Tuesday, 9 April 2019

From hopelessness to hope

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"This I recall to my mind, therefore, I have hope. Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness."   Lamentations 3:21 - 23. NKJV

Jeremiah, who probably wrote this book, was depressed. He had done all he could to turn the hearts of the people, but all to no avail. Therefore, he, himself, was feeling God's wrath on the people. It was a hopeless situation and Jeremiah felt for the people. He had compassion. However, he had done all he could. But he then focused on something from his memory and this lifted him; his hope returned and the shackles of depression began to leave him. He had done all he could; and he had made no mistakes at all. He grabbed hold of the hope with all he had. He knew that there was still hope in God so he changed his focus by remembering times of restoration and victory. (Verse 21).

Quite often we need to change how we think (Romans 12:2). And we need to change our self talk - how we speak to ourselves when the chips are down. We can even build ourselves up or turn ourselves down. Jeremiah went from negative to positive thought and this led him from depression to hope. When things are not good, try and think back to more victorious occasions and let God meet you in these memories.

God's mercy is abounding. Each day He gives us a brand new start. He is so faithful. We are only human and we blow it quite often, every day sometimes if you're like me. We make mistakes; but as Jeremy Pearsons says, 'My mistakes may be great but His faithfulness is greater.' (KCM.org). Think about that for a moment. When did you last let God down? His compassion grasped hold of those mistakes and you are forgiven. You may not feel forgiven, that's where faith comes in. We make mistakes and mess up really badly. We may ask God to forgive us but many, many times we carry on as if we are still guilty. Jesus' death on the cross declared us not guilty. As soon as we say that we're sorry, He forgives us.

Now that's something to shout about. I make more mistakes than the average human being ( I consider ), but God's daily faithfulness and compassion gives me a brand new start. Wouldn't you like to start again? Try Jesus, He's great at giving new starts.

Even if you're going through the darkest of times, try an grab some hope, NOW!

Please send me some feedback on this email. dailylifewithjesus@protonmail.com

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