedom comes upon you so, you move further towards it. All the time, the other voice is trying to get you to stay and enjoy yourself; but you are so drawn to this light that you can't help yourself. 

This is how it is when you are in a state of darkness, Jesus is the Light and He is there with you. Distractions are all around you; temptation stands on every corner. Gossip may enter your mind, you may be tempted to judge or accuse someone and evil thoughts are ever around. But, when you call on Jesus, the Light begins to blink in the darkness but you don't have to walk towards it because, Jesus has said, 'You won't have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life' v12. When you call upon Him, He is there right beside you. Then as you follow Him, He will lead you to life.

This is how we should be living today. Sadly, even though we know this, it is difficult to put it into action. Thankfully, Jesus is aware of this - He's been there (Hebrews 4:15). So, He is sympathetic towards our endeavours and as we call on Him, will always deliver us from evil. Therefore, we need to continue to walk in His path doing the best we can do

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday, 10 July 2023

Your Forever Friend

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a huge crowd of witnesses to the life of faith, let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up. And let us run with endurance the race God has set before us.   
                                                                                                                Hebrews 12:1  NLT

The Christian singer/songwriter Charlie Landsborough, wrote this beautiful song. Here's part of it:
Even when I turn away, He cares for me, His love no one can shake
Even as I walk away He's by my side, with every breath I take
And sometimes I forget Him, my halo fails to shine
Sometimes I'm not His friend, but He is always mine

He's my forever friend, my leave me never friend
From darkest night to rainbows end
He's my forever friend
Copyright 1994 Charlie Landsborough

Many things threaten to trip us up during our walk with Jesus. But like long distance runners preparing for a race, we need to strip away everything that is going to bear us down, so we can run the race effectively. Therefore, choose friends wisely, drop activities that do not promote your faith and get help with addictions that disable you. Jesus is the champion of our faith so, therefore, He is our mentor, the one we model ourselves on. Like the song above, He is your forever friend. You may walk away and you may let Him down but He is always there to give you encouragement and a helping hand. 

When we become involved in things that we shouldn't be involved in, He does not walk away from us; instead His love reaches out to us as if He is saying, 'I am here, just take My hand.' He doesn't point the finger at us or give us the silent treatment. He just puts His arm around us (if we'll let Him), and He gently talks us through our errors but builds us up with His enthusiasm also. He never casts us aside as if we're a hopeless case. He remains faithful to the end.
Why is this? Because He's OUR FORVER FRIEND. He's the one who gave us
a brand new start and has guaranteed us a glorious finish

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Sunday, 9 July 2023

Don't get in God's Way

"Be still, and know that I am God."                  Psalm 46:10   NKJV

Don't you think it's time to get out of the way and allow God to do what He knows best? We do get in God's way at times and we need to learn when it's time to back off. God doesn't need your help, He is very capable. He doesn't need your advice either, He has things in total control. 

On many occasions, we try to do things that we are not qualified for. What did God put that verse in the bible for? Because He wants you to be still, that means doing nothing except praying, and not the kind of manipulative kind of prayer that we can become involved in. You know what I mean. We often use prayer as a blue print that God needs to follow - to the letter. When He says, 'Be still, and know that I am God,' He means for us to be still, and know that He is God. He is very much in the driving seat.

Warren W Wiersbe says 'Be still,' literally means "Take your hands off! Relax" We like to be hands on people and manage our own lives, but God is God, and we are but His servants.'   The Wiersbe Study Bible, NKJV Warren W Wiersbe Thomas Nelson Publishers
So, there's a time to obey God and act, but until then, we had better take our hands off and allow Him to work in HIs own way and style.

God is our friend, our shepherd and our stronghold. He wants us to obey Him, doing what He directs us to do. Notice though, there are times when He doesn't direct us to do a certain thing. That is when He is saying 'Be still'. There is also another side to being still. In Matthew 11: 28-30 Jesus says: 'Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.'

Today, is God speaking to your heart? Is He telling you to take some time out and rest? Is He saying, "I've got this, don't worry'. It may take you all you have got to just sit and be still, but that is God's Word to you today.
We all need to hear this during our Daily Life with Jesus.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Saturday, 8 July 2023

What do you think about?

"Those who are dominated by their sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit."   
                                                                                   Romans 8:5   NLT 

It is what we think about that is important. We can either think about things from our sinful nature or, choose to think about Jesus (Philippians 4:8). Casey Treat says: 'When your mind agrees with your spirit, you're spiritually minded. But when it agrees with your flesh, you're carnally minded.' 
David Guzik further comments on this subject:
'We shouldn’t think those who set their minds on the things of the flesh are only notorious sinners. They may be noble people who have good intentions. Peter meant well when he told Jesus to avoid the cross, but Jesus responded to Peter with these strong words: you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of men (Matthew 16:23).
For to be carnally minded is death: When our minds are set on the things of the flesh (carnally minded) we bring death into our lives. But walking in the Spirit brings life and peace. We must, however, guard against a false spirituality and see that Paul means the flesh insofar as it is an instrument in our rebellion against God. Paul is not talking about normal physical and emotional needs we may think about, only the sinful gratification of those needs.'

Therefore, we can see that we need to get our thoughts in line with God. As we know, this is never easy but, it is necessary. We cannot possibly please God while our mind is elsewhere. What we bring to God and to all who see us, is, bad fruit and this is not what God requires. It leads to spiritual death, it could lead to physical death because God is not one we should play games with. This is why people who are under the control of their sinful nature, can never please God. If you've been trying to please God and you feel you are getting nowhere, check your behaviour; check your thoughts. It may show you where you have gone wrong.

Yes, we will continue to sin daily, we are not perfect yet (Philippians 1:6). But deliberate, pre-meditated sin is serious. It sits in our minds and slowly spreads until we can't help ourselves. We can't, but God can. This is the time that we need to call out to Him for help. Our sinful nature will try to persuade us differently. This is where the battle begins. But if you want victory here, hang in and praise God. Your delivery will come.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Friday, 7 July 2023

Walk in the Truth

"And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free."    John 8:32   NLT 

How can we know the truth? What is the truth? Well, firstly, if you are a believer in Jesus Christ, you will know that He is the truth: 'I am the way, the truth and the life' John 14:6. You will also see in this verse that He is the only way to access the Father in heaven. So, you say you know the truth, or better still, know about Him, but do you know Him. There is a big difference. Satan knows about Jesus but he doesn't know Him personally. In verse 31 of this chapter, we read, 'You are truly My disciples if you remain faithful to My teachings.' 
Notice the if in this verse. This is a proviso - a condition. If we want to really know Jesus, we have to remain faithful to Him and abide in His Word - the truth.

John Avanzini, an American Christian Financial Advisor says, 'You cannot walk in a truth you do not know.' So, we must know Him before we can do this. The Greek word for 'Know' is Ginosko and means: to possess the knowledge that has an inception, a progress and an attainment. It is the recognition of truth by personal experience.  Greek Dictionary/Strongs. Ginosko is associated with the British word Prognosis which gives the  meaning of the truth in the medical world.

If we are to walk in the Spirit, as God's Word encourages to, then you must: let 'the Holy Spirit guide your lives. Then you won't be doing  what your sinful nature craves'
Galatians 5:16. Verse 17 gives us an understanding of what our sinful nature craves for which is just the opposite of the Truth, therefore:

(1)  Acknowledge there's a battle  
(2)  Admit you are powerless and submit to God
(3)  Exercise self-discipline.          
(4)  Don't ignore the consequences, they bring disaster

Don't just assume that you know the truth. Get to know Jesus properly; talk to Him, obey Him and walk with Him on a daily basis. Remember, your enemy - Satan, wants to trip you up (1 Peter 5:8). Don't give him an inch. If you do, he'll take a mile and you will pay dearly for it. 

You will know that you're walking in the Spirit when you're able to refuse to be involved in anything that is not of God. But, this is something that you need to practice everyday. It doesn't just happen.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday, 6 July 2023

What's the Point Part 2

"No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead. 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus is calling us."                                                                Philippians 3:13-14   NLT 

Sometimes trying to do a good job and pleasing someone is like, wading through thick mud. In fact, as you continue to do this, you may sink. 'What's the point?' you may think, 'I've got nothing else to give; my heart's not into this anymore.' But before you do, just stop a minute and think this through. Who are you really working for, man or God? If it is man, you might as well leave because you will never be able to please some people. If it is God you're working for, don't just leave. You're a soldier in God's Army, leaving without permission would be  deserting your post. No, take this to God and pray a while. There may be something God wants you do, or say and until you do, you're stuck with it. Promotion may be up for grabs and this may be you in your boss's job. This happened to me years ago, but that is another story. If you leave now, you may just lose the post that God wants you to fill. So ask Him.

Marriages are often the target of our enemy, Satan. If he can get us to walk away, commit adultery  or just behave like a stubborn mule, then he is happy. More and more Christian marriages are falling apart and a lot of these are happening to leaders. It's easy to neglect a partner and family when you are so important that you can't take time off. The neglected partner may feel 'What's the point?' and become involved with something or someone, that they shouldn't, just because they are bored or lonely. Don't allow this to happen. Whether you are in leadership or in a job or even retired, make sure that time is allotted to your partner. Time is short so, make the most of every moment. Peter told husbands, 'you husbands must give honour to your wives. Treat your wife with understanding as you live together. She may be weaker than you are, but she is your equal partner in God's gift of new life. Treat her as you should so your prayers will not be hindered.'  1 Peter 3:7  NLT

Before the WOKE society gets on to me, Peter is not inferring any derogatory statement by calling the wife as weak. He was just recognising women's physical limitations, especially in his day. But really, he was also giving out God's wishes that the wife should be classed as a valuable vessel which can be broken if not taken care of.

And that is the point. God wants us to live our lives open to His direction. Just think, if a married couple are at loggerheads, how can they pray together? Prayer will be hindered. In fact, everything, if we look at things in the negative will be hindered if we keep saying, 'What's the point?'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

LIf you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...