Sunday, 24 February 2019

The darkness trembles

Read Acts 16:25 - 34 (To get the whole story)

Text for today:
"But at midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly, there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed."   Acts 16: 25 - 26 NKJV

Praise brings release! Paul and Silas had been arrested for forcing a demon out of someone and they were beaten with rods and placed in the inner prison  - that is like the basement where it is filthy, dark, rat infested and very smelly. They were chained into stocks.
What would you have done in their position? Their backs must have been cut and bleeding and they would have been in agony. Again, I ask, what would you have done?
Paul and Silas prayed loudly and sang hymns, praising God. They sang so loud, that the other prisoners were listening to them and were probably amazed.

All of a sudden, there's an  earthquake and the chains fall off every prisoner. The jailor woke up fearing for his life and was going to kill himself, because he would probably suffer much more at the hands of the authorities, for this.
Paul shouted and stopped him, telling him that no one had escaped, they were all there. With this, the jailor raced in with a light to check for himself. Everyone was there. He was so amazed, grateful and blown away that he asked Paul how he could be saved and follow Jesus. Paul told him and when taken out, prayed for him and his family to become Christians.

Praise open doors - chains fall off - lives are changed. Let me tell you, Jesus makes the darkness tremble. Paul, Silas and the other prisoners, had all been in the dark but when Paul and Silas praised and prayed, the darkness trembled, the chains fell off and freedom came.

Satan tries to block our every path. He attacks us and does all he can to cause disruption. But praise and prayer stops him in his tracks. He can't cope with that, at all.

Many people throughout the world are suffering for their Christian faith. Many are killed or locked in prisons until they denounce Jesus. Many still stay faithful to Jesus. Organisations like Open Doors help these suffering and persecuted Christians. Here, in this country, we have freedom to worship God but even that is difficult at times.

What about the chains in your life? What is keeping you imprisoned? Don't you think it's time you started praising God again? He wants you to be free. He has work for you to do. Praise Him and shout your victory as He makes the darkness tremble; as He breaks the chains that are holding you back. It's time to move on and stand your ground.

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