Friday, 17 May 2019

Being content

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"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."   Philippians 4:13.  NKJV

The state of being discontent or dissatisfied chokes every opportunity that may come our way. Being discontent can give us feelings of anger, irritability and always striving to change this for the better. It can make us envious about what other people have and what we feel, and can bring jealousy to the forefront of our thinking.

The Apostle Paul had beaten this. Even though he was in prison at the time, he was able to claim that he was content in all things. And that is the secret to the way forward. 
Nehemiah 8:10 says:

'Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength'

There are three areas that can help here:

REJOICE.  God knows what we need. therefore, whatever He provides rejoice in it without complaining.
REST IN YOUR SITUATION. Be content whatever your circumstances. They could be far worse.
REALISE YOUR STRENGTH IN JESUS. Without Him, we are nothing. With Him we are a source of power (John 15:5)

It is being content with what God has provided which is the key to fulfilment here; not an almighty, super person that can do whatever. Super Christians just do not exist.

Winston Churchill said:

'I've never failed at anything in my life. I was simply given another opportunity to get it right'

Let is consider this statement. First of all, it is positive, as Churchill was. It shows no fear or cracks of defeat. It is almost a faith statement, although there is no suggestion that `Churchill was a Christian. What is does show is the Churchill, Bulldog Spirit.
It shows the hallmark of a fighter; one who doesn't give up, whatever is faced. It shows, to me, that whatever we are given, we can use to bring about victory. This is what people who are content with life, can do. They are not saying, 'I have what I've been given and I'll settle for that.' No, rather, 'Whatever I've been given is enough when it's placed into God's hands. He is the one that can give me victory. he is the one that gives me the strength to face each and every day.'

Be content in Jesus, place it in His hands and watch what He can do with it!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


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