Saturday, 23 February 2019

What is your giant?

"Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear and with a javelin. But I come to you in the Name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel , whom you have defied.' "   1 Samuel 17: 45 NKJV

Goliath must have been an awesome sight as he stood there, over nine feet tall and clad in all his armour. He was intimidating and the Israelite army were scared of him and no one would go forward and take the challenge to fight him. For 40 days he carried out the intimidation, standing there  laughing and goading King Saul's army. But no one had the bottle to take him on. That is until David came along.
David, a young shepherd boy, only very small in build, saw the sight of this Philistine parading up and down and asked, 'Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God?' He then made plans to see King Saul and go out to face this giant.

After much discussion and trying on Saul's armour, which was ridiculous to even consider as Saul was very tall, where David was very short. David decided he didn't need this. He chose 5 smooth stones for his sling and went to face this Philistine in the Name of the Lord of hosts. As we can see from our scripture above, David stayed the giant with one small stone and cut off his head, as he had told the giant he would do. David triumphed over this formidable creature' yet he had only been the willing instrument. God had been the victor.

We all have giants in our lives and many times they can be very daunting. I would describe a giant as something or someone that appears too powerful to overcome. This for some, can be alcohol, smoking, overeating, adultery, pornography, fornication, jealously stealing, spending money they don't have, credit cards just to name a few. There may be many more that I haven't mentioned here.
If these are relevant to you, you may have tried and tried to shake these off but they are still clinging like sticky buds. David would never have won over Goliath had he gone in his own strength. It would have been quite difficult for someone who probably wasn't even five foot to take on a nine foot giant warrior. He would have been ripped to pieces. However, he went in God's power. He knew God and, even though very young, he had a close relationship with Him, writing his poetry and songs to worship Him.

This account of David and Goliath teaches us a great lesson. It shows believers how to defeat giants in life. We need to remember that God is bigger than anything or anyone we face. He will give us the victory everyday as long as we turn to Him in faith and seek Him.

Now are you going to carry on letting your giant/s slay you, or are you going to stand up, in the Name of Jesus and be a giant slayer?

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