Wednesday 16 January 2019

Launch out into the deep

16 January 2019

Launch out into the deep  Luke 5: 1-11
Walk through the scene:

Crowds are gathering around Jesus to hear His teaching. Fishermen clean their nets after a night of disappointment. They have caught no fish and their livelihood is at stake.  There's a feeling of fear and tension around the place and still the crowds bustle Jesus. Jesus asks Peter for the use of his boat and Peter all though not in the best of moods, allows Jesus to sit in it and casts out a little so the crowds can't get to Him.

A short while later, we hear Jesus ask Peter to launch out into deep water and let his nets down again. Peter is tired, fed up and quite emotional. Peter thinks about this very strange and futile request yet instead of being negative towards Jesus - which we know, he could be, he replies, "Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing. Nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net." (verse 5)
Suddenly, pandemonium strikes, fish begin to fill the net at an incredible pace and the net threatens to break. The other boat has to come to help out. They find themselves beginning to sink - but hold on, Jesus is on board. People don't sink when He's around, as long as they focus on Him.

Look at this scripture a moment and see yourself in this. Peter and his fellow fishermen had been totally depressed. they were professional fishermen and yet they had caught nothing except possibly a headache. Peter was low and probably couldn't see the point of everything. And then, Jesus is there and gives him some revelation. Peter, although reluctant, obeyed, "Nevertheless, at your word I will let down the net." In other words, 'I'll do it Lord'.

You know, things may be dismal in your life at this time. Sometimes, and I know from experience, there seems no point because the giant ahead of you is too big to tackle. But, hey, Jesus is a giant slayer. As Peter gave to Jesus, Jesus gave back to him and he had a superabundance of fish.

What is happening to you at this moment? Jesus is here and He's calling to you, "Launch out into the deep." The deep sounds scary but with Jesus on board, you won't sink. Say to Him, "Nevertheless, I will let down the net."

"Jesus, thank you for Your Word. I trust You and I agree to let down my net and launch out into the deep.
Go with me Lord and let my nets begin to break with Your blessing and goodness. Amen"

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Stop being hasty

Better is the poor who walks in his integrity t han one who is perverse in his lips, and is a fool. And he sins who hastens with his feet.  ...