Friday, 31 May 2019

Are you a Back Seat Driver?

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"Peter seeing him, said to Jesus, 'But Lord, what about this man?' Jesus said to him, 'If I will that he remain till I come , what is that to you? You follow me!' "  
                                                                                                             John 21:21-22

Peter had been talking with Jesus and wanted to know if John had to do what He was telling Peter to do. Straightaway, Jesus told him basically to get on and do what he had been told and not to worry about what John would be doing. In other words, He was telling Peter, 'Never mind, "What about him - what about you? You do what I've told you to do, I'll take care of the rest.'

It all boils down to as long as we are doing what God wants us to do, that's the way God wants it. The thing is, at times we find ourselves pointing the finger at other Christians. We feel that they shouldn't be doing what they are doing. They should be disciplined.  At times like this, it is more likely that we need disciplining for thinking such stuff about other people.

But we do this. At times, we are like back seat drivers. We even feel that we should be controlling what God should be controlling. 'I mean, for Heaven's sake, why does God allow this to happen? Doesn't He know about what they are doing and saying?' Yes, He does, but it is still no concern of ours. We should be doing what God has told us to do and stop trying to judge people. I always say, if we were meant to judge people, we would have been given a curly white wig and a long black cloak.

We becomes wrapped up in what other people are doing that, at times, that is all we can focus on. Bob Gass, writes, 'Learn to respect your fellow believers, not because of who they are, but whose they are' ( Bob Gass UCB). The very people we judge and point the finger at; the very people that we are tempted to talk about, or to put it correctly - gossip about, belong to God. They are created in God's image the same as we are. How would you feel if they were talking about you to people? It's not nice and I tell you, God is not pleased with such behaviour. 'Judge not, that you will not be judged. For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you.'  ( Matthew 7:1-2 ) 

Sitting in the back seat of a car telling the driver what he or she should be doing is akin to sitting in church or in a group talking about other people. Basically it is gossip and we will pay a high price if we continue with this. Yes at times, people do wind us up; there are times when they should be acting in a more appropriate way; but talking about them or judging them behind closed doors is not the way. If there is something you're not happy about, talk to God about it; get some direction and if it is needed, approach that person and gently speak to them about what offends you. If not, then, you do what God wants you to do and let God deal with them.

It is not worth losing your peace and that wonderful flowing in The Holy Spirit. And remember, if we allow the devil to get into the back seat of the car, pretty soon he's going to want to drive. Think about that.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard 

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