Sunday, 14 April 2019

Has you get up and go, gone?

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"This is the day the LORD has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it". Psalm 118:24  NKJV

Let's be honest, some days, we just don't feel much like praying or worshipping God. We feel drained, let down, washed out and irritable. And that's just for starters. We feel the world owes us something but the fact is, the world owes us nothing. People nearby are getting on with their everyday lives. We live busy lives and sometimes people don't have the time to ask us how we are; give us a ring or just spend time with us. It isn't as if they don't care, they're just busy and focused on their day.

To survive in this world, we have to be proactive. It's ok to sit around feeling left out of things, for a time. However, the longer we do, the less likely to be good company when we do actually spend time with someone. I once heard a story of a very depressed man standing on the edge of a cliff intending to throw himself off. A passerby saw this chap and went over to talk with him, with the intention of talking him out of this impending doom. Not long afterwards, they both threw themselves off the cliff. You see when we are down, depressed and full of woe, it is so easy to spread this to other people. All they hear is gloom and doom and if the person trying to help, isn't careful, they can end up feeling the same. This apparently, is what happened here.

Mostly, we are in charge of ourselves. We have choices and sometimes the choices we make determine the way we will go. Here, in our text, the Psalmist makes a proactive statement -'This is the day the LORD has made, WE WILL BE REJOICE AND BE GLAD IN IT.' Do you get it? He was making a statement. He was making his choice to rejoice and be glad in the day God had given him.

All around us there are hurts and anger; pain and sorrow. And the longer we look at it, the more likely it can rub off on us. That doesn't mean that we ignore things. No, if we can help or pray over such things that is fine. But what about us? What about the things that are going off in our lives. Do we just sit and feel sorry for ourselves, or do we do something about it? 'What can we do?' you may ask. Well, firstly, we need to make a conscious decision that we will stand up and go forward. There's life out there and while there is, there are things we need to do. One of these, and perhaps the most important, is to rejoice in the God who gave us life. Now, that's a great place to start.

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There's still no answer from God

"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day  is  as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"...