Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Where are you? (Part two)

15 January 2019

Where are you? Part two
Genesis 3

Adam and Eve knew they had done wrong. There was conviction all around. They hid and so do we at times. Hiding really is trying to cover sin up. It's rather like white washing a very cracked wall. It looks good at first, until it's dried, then the cracks start appearing. You can't hide your sin. It's almost like the Holy Spirit says to us, "You know." I'm sure it works rather like that.

Adam and Eve had already tried the 'Blame game.' "It wasn't my fault, it was the serpent," " it wasn't my fault it was the woman that You gave me." Adam had the audacity to put the blame on God V12.
Whatever they said, they knew that they had blown it. Things would never be the same again - for them or mankind. Sin had entered the world.
But before they were asked to leave the garden just look at the heart of God. He must have been very disappointed and very upset, in fact His heart would have been broken. That's the way He is with one of us when we go astray. It hurts Him. Here in verse 21, we see God making tunics of skin for them for clothes. this would hide their nakedness and embarrassment, to a degree. Where else would you get that? If you were fired from a job, would the boss make you some clothes to wear before you left? No. If you were asked to leave a church - and let's hope that never happens, but for the record, before you left would the pastor get the sewing machine out and run up a fancy suit for you? Extremely doubtful. However, here God continues to show them love, no matter what they've done - and what they'd done was massive. God continually shows us His love and mercy on a daily basis, even though we may be in error. You may have blown things last night but whatever you did, God loves you. Do you hear me? he loves you.

The question is 'Where are you?' Are you:

* Flowing with God
* Are you hiding in shame from hidden sin?
* Have you let God down?
* Where are you?

Thank goodness we have Jesus who took our sins upon Himself and nailed them to the cross. Through His action we have access to His Throne anytime of day or night.

"For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are , yet without sin. Let us therefore, come boldly to the Throne of Grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need" Hebrews 4:15 - 16

That doesn't mean that we can carry on sinning. Not at all. But when we do, which will be every day, we ask Jesus to forgive us, and He will.

The final question is, "Where are you?" Nothing can separate us from God; we just need at times, to get real close to Him and let The Holy Spirit wash afresh over us. Why not do that now?

"Jesus, I approach Your Throne of Grace with confidence
I need You Lord, things are difficult at the moment.
Please come and help me and as I draw near to You, draw near to me. Amen"

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