Sunday, 19 May 2019


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Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.'   Mark 6:31.  NKJV

There were many people coming and going and the disciples were so hard pressed, they didn't have time to eat. Jesus advised them to take a short break, a short time out where they would be able to rest, eat and sleep. In other words, to regain their strength. Note that Jesus mentioned a deserted place - one where they would not be disturbed. We need this respite at times.

Just preaching the Gospel can be tiring. We should always do this in Jesus' strength, that is true. But a preacher is all fired up at this time, running on maximum power. At the end of it, the preacher can feel drained and this was partly what was going on here.

Burn out, is one of most biggest problems for preachers and pastors today. We find it difficult to say no - to turn people away or hand them over to someone else. It makes us feel guilty. But here the disciples didn't have the time to eat. This is so foolhardy and yet, we all do it. Therefore, going to a deserted place to rest guaranteed that people wouldn't be calling on them unannounced. This happens so much to us; especially via the telephone, which can be our biggest enemy. At times like this, it pays to turn it off.

Many people have working lunches. This may be a meeting or a one to one with someone. The thing is, no one should expect a person to work their lunch break. We need it. if at all possible, get out of the place and go for a walk, anywhere where there are no people demanding your time. If you don't, you'll pay the price and someone else may take over from you.

Don't allow people to do this to you. Tell the people straight. 'My yes is yes and my no is no. No one can stop you from making this decision, except yourself. If you want to continue to work your lunch, stay late after work, do more than really is requested of you. Then you really may have a problem in the not so distant future.

Is your body telling you to rest? Are you overdoing things? You have a decision that you need to make - sooner, rather than later!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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