Friday, 28 July 2023

Don't be afraid to change the norm

"Cast the net on the right side of the boat and you will find some."
                                                                                 John 21:6   NKJV

There is no logical reason why Jesus should shout to the disciples this direction. After all, to the disciples - skilled fishermen, one side of the boat was no different to the other.

Peter and some of the disciples had been out on a fishing trip and they had caught nothing. All night they had toiled and they were tired, frustrated and hungry. Suddenly, a chap on the shore line was shouting to them, telling them to cast the net on the right side of the boat. They were tired so they obeyed, the result being they had a mega catch of fish. Peter looked at the man again and realising that it was Jesus having what looked like a barbecue, ran through the water to Him.

Now notice something here; Peter wasn't troubled to change things. He didn't struggle with that. We all have our own ways of doing things and sometimes we struggle to change this when someone else suggests we do it another way. At times, we know best, but that isn't always the case, and Peter realised this.

Many times, God will use other people to show us there is a better way. We should always be open to this and listen and weigh it all up. They may just be right. Don't forget at this moment none of the disciples knew it was Jesus. To them, it was just someone walking along the shore. Peter could have thought, 'What does he know?' He would then have missed an amazing catch of fish and an amazing time with Jesus - where he was restored, blessed and commissioned.

The next time things are not going as well as you would hope and someone offers advice that is alien to your norm, stop and consider it very closely. It may be Jesus showing you the right side of things - the right way to go

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday, 27 July 2023

Bubble Burster

"So my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immoveable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless."                                       1 Corinthians 15:58.  NLT

People with a limited experience of God, may speak to us as if they have a vast knowledge of Him. As they listen to what we say, they may shake their heads and try to extinguish our faith, rather like pouring water on hot coals. 'Be careful,' they may say, 'you could make a fool of yourself -God doesn't speak to us like that.' You've heard them and if you're not careful, they have the ability to rob you of your enthusiasm. I call them, Bubble Bursters, because that is what they do, they burst our bubble of enthusiasm and make us feel inadequate, as if we have not heard God properly. It's ok to receive good, solid advice - we need this. But you will notice the difference in your spirit as you walk with God. The Holy Spirit will let you know.

Enthusiasm spreads like a wild fire if done properly - when it comes from the Lord. We burn with zeal, having a warmth and deep conviction and an eager devotion to do something. In other words, to spread our enthusiasm. 

This is where you may be at this time. God may be stirring something up within you, something new. It may appear exciting and scary at the same time. But, deep down within your spirit, you know it's God. If that's where you are, take notice of it and do it. Avoid the Bubble Bursters, they'll only shout you down. 

Notice the word, 'Immovable,' in our text. This means, unyielding in principle, purpose or adherence, in fact, steadfast. Don't be moved. Your work has value when you do it for God. He will be right behind you, empowering and encouraging you. 

There are talkers and doers, which one are you? Don't get down the road later in life with, 'I wish I would have done that. I know it was God's will. 2 Timothy 1:6 tells us to 'Stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.' Use the gifts that you have been given for the benefit of God's people. 

If this is you, go and do it and watch out for the Bubble Bursters.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Wednesday, 26 July 2023

It's over and time to rejoice

"But finally the earth is at rest and quiet, now it can sing again."   Isaiah 14:7   NLT 

The time of captivity in Babylon was over and, the Israelites could enjoy their freedom. It was a time of thankfulness to God; they had been lost, now they had been found and it was time to do what they had only dreamed about. 

We all have times when we felt imprisoned and unable to do what we feel called to do. For you, it may have been an abusive, unhappy marriage. It may also have been a job that  you hated so much, but one, that you not could not leave as there were no jobs available in the area. In fact, there are many things that may have held you in bondage. But now you are free and the relief is amazing, you are no longer subjected to slavery and it feels good. Take a look at our text, the Israelites were overjoyed that: 'finally the earth is at rest, now it can sing again.' They were no longer living in condemnation, God had set them free and they had something to sing about. 
Whatever you have been through just lately is in your past. It is 'today' - -  a brand new start and now it is down to you, how much you make of it.

Conflicts will always come upon us. There is one that will come that will affect all of us who are living at the time. This is the End Times - the  Tribulation. The time when Jesus will come and gather all who are His (The Rapture) and take them to heaven. The other people, which may be you, will be left behind and will have to face the atrocities that will be the worst ever. 

Therefore, are you sure that you belong to Jesus? Have you asked Him into your life and confessed your sins? If not, you need to, that is if you want to be with Jesus and your loved ones and spend eternity with them and Jesus. Why not say this prayer below and really rejoice in your freedom

Lord Jesus, I want to know you, please come into my life and be My Lord and Saviour. I ask You to forgive my sins and ask that Your Holy Spirit will dwell within me for evermore.
In Jesus' name, Amen.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Tuesday, 25 July 2023

The Golden Rule

"Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you. This is the essence of all that is taught in the law and prophets."           Matthew 7:12   NLT 

This verse often gets misquoted in a negative way: 'Don't do to others what you don't want done to you.' Jesus spoke it in a positive manner and this is the way it is intended to be used. A 'don't do this' and a 'don't do that' is quite often received as an order and not received too well. Whereas, the way Jesus put it - in a positive way, can be more welcoming. It's a matter of words and something that we need to practice in order not to offend.

Therefore, Jesus' way would be treating people well, the way you would like to be treated.  There is no room for criticism or to be accusatory when we treat people the right way. When we show people that they can trust us, we will receive that trust back. People need to know that we won't gossip about what they have told us. Sadly, this can happen at prayer meetings when people share something important to them. When they hear about this in the community, they may be devastated and make the decision never to do this again. 

If we do something for someone grudgingly, then we can't really complain if this is done back to us later on. Of course, there are many occasions when we help someone out or do something to bless them and, even though they show their gratitude, when we are in need, they never reciprocate; they never help us out. But stop right there, we don't give to receive. We don't go to someone and after helping them say, 'Right, you owe me one Buddy, don't forget.'  If you are considering doing this, then don't. This is not Jesus' way, He would never act in this manner. 

Just a small thing like helping someone when they've dropped their groceries on the floor can speak volumes. You've helped someone asking nothing in return. This is how Jesus operates. And this is how people can tell that there is something different about you. They feel safe and at peace and yet can't recognise why. This is a great opportunity to tell them about Jesus, if the moment is right. It may not be and the Holy Spirit will guide you in this. Just be ready, on all occasions, to 'do to others whatever you would like them to do to you.'

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday, 24 July 2023

What, or who are you seeking?

"What do you want?" v35-37        John 1:35-39  NLT 

John the Baptist, pointed Jesus out to two of his disciples - Andrew (Simon Peter's brother), and possibly John, the writer of this Gospel. Therefore, they followed Jesus and after a short while, Jesus stopped and asked them what they wanted. They answered, 'Rabbi, where are you staying?' Jesus answered, 'Come and see' v39. And from there, more was added.

See what Jesus asked: 'What do you want?' Initially, this comment could have been offensive, rather like we may say to someone who begins to follow us. It can make the hairs on the back of your neck stick up when this happens. However, Jesus intentions went deeper than this. He wanted to know if:
(1) they recognised Him as the Saviour 
(2) if they had chosen to follow Him and be one of His disciples.

It's no different today. Jesus still asks this question to all who approach Him and searches our hearts to know our motives. Why is this? Because many follow Him for their own self-righteousness, they are out to promote their own Glory, not His. So, the question is what are your motives for belonging to Jesus. Are you after a leading role within your church so that you can be a somebody and be recognised for your great ministry. Or, are you seeking, not your own, but to promote the Name of Jesus, pointing people towards Him.

Self-seeking can take place without us even knowing about it. The moment we expect a pat on the back for preaching, leading worship or running a house group, we are in danger of puffing ourselves up and need to stop, and  give the Glory to Jesus. When Jesus says, 'Come and see,' this is the moment when He is asking you to be open to Him, refuse any self-seeking ideas and allow Jesus to fill you with the power of the Holy Spirit; the reason for this is that, the Holy Spirit will always point the way to Jesus.

So are you ready to see what He has in store for you? If so, tell Him and expect Him to respond in whatever way He chooses.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Sunday, 23 July 2023

Jesus - the Life

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me."                                                        John 14:6 NLT

What is life? Life is not always life. Take for example prisoners. Some offenders are imprisoned on a Life sentence but because of good behaviour, are released on licence for the rest of their life. They're free as long as they don't re-offend. More severe case may receive 40+ years and occasionally life is life. Children often use 'Lives" in the games they play. If they are caught in a particular situation, one of their lives have gone. When the lives have been exhausted, that is the end for them.

This is far different to the life Jesus was speaking about in John 10:10 where He said: 'I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.' Life to Jesus, is Life. The Life Jesus gives is Eternal Life. As the NLT puts John 10:10, Jesus has come to give us a rich and satisfying life. In the NKJV Jesus uses the terms 'Abundant Life' which as you study this, you find it is superabundance that he offers - more than enough. Personally I like the 'rich and satisfying' version. Just think of that for a moment. Jesus offers each one of us eternal life in a rich and satisfying way; and this is why we are here on earth, there's far morel to come when we are with Him in heaven.

Have you ever stopped at realised that this, is only the beginning, and this started in Genesis when mankind was created. Since then, many things have happened, the most amazing having God come down to earth, as a man and walk the earth for 3+ years and then bless us with the Holy Spirit. That in itself is amazing, but it is just the beginning. For all believers, eternal life begins when they accept Jesus but, we won't receive the full package until we are there with Jesus in heaven. This is when Life really begins for us. It's not possible to imagine what it will be like but it must be mind-blowing. The singer Keith Green said 'Jesus told His disciples He was going to prepare a place for them in His Father's house, and this includes us too. He has been gone 2000+ years. If it took the Father 6 days to create this place, what will heaven be like when He has taken 2000 years to get things ready of us.'  (Paraphrased) 

Wow, we will see this one day and join up with the many many people who are already there enjoying these comforts. It does our souls good to focus on the future Jesus has for us. This is why others, who don't know Jesus should have the opportunity to share this Life as well. Jesus really is Our Way, Our Truth and Our Life, and this the greatest gift He could ever have given us.
Go and enjoy it throughly!

 Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Saturday, 22 July 2023

Jesus - the Truth

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me."                                                            John 14:6 NLT

Today, let us take a deeper look at the second point Jesus spoke about:
As the Truth, Jesus is the reality of all of God's promises. Jesus warned us that human beings may deceive us and be unworthy of trust (Matthew 10:17-21), but we may place our ultimate trust and confidence in Jesus because, He is the Truth. Truth is reliable and consistent with God's revelation.

There has never been a time when God has been untrue to you. He has always been there for you, leading you on and repairing damage that has been caused to yourself or others. What about that broken heart that you had? He has been with you from the moment this happened to you, whether you knew this or not. Perhaps he has helped you with the hurt you have suffered or, maybe He is in the process of binding your wounds. If you trust Him and allow Him to, He will fix this for you. Because he is true to you. Remember the 4th verse of Psalm 23: 'Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me'  (NLT). That's the Truth.

He is your Truth, the only one who is, and will be true to you eternally. There's nothing to fear because Jesus is near! A friend, a companion, a teacher and your loving shepherd. This is how Jesus wants you and I to be with people. Think about that accolade when people say about you, 'He or she are so truthful, they make me feel at peace when I'm with them and I really trust them.' How about that? You may say, that could never be me. But, when you have Jesus beside you and you are in sync with Him, you are a force to be reckoned with. You carry the sweet fragrance of Jesus wherever you go. And this is because people look at you and recognise the Truth (Jesus) in you, and they feel safe with you. Now, that is something.

'I could never be like that,' you may tell me, but you can be. If you belong to Jesus, this is the way He wants you to be - available - honest - reliable and truthful, and you can be like this because you are in the Truth and He is in you. Do you get it?

So, start meditating on this - you are the Way, you are the Truth because, you belong to Jesus and He has commissioned you - called you, to reach out to people in this cold and dark world.
More tomorrow

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...