"Can two walk together, unless they are agreed? Amos 3:3 NKJV
Following Jesus' ascension, the disciples were together in strong fellowship. They shared all they could and they had a strong bond with each other. Therefore, the Lord blessed them with power and many came to know Jesus through their preaching.
Check out todays text and consider, if two people want to walk together, they have to appoint a time and place to meet. If they don't, how can they walk together? The togetherness God wants in our lives is linked very much to fellowship. This word 'fellowship' is translated from the Greek word koinonia, which means to be almost cemented to each other and Jesus. It means that there is a powerful covenant between each other which is only brought about by the Holy Spirit. If there is no anointing, then there is no joining.
The NLT version of this verse reads:'Can two people walk together without agreeing on a direction?' Think about that for a moment. If there is no agreement there is no direction and therefore, no togetherness. This is the whole point of living life as a Christian. Jesus saves our souls, we begin to follow and live for Him and, from thereon, we live in obedience to His Word; in other words, we walk together with Him. How can we walk with Him if we are at loggerheads with fellow believers? How can we walk with Jesus if we alienate unbelievers, having nothing to do with them whatsoever?
Jesus walked the walk; He spent time with prostitutes, lepers, robbers, adulterers, killers, alcoholics and more. He even visited them in their homes or wherever they were. He got involved with them without becoming taken over with their lifestyle. But He was still labelled with them. This didn't stop Him and when asked why He ate with tax collectors, Jesus replied, 'Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick' Matthew 9:12. Jesus showed whoever would listen, how to walk with Him and each other. There are much more sick people that don't attend church than those who do. You have the ability to reach out to these people. You were one of them once, therefore, like you they need the chance to repent and walk with Jesus and they in turn, will tell others too.
There is so much we can do by walking that walk with Jesus. Lives throughout the world are falling apart. Can you help in some way?
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.
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