Saturday, 1 June 2019

You Need God!

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"I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go ; I will guide you with My eye"
                                                                                                                    Psalm 32:8. NKJV

I remember my university days; the initial fear as I commenced my first day and the desire to want to leave that same morning, as I discovered all the work that I would have to cover in order to qualify. It was totally awesome, However, deep down, I knew that I could do this; I knew that God was with me. This did not stop me from failing my first essay though. As I asked God about this, just before I was going going to quit, He quite simply told me that I had not asked Him to help me. He felt that, as I hadn't asked Him, I would be able to manage it well. I was flabbergasted and decided there and then, that I would never manage this without asking Him for help.

My problem was, I was puffed up, I didn't need anyone to help me; I would sail through all of this, I thought. WRONG! It was quite an awakening and I had to live with the fact that I had to re-submit my first essay. I felt stupid and my ego had suffered a major smashing.
But we live and learn, and I learnt very quickly, I can tell you. 

God gave me the above verse. He told me to pray this over every essay and exam that I had to do and all would be good. I never looked back from that moment and managed to get some very favourable results, even coming first in psychology - which included Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Grief counselling. But I had to learn the lesson that without Him, I can do nothing (John 15:5)." 

When we are young, we have this feeling that we can conquer anything that we face. Thankfully, God is there to point us in the right direction, and that means allowing us to have egg on our face when we think we know better than Him.

This feeling that we can do whatever we choose to do, never really leaves us. What we have to do is, learn to submit to God, draw near to Him and then he will draw near to us. (James 4:7-8.) God doesn't want us to be puffed up and proud. If we are, He will resist us. (James 4:6.) When we are proud, we tend to say to God, that we don't need Him, we can do this on our own. When we do this, we soon learn that we can't. We need to humble ourselves and then things will go well for us.

What are you doing at the moment. Are you at Uni or working in a high profile job? You need God to help you, if you haven't worked that out already. God wants you to be successful, but He will share His glory with no one. He is God, and He wants the best for His children, but we belong to Him and he wants to guide us. 

Have you learned this yet? If not, make sure that you do pretty quickly!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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