Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Keep going, you're doing ok

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"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord."  1 Corinthians 15:58 NKJV

It's not easy when you're working flat out and you feel that your work is not appreciated. It makes some people pack in and move on. That can be from jobs, marriages even churches. Everyone likes to be appreciated. Sadly, it doesn't always happen.

Jesus talked about a man who built his house upon a rock. (Matthew 7:24-29) No matter what was thrown against this house, it kept standing. It refused to fall. That is the formula, building on our rock - Jesus. You'll never please everybody, sometimes, no one at all. Jesus is pleased though. 

Some days can be tedious, whether out at work, where the boss is never satisfied and treats you like a drudge. Or at home, where you feel that you're just taken for granted. Sometimes at church, we can do all we can, whenever we're asked and yet, we feel it goes un-noticed. Sometimes it would be easier to throw the towel in and leave.

However, don't do that. You may be a leader in a church and it seems like you work almost 36 hours a day, at times, but some people will still complain and be dis-satisfied with the changes you have made. You may be a sales person and whatever you sell, the target keeps going up so that it seems unreachable. At home, you may feel like the doormat; everyone moans about their problems but no one gives you the time to air your worries. 

Hey, don't give up. Keep going. God wants you to be immovable, this means you don't run away - ever. You keep right on going, abounding in all you do. God will bring a happier resolution to this issue if you ask Him to. He sees all and as long as He sees your hard work and faithfulness, He won't let you down.
Just for now though, put your armour on (Ephesians 6:14-18), especially the shield of faith. Arrows are flying around at present and these are sent by the wicked one and meant to wound you and to get you to think negatively. Don't let them pierce your heart. Just be faithful and immovable in all you do and God will bring about some kind of change to your environment. 
Build upon the rock and you won't sink!

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