Saturday 9 March 2019

You need the Power

'Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts.'   Zechariah 4:6 NKJV

We can have the greatest army of soldiers around us, the best pastor in the world and a church full of friendly Christians backing us, but at the end of the day, without the Spirit of God they are to no avail.
Don't get me wrong, we need people praying for us; people who are discerning and full of God, but without the Power of God inside us, handling the situation it is like a giant before us and we are going nowhere.

The word 'Might', which in Hebrew is chayil, is interpreted as strength, power, force, might (especially an army) valour, substance and wealth and gives us an idea of what I am saying. Notice the word 'Might' in our reading above. We can have all these characteristics but they will not perform what God can perform. The very best of human effort is incapable of doing what God's Spirit can do.

Therefore, what are you facing today? Whatever it is, God can handle it but you and others can't, not without Him. Just think of all the great things that have happened to great men and women of God in the bible. They were all accomplished by the Spirit of God. So how do we go about getting this help. Unlike the world, where one has to make telephone calls requesting help from various organisations and then have to undergo the terrible monotony of pressing this number followed by the hash key and then facing another set of recorded messages, God's office is not like that. In fact, His door is always open 24/7 and He is always pleased to hear from us and offer His help. Even if a million people are requesting his help at the same time.

God is there for you. You know what you're facing today. It's worrying you. You know it's important and you may not be able to share it with anyone else either. You may have tried all you can to solve this issue but nothing has worked. Call out to God, NOW! Ask Him to help you. He is the God of the impossible. He knows what you're going through and He's been waiting for you to recognise your limitations and ask him for help.

You may need healing. You may need help with finance. You may be in a threatening position and need urgent assistance. Your marriage may be crumbling. You may need employment, re-housing, someone to understand your position. God has all the answers and what's more He cares and wants to help you.

Call on Him now, ask His Holy Spirit to come with His power to knock this giant; this mountain out of the way. It may be instant or you may have to wait. Be patient. He's heard you and is working out all the nitty - gritty elements. Say this prayer with me:

'Lord Jesus, I need You. Please come and help me to sort out this....................................................
I give my life to You today, please fill me with Your Holy Spirit. I know I may have said this before but it's important to me today, to say it again.
Lord I ask in Jesus' name. Amen'

Why not leave me a comment below or send me an email if you need prayer or just need to comment in private. I'd love to hear from you.   Mail me at

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" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...