Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Meditate on these things

"Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."
                                                                                            Philippians 4:8.  NKJV

We've probably read this verse many times, but it's favourable to read it again - to expound it, so that we can eat it, digest it and live it.

Our brain gives us many things to consider and mull over on a daily basis. At times, the things that may come to mind are negative and spiritually damaging thoughts and we need to disregard them before we begin to believe it. A thought can enter our mind and if we are not switched on properly, we can process it all wrong, coming to wrong conclusions about something or someone.

This verse gives us the opportunity to meditate on wholesome things. Let's take a walk through the verse. There are eight topics that I briefly want to discuss:

The bible is a book of truth. Jesus is truth and we can rely on this. Nowhere else on earth will we find anything or anyone as true and faithful as Jesus and His Word.
To be noble, shows qualities of a high moral character. It displays a grand state of honour and majestic dignity. It is eminence distinguished by rank or title.
To be just, one is honourable and fair in their actions. The just have high, moral standards.
To be pure is to be free of dirt and pollutants or stains. To be free from any infectious agents. The pure are never tainted in any way.
To be pleasing, charming and enjoyable. To have the ability to be inspiring and have a beauty that appeals to the heart and mind. This is why Jesus is so lovely.
A person's high standing with others and something that is uplifting and gives hope.
Of moral excellence and righteousness
Deserving of our praise and attention.

When you consider the above, this whole verse can be summed up by saying it is all about Jesus. We often think about Him as we see Him in scripture, and that is great. But this verse gives each of us the opportunity to become much closer to Him, by prayer and meditation.

Why not give it a try, because I am sure this verse will open up wider to you as you study it, pray over it and ponder it to the full.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Monday, 20 April 2020

The Way to Live

"(4) Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say rejoice. (5) Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. (6) Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanks giving, let you requests be made known to God; (7) and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus."
                                                                                 Philippians 4:4-7.  NKJV

There had been some type of dispute between two workers of Paul's, Euodia and Syntyche, but Paul was not going to takes sides or let it become so bad that it split the church there. There will always be disputes wherever God's work becomes great. The devil doesn't want the good news of Jesus Christ spreading around, so he will try to drive a wedge between leading people and also split churches. Sooner that take a side, he addressed the matter with these words in verses 4-7.

We should always rejoice in the Lord. Paul felt this so important that he repeated himself - 'Again I will say rejoice.' (1) As we know, the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). Paul encourages the church to do this always because then God's strength becomes greater within us. 

In verse 5, Paul says, 'Let your gentleness be known to all men'. One only has to look at Jesus to get an idea of the meaning of gentleness. Take for example the way He dealt with the woman who had been caught in adultery - a sin at the time, which was punishable by stoning. (John 8:1-11. After He had spoken with the men who had cast her to the floor in front of Him, and dispersed them, He looked at this poor frightened woman and said, 'Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you? She said, 'No one Lord.' And Jesus said to her, 'Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.' Pure Heavenly gentleness, and this is how God wishes us to be, to one another.

Paul says in verse 6, 'Be anxious for nothing.' This is not a request but a command. Jesus also gave us the command not to worry in Matthew 6 and this is how we are to live. If we are anxious, our prayers are going to be weak. But as we rejoice and stand in the righteousness that Jesus has given us, we become more than conquerors. (Romans 8:37). 

God knows what you need. All it takes is to praise Him and get lost in the joy of His love for us and present our needs to Him. He will then give us a peace that is 
amazing. He doesn't want us worrying, no, He wants to fight our battles for us and He will give us a peace that the world could never have. It's a peace that will stop our minds from fretting; a peace that will ensure that our heart is sound and restful.

So refuse to be frightened or full of anxiety. Jesus is right beside you. All you have to do is turn to Him and present all your anxieties to Him. He'll take care of them. You are free to rejoice and rejoice a bit more. You're more than a conqueror!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Your witness

"(14) Do everything without complaining and arguing, (15 so that no one can criticise you."                                                                            Philippians 2:14-15.  NLT

The emphasis here is on the word, 'Everything', which also means 'All things' that may lead us to being blamed and criticised.

When we display a non-complaining spirit, we show ourselves to be followers of God. Whether you are the President of the USA, the Prime Minister, a pastor, social worker, police person or any other figure attached to authority, you will be criticised. You'll even be criticised if you do some chores for someone and you don't do it the way they would. It goes with the territory.

However, as a Christian, you are a prime target for criticism because, not many unbelievers read a bible but they will scrutinise you - how you talk and handle yourself. To the world, you are the bible because you are representing Jesus.The thing is, what do they see in you?

It's easy to complain and grumble about this and that when we're under pressure. We all do it. We also criticise others too and we shouldn't. Sometimes we even do it without thinking about it. Criticising a fellow Christian - a brother or sister, is like criticising Jesus because that Christian has Jesus living within them. 

However, if we live our lives in such a way that whatever people may say about us, we can hold our heads up high because we know that we're not guilty, then God will take care of the rest.

That really is our aim. To attempt to live our lives in such a way that we are above fault. Not easy I know but achievable! It means avoiding criticising other people, moaning and groaning and definitely, refusing to gossip. Gossip can be heard as if it were the absolute truth. As it is heard, it can become exaggerated so much that people believe it, just like fake news. It can do so much damage to a person's integrity.

Therefore, let's concentrate on living the way Jesus wants us to.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Is God in charge of your life?

"(14) But I am trusting in You, O LORD, saying, 'You are My God! (15) My future is in Your hands."                                                               Psalm 31:14-15.  NLT

Did you get that last bit? Your future is in God's hand. But only if you put it there. If you're 100% confident that you can provide a better future for yourself without God, then go ahead and do it. You may be successful. You may make more money than you've ever dreamed about. Your success and honour may be toasted wherever you go and onlookers may envy you. But will you be happy? Possibly you may be; I mean, you will have everything that you've ever wanted; your future will be bright - or will it? What if you were all of a sudden made penniless through a bad business deal? Or what if you were to become seriously ill and have only a short time to live. Would you still be content and happy? Would your future look bright then?

Life can be unpredictable. Some people may live to a grand old age and enjoy every moment of it. Others may have a short life. We never know; life can be taken from us in the blink of an eye.. This is why we need to have a future. We need to know that if we were to die today, we would know where we're going.

Many people may say that after our life is over, that is it. It is finished. It's the end, there is nothing else. But God's Word tells us differently. After death we will all have to stand before the throne of God and give an account of our lives. If anyone's name is not written in the book of life, they will be cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15). If we know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we will spend eternity with Him in Heaven. If we don't, there is eternity in hell. We have a choice and God is giving us enough of them too.

Spurgeon says:

“If we believe that all our times are in God’s hand, we shall be expecting great things from our heavenly Father. When we get into a difficulty we shall say, ‘I am now going to see the wonders of God, and to learn again how surely he delivers them that trust in him.’” (Spurgeon)

God wants to give us great things in this life. He wants us to have a future - with Him. When God is our future we know where we're going; we know that whatever happens, God is in control and He will take care of everything for us. And let's face it, in this day of uncertainty with the Coronavirus, it is good to know that He has our back; that if anything was to happen to us, we will spend eternity with Him - we know where we're going because our insurance premiums are all paid up in Jesus. 

The only thing that is certain in life is we know that one day, we will die. We can't change that. However, we can change where we will spend eternity. You can gamble with your life if you choose to but if the bet goes wrong, and you end up in hell, there will be no second chance. We have a choice to make about our future. What will you choose? If it is Jesus and eternal life with Him, say this prayer. If not, that is your choice.

Lord Jesus
I give You my life now and ask that You will forgive me for all the sin that I have committed. I'm sorry Lord. I ask You to be My Lord and Saviour, that I may have a future and a hope. Please fill me with Your Spirit and help me to live my life for You from this day forward. In Jesus' Name. Amen

If you've said this prayer, you now have a great future with Jesus. Please let me know by emailing me.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Friday, 17 April 2020

Be grateful to Jesus

"Didn't I heal ten men? Where are the other nine? Has no one returned to give glory to God except this foreigner?"                                Luke 17:11-19.  NLT

Jesus may well have been flabbergasted that out of the 10 lepers, who He had healed, only 1 returned to thank and praise Him, and he was a Samaritan - a hated race to a Jew.

The lepers would have been a mixture of Jews and Samaritans, who despite their racial differences, were united together because of their sickness. They were outcasts with nowhere to go.

As Jesus approached the border of Samaria and Galilee, they cried out to Him begging for mercy and to be healed from this terrible plague. There was a strict law of social-distancing with someone who had leprosy. They had to stay at a distance from other people to prevent infecting someone else. Jesus heard them and then did a strange thing. Watch this - He didn't heal them on the spot but sent them to the priest. Now I'm not to sure that the priest would have been too happy about this, but they went. 

What was Jesus doing by this? It was a faith thing! At first they didn't realise this but as they went on their way, they were healed and very likely before they reached the priest too. Yet, if they hadn't have obeyed Jesus, they probably would have lost their healing. 

At times, its the same with us. We ask Jesus to heal us but He expects us to have faith and receive this instantly, even though we may still have the symptoms. My guess is that the lepers had already have been healed but it wasn't manifested until they put their faith and obedience into operation by visiting the priest.

We need to talk, 'healed not doubt'. When we receive prayer for healing, it can be so easy to think - 'Nothing has happened, I still feel the same'. And if we continue in this manner, nothing will happen rather like if the lepers hadn't have gone to the priest. However, when we receive our healing by faith, it's like we have gone to see the priest and we are healed on the way. Do you get that?

Sadly here, only one of the lepers returned to thank Jesus for his healing. The others just went on their way, like many people do when God has done something wonderful for them. The one who returned had a double-whammy from Jesus. He wasn't only healed but there was a joining of the heart with Jesus - a covenant. He would never be the same again. 

We need to always show our gratitude to Jesus. He has given us so much and there is more to come. The 9 lepers who didn't return were healed but they didn't receive that special relationship with Jesus like the other had. He was special to Jesus because of the covenant, and so are you!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Success is on the horizon

"(10 My lover said to me, 'Rise up my darling! Come away with me, my fair one! 
(11) Look the winter is past, and the rains are over and gone. (12) The flowers are springing up, the season of singing birds has come, and the cooing of turtle doves fills the air. (13) The fig trees are forming young fruit, and the fragrant grapevines are blossoming. Rise up my darling! Come away with me, my fair one!"
                                                                                     Song of Songs 2:10-13.  NLT

This part of this beautiful love song is one of success, a way forward. Like Spring, everything is fresh, new life flows throughout the world; a new hope!

Throughout our world, the Coronavirus continues to take its toll and yet, the birds are still singing - have you heard them? The doves are still cooing. Many of us are on lockdown because of the pandemic, however, if you have a garden while the sun shines, we can sit there and hear the birds as they busily go about their daily routine. If you haven't a garden, then these can still be heard as you take your daily walk.

If you stop and think about it, the birds haven't a care in the world. They know their Heavenly Father will feed and take care of them. (Matthew 6:26-34). And really, God wants us to be this way too. Apart from taking care of ourselves and praying, there's little we can do to stop this virus. Therefore, it may be a time to allow God to take over the helm. He wants to feed and clothe us; He wants to protect us. Let us take Him up on His offer of: 'Seek the kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.' (Matthew 6:33 NLT).

And like Solomon writes here, it's time to rise up; the winter is past, new life is to be had. In other words, don't let the Coronavirus keep you in fear - your success is on the horizon!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Unsatisfied longing

"Temptations come from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. 
(15) These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death."
                                                                                      James 1:14-15  NLT

Unsatisfied longing, deep-rooted desire and lust. These all fit under the heading of desire and they drag us away to sinful actions. Consider if you will, Genesis 3:1-7. Eve was in the garden when the serpent met up with her. He knew how to trick Eve, and he knows how to trick you too. You have to be very wise and Spirit-led in order to contend with him. 

The serpent - who of course was the devil, knew Eve had an interest in the fruit that came from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He persuaded Eve to look at the fruit: 

'She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom that it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her and he ate it too.'   Genesis 3:6.  NLT

Can you see what was happening? The more that Eve dwelt on the thought of the delicious fruit and feasted her eyes on it too, she became enticed. She was tempted from her own desire. It was an unsatisfied longing, a lust that had to be fulfilled. The result was, sin and death was introduced into the world. She was dragged away. The sin was allowed to grow.

And this is how the devil tempts us. He knows what our weaknesses are, and let's be honest, so do we. When we are falling to these temptations, we are being controlled by the devil, and let's face it, he doesn't want the best for us. We allow him to rule us and have the opportunity to devastate all that God has provided for us. Just think, loss of credibility, loss of integrity, possibly the loss of our marriage and family and our ministry and God's heart breaks. 

Is it worth it? You know it isn't! A quick and sure way to deal with this very common problem, is to commit it all to God. 'Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed.' (Proverbs 16:3). In other words, roll it over to Him. This is the successful way to victory, and much needed.

Why not speak with Jesus now:

Lord Jesus, I confess that some things are a stumbling block to my walk with You. I roll them over to You right now, and ask You to give me the strength to be free from them. In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...