Saturday, 19 August 2023

Don't let your sin return and grow again

"When an evil spirit leaves a person, it goes into the desert, seeking rest but finding none. 44 Then it says, 'I will return to the person I came from.' So it returns and finds its former home empty, swept, and in order. 45 Then the spirit finds seven other spirits, more evil than itself, and they all enter the person and live there."  Matthew 12:43-45   NLT

I was cutting my lawns  recently, when I suddenly thought, 'This grass is going to grow again.' This led my mind to wander off into a daydream about why do we do things like cutting the grass or having our hair cut - it only grows again. (I have these silly daydreams). I then went on to ridiculously think about going to bed and getting up again, washing clothes only to get them dirty again. I suddenly recognised that I wasn't far off being a copy of Ecclesiastes and decided to refrain from this negative way of thinking and looked for a positive side of thinking about similar things.

I looked at the above verse and pondered it. We may ask for deliverance from a certain sin in our life, just for an example let's say it is pornography. As we are prayed for, we receive that wonderful feeling of release and we are able to get on with our day to day walk with Jesus. However, somewhere down the line, we begin to be dragged back into our old habits and find that we begin this process again. Why is this?

Paul mentions in Galatians 2:20: 'My old self has been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me. So I live in this earthly body by trusting in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.' We need to die to self and live for Jesus. Notice what Jesus said in verse 44 above. He said that the evil spirit returns to the person it was cast out of and finds it swept clean and empty, so it goes and brings more evil spirits. What had happened? The person had been delivered - swept clean but the person failed to be filled with the power of God, the filling of he Holy Spirit. If the evil spirit had seen this, it would have fled, not wanting to deal with this kind of power.

Therefore, my thoughts became more of a precursor to what God was saying. We must be filled daily with God's Holy Spirit and we must ensure that we put on the Armour of God. A soldier does not go into battle without a weapon and neither should we. It is a recipe for disaster. With the Holy Spirit inside of you, you have a hedge of protection around you, if you stray into enemy territory, there will be a gap in this hedge that Satan can come through, and that's when your problems begin.

Ensure that you die to self and are always filled with the Holy Spirit on your Daily Walk with Jesus.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Friday, 18 August 2023

Do you want success?

"Commit your actions to the LORD, and your plans will succeed"   Proverbs  16:3   NLT 

Over the years, many people have read this verse and literally believed that if they commit anything to God it will come to fruition; and when it hasn't they have become despondent. Why has this happened to them? Because they have not read the verse properly. Let's look at this:

The word 'Commit', means to: put in charge or entrust. Therefore, when we commit our plans, actions or intentions to God, we are actually putting Him in control of the whole deal. Tony Evans comments: 'It means your will is in submission to His. When that happens, you're inviting His will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.' 

When we commit to the LORD, we are trusting in Him to show us the way. Our plans are not always in line with what God wants for us. So, it makes sense to give it all to God and have the satisfaction that He is guiding our future. Just think about it for a moment. You may be planning to borrow a huge amount of money to go into business with someone or, start your own business. If you do this without consulting with God, it is likely to go horribly wrong, leaving you in debt for many years. It makes sense to commit it to the One who will never let you down - God. He knows the way forward - He sees ahead.

You may be considering something at the moment - a new job, move house, emigrate etc. etc. If this is you, have you committed it to God, have you sought His guidance? If not, let me encourage you to do so. Many Christians have committed themselves to a certain project and have not committed it to God first. Their projects have crumbled and they have had to pay the penalty of leaving God out. Life is not a game of chance; there may be many business people who have chanced their luck in investing in a particualr venture, and it has paid off. However, there are many who have not been so successful. Don't take chances. God gives us the chances in life, not Lady Luck, whoever she may be.

God is telling you to be cautious in what you do. Walk in His steps not your own and you will only be able to do this by committing everything to Him.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Thursday, 17 August 2023

Are you a pessimist or an optimist?

"I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or little."              
                                                                Philippians 4:12   NLT

The pessimist is never content, never satisfied. He or she looks at what's on offer and finds faults. They have a tendency to be negative about most things and mostly see doom and gloom. The optimist usually expects a favourable outcome from what they see. When they are tempted to be discontent, they overcome this with their positivity and see the bigger picture. The pessimist has a half-empty glass, the optimist, a half-full one. Which are you?

Paul was an optimist, he had everything and he had lived with nothing. He knew that whatever God wanted him to have, He would provide it for him. He was therefore content in all he had and did. When Paul was on his evangelistic journeys, if he needed money, he would receive what was given to him by his supporters or he would work as a tentmaker. He was never idle. If he needed it and it wasn't there, he would go and earn it. The secret for Paul was that, he drew on Christ's power for strength and supply.

What about you? Are you satisfied with what you have or, are you constantly longing for something better, rather like the 'Keeping up with the Jones'' syndrome? Some people go through life never being satisfied with anything. Lots of people have a glass that's half-full, they go out and work for what they want. If they see something special, perhaps they will save for it until they have enough. They know what they want and go for it. The half-empty crowd look at what they have and what they want and become depressed because they feel they will never be able to own this, go there or whatever they would like. They have a negative answer for any solution to better themselves and they plod along in despair. This can lead to envy, jealously and covetousness.

There is a kind of excitement in walking in faith with Jesus. He knows what we need, He also knows what we would like. With Jesus, our glass can always be half-full because, we know that He cares and wants the best for us. Therefore, we have to learn to be grateful and content with all we have. Paul learned the secret of living in every situation so, why not give it a try yourself.

God is not tight, in fact, He is very generous; He will bless us many times over but we need to be content in all that we have.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Wednesday, 16 August 2023

Don't doubt your healing

"Go show yourselves to the priests.' And as they went, they were cleansed of their leprosy."                                          Luke 17:14    NLT

Ten men with with the dreaded disease, leprosy, approached Jesus and asked Him to have mercy on them. Now leprosy was very contagious, rather like aids in our day. They were ordered to stay away from other people because of the risk that they were. Occasionally, the leprosy went into a form of remission and this was probably why they approached Jesus so openly.
Notice that all Jesus said was to go to the priests and show themselves. This was part of the law where a priest would check them over and declare them clean (Leviticus 14). The ten men did so, acting on their faith and as they walked, they were cleansed.

Check this out:
(1)  Jesus didn't pray over them or declare that they were well. He sent them to the priest. Therefore, they left Jesus in the same state that they had approached Him but, they were healed on the way. The healing didn't take place straightaway.
(2)  The ten men, obeyed Jesus. They didn't complain that they hadn't been healed. They just went to the priests by faith. And they were healed on the way.

This can help explain to all the people who have received prayer for healing but, they feel they have not received it. Healing does not alway take place instantly. Yes, for some it does and that is wonderful. However, for others, they have walked away from the prayer feeling that nothing happened. Healing doesn't always happen instantly, for many there can be a time process and, this is where people are vulnerable. It is so easy to become despondent and give up on your healing. What do I mean? Well, look at the ten men, they could have become downhearted that Jesus had done nothing to help them but, they acted by their faith and did what Jesus had said, they went to the priest. On the way, the healing took place. No doubt if they had given up and gone home, or believed that it was a farce, they would have lost their healing.

In the same manner, if you have received prayer for healing and feel that nothing happened, DO NOT begin to doubt. If you do, you will go without. Receive the healing by faith and stand on the Word thanking God and receiving this every day until the healing comes. We can be a people that, if we don't receive what we asked for straightaway, we give up on the whole idea. Faith people keep standing, waiting, hoping and receiving.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday, 15 August 2023

Let Jesus protect you

"If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter, 10 no evil will conquer you; no plague will come near your home."   Psalm 91:9-10   NLT

With all of the disasters that are happening in our world today - fires, floods and whatever else, it is difficult for someone involved in all of it, to accept this word. If you try, you may hear, 'If God loves us, why has He allowed all of this heartache to happen to us?.' The answer to this is, 'I don't know'. In fact, there is no feasible answer. However, if we as Christians, adopt this attitude then we are limiting God and agreeing with the world. Look at our text again, the Psalmist wrote, 'If you make the LORD your refuge, if you make the Most High your shelter.' Can you see it?

There is a proviso here; rather like we have to ask Jesus into our lives before we are 'saved', then we also have to put Him in charge of everything in our life and call on Him when we need Him. This is not a once in a life action either, we need to be committing everything and every day to Jesus. God says: 'I will rescue those who love Me. I will protect those who trust in My name. 15 When they call on Me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honour them' Psalm 91:14-15  NLT.

I'm not saying these terrible disasters happen because people don't know Jesus - not at all. I'm also sure that many of the people who have suffered this way have been Christians. I am also not defending God. We have a relationship with Jesus; therefore, He is interested in what we do each day. If we go for a drive, He wants to protect us, if we fly away on holiday, the same applies. 'Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust Him and He will help you'  Psalm 37:5. Please note, the 'everything' here means everything.

We must remember there is a devil and, he will bring total devastation wherever he can. God will not intervene unless we ask for His help and protection. We can't just sit back and assume that God will be there for us if we are not in communication with Him. If we have a relationship with Him, He wants us to share with Him on a daily basis. This is why we pray The Lord's Prayer and put on the whole armour of God each day. 

Whatever you do, do it with Jesus, allow Him your day and ask Him to take care of you. Make Him the centre of your life, trusting Him with every beat of your heart.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday, 14 August 2023

Are you in agreement?

"Can two walk together, unless they are agreed?   Amos 3:3  NKJV 

Following Jesus' ascension, the disciples were together in strong fellowship. They shared all they could and they had a strong bond with each other. Therefore, the Lord blessed them with power and many came to know Jesus through their preaching.

Check out todays text and consider, if two people want to walk together, they have to appoint a time and place to meet. If they don't, how can they walk together? The togetherness God wants in our lives is linked very much to fellowship. This word 'fellowship' is translated from the Greek word koinonia, which means to be almost cemented to each other and Jesus. It means that there is a powerful covenant between each other which is only brought about by the Holy Spirit. If there is no anointing, then there is no joining.

The NLT version of this verse reads:'Can two people walk together without agreeing on a direction?' Think about that for a moment. If there is no agreement there is no direction and therefore, no togetherness. This is the whole point of living life as a Christian. Jesus saves our souls, we begin to follow and live for Him and, from thereon, we live in obedience to His Word; in other words, we walk together with Him. How can we walk with Him if we are at loggerheads with fellow believers? How can we walk with Jesus if we alienate unbelievers, having nothing to do with them whatsoever?

Jesus walked the walk; He spent time with prostitutes, lepers, robbers, adulterers, killers, alcoholics and more. He even visited them in their homes or wherever they were. He got involved with them without becoming taken over with their lifestyle. But He was still labelled with them. This didn't stop Him and when asked why He ate with tax collectors, Jesus replied, 'Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick'  Matthew 9:12. Jesus showed whoever would listen, how to walk with Him and each other. There are much more sick people that don't attend church than those who do. You have the ability to reach out to these people. You were one of them once, therefore, like you they need the chance to repent and walk with Jesus and they in turn, will tell others too.

There is so much we can do by walking that walk with Jesus. Lives throughout the world are falling apart. Can you help in some way?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Sunday, 13 August 2023

I have nothing left to give

'Then Jesus said, 'Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest."                  Matthew 11:28   NLT

Do you have those days when you feel you have nothing left to give? Of course you do; you wouldn't be human if you didn't. But saying that, does not help. You've overspent your energy and you are exhausted and worn out, and what's more, no-one seems to notice or even care. You're almost down on your knees with tiredness and all you hear is, 'Pull yourself together, it's part of life.' It may be for some but not for the bible believing son or daughter of the King of kings. With Him, we have victory.

However, at this moment you probably don't feel victorious; why is that? Consider your life; you have commitments, you may have a stressful job, busy church life and a demanding family. Then you have shopping, household chores including gardening, walking the dog and whatever else that overfills your day. You need some help and I know where you can get it!

Jesus, was fully God but He was also fully human so He knew what it was like to feel exhausted and totally worn out. Read about Him in the Gospels. He found it difficult to get away from people. They had never seen anyone like Him and they wanted as much as they could. They wanted healing, food, marital and family counselling issues and then He had the disciples who were often seeking who would be the greatest in His kingdom. If anyone needed Help, He did - and He got it.

Most mornings, very early He would go out alone and be with His Father. We don't really know what was said but we can assume that He was emptying Himself of all His human burdens and receiving a top up of the Holy Spirit from His Father. He needed this, otherwise He would not have had the strength, in His human form, to meet the people's needs. He needed to empty out all of the problematic burden and have the Father pour out His Living water of life, in fullness. Now, if Jesus needed this, I think you know that you do as well. But it means, finding the time to be alone with Jesus, He is the one that can give you the strength you need to be able to cope. Look at His Words:'Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens and I will give you rest.'

This is the best offer you will ever receive and you know you need this. Let's do this now:
'Lord Jesus, of late  I've been feeling that I have nothing left to give. I understand that if I come to You, I'll be able to offload my weary burdens and find rest. I ask You for this now, Lord. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...