Thursday, 10 January 2019

Choose your words wisely Part one

10 January 2019

Choose your words wisely Part one
In other words, 'Keep your mouth zipped'. Very hard to do at times but so important
Proverbs 18: 20 - 21 reads:

A man's stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth.
From the produce of his lips he shall be filled.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.'

Again Ephesians 4:29 reads:

'Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary
edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers'

That last bit is very important: 'that it may impart grace to the hearers.'
You are a hearer too. What you are saying has the power to build you up pr tear you down.
If your glass is always half empty and you say things such as, 'It'll never happen to me. Other people are blessed but God will never bless me.' Chances are you'll hardly ever be blessed with an attitude such as this. Change your, 'I can't do this' into, 'I'm going to give this my best shot. I reckon I can do this,' and then sit back and see the difference.
Our words carry either Faith or fear, Blessing or cursing, Life or death. We have to choose what comes out of our minds, wisely. Speak positively not negatively. I've often worked in a counselling situation with people and the most common word that comes up is, 'But'. 'I know what you're saying, but.' 'Ive tried that so many times, but". As soon as that small word is uttered from the lips it produces negativity. Change that. What you confess - you get. Make your words productive.

Today, try practising using positive words instead of negative ones. In other words, seek what the bible says. It's full of faith. If something bad comes along, don't just throw a wobbly and give up - stand up in the power of Jesus Christ. The Name above all names. Your Friend and Saviour.

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