Monday, 15 April 2019

Living in Freedom

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"If you abide in My Word you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth  shall make you free."   John 8:31-32. NKJV

Today, many people live in captivity, in fact slaves. They may be a slave to some type of addiction, tied up in in some awful situation, controlled, bullied, hooked on something or chained. Some people are subject to human trafficking and may never be seen again. The world can be a cruel place to live in. We read of Christian women, from some Christian Societies abroad, who are forced to marry a man who may be into  a strange cult or religion. The world can be an evil place. Alternatively, some people may be trapped in their own sins and cannot find a way out of what they're involved in.

Jesus offers freedom and shows here in our text for today, how it can be achieved. He tells us that we need to: 

Abide in His Word. This means that we need to live the life; live in His Word, dwell in it. In fact, make our home in His Word, being totally sold out for Jesus.
Word  Read your bible and study it everyday. Obey it and live it out to the letter. The bible is our road map; our direction in life. We need to get stuck into it. We will then:
Know the truth We will know Jesus Himself on a more intimate basis. This will help us to know the way forward - what we should do or not do, where we should go. Words such as  Proverbs 3:5-6 will be uppermost in our thinking:

'Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.'

Truth shall make you free. We will be liberated, Rescued, redeemed, in fact Freedom shall be ours. We'll never be the same again.

However, we need to continue to live in the Word. As we do, it becomes a part of us and before long, we will feel Jesus directing our paths. This needs to be a permanent feature in our lives. Jesus needs to be our first checkpoint about the way ahead - what shall we do, where shall we go?

Freedom cannot be paid for. No amount of money will completely set a person free, no matter what amount is paid. Freedom is not affected by status, where we live or what job we have. No works can bring freedom. We cannot earn liberation. And once we have it, there is nothing that can match it. 

No one can experience the freedom that Jesus offers except by abiding in His Word; by being His disciple and surrendering and living their life for Him. 

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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