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"My son, if sinners entice you, do not consent." Proverbs 1:10. NKJV
In other words, don't take the bait. It would be awful to be a fish and realise, too late, that the tasty morsel floating in the water that we have just bitten into, was actually a trap and we've fell for it and this is the end. This is how it can feel to Christian people who have given in to their craving desires and committed sin.
Solomon here, speaks of sinners. Well we're all sinners, but Christians are sinners, saved by grace. Here Solomon is speaking about people who act in a very sinful way. He is saying, they are the ones to be careful of.
All around us are temptations and people scheming to get us to do a particular thing that we know we should not be doing. A Christian needs to avoid keeping bad company. Friendships need to be made carefully. Rather like it would be foolish for an alcoholic to keep friends with someone who is a heavy drinker; likewise it would be unwise for a Christian to keep company with someone who is likely to drag them away from their faith.
There used to be an old saying, 'Show me your friends and I can see your future.' There is a degree of truth in this statement. We need to be careful where we go and avoid areas which would do us no good at all. No harm can come to us unless we allow ourselves to join in and consent. So wisdom is the name of the game. Wise people distance themselves from risky situations.
There has always been risks around in the Christian and non-Christian circuits. It is being careful about what we do and where we go that matters. It is maintaining our values. Men and women can so easily wind up in adulterous relationships, whatever their beliefs. There are many predators out in the world who are skilled in tricking people into things that they would usually avoid. It only takes a few drinks from the wrong people and things can go very wrong. Young Christians become involved in sex and drug taking if they fall into the wrong crowd. Abusive situations happen all over the place, as the media is constantly showing us on a daily basis.
It is not only young Christians who fall to temptations; men and women who have been believers for many years can become involved in adultery and viewing porn on the internet.
Many Christian marriages are falling foul to the devil, as are Christian ministries where pastors become involved in extra marital affairs. Lives and families are broken in two by unwise behaviour such as this. Daily, Christian marriages are biting the dust because of adultery, alcoholism, drug taking and abuse.The devil is not our friend and if he can force a marriage apart, he will. If he can cause a partner to become involved in adulterous relationships, he will. If he can ruin people's lives and see children placed into a care situation because parents can't say no, he will.
Solomon, who was full of wisdom, had the answer to these temptations many years ago. He clearly said, 'Do not consent.' And that is the bottom line. Be watchful and careful wherever you go and whatever you do. The price is way too high to blow things. Wise up!
Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard
This is a blog that centres on Jesus Christ - my Lord and Saviour. My aim is to describe how He has helped over the years, together with offering daily teaching and encouragement
Sunday, 9 June 2019
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