Saturday, 13 July 2019

It's a con

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"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God."
                                                                                                          Romans 12:2.  NKJV

The world system is totally hostile and in competition with the things of God. If we're not careful, we can easily get sucked in. If we take the first three letters of the word, 'conformed,' we get, 'con,' and that is what the world is - a con. It is out to con each and every person believer and non-believer. 

The world is not genuine. People put their trust in the world; in riches, fancy houses and lifestyles, amazing jobs, unlimited cash, just to name a few things. However, it is false. Being the richest person in the world, with the most amazing lifestyle ever, will not get the person into Heaven. In fact, they cannot take this wealth with them when they die, it will go to someone else, who will no doubt duplicate this lifestyle. The sad thing is, many people can abuse this lifestyle. There is a starving world out there, many men, women and children are dying each minute because there is very little funding for medical supplies. And yet, some people will spend amazing amounts of money on drugs, booze and lush parties. 

This type of life will rob a person given the opportunity. We often read in the media that some film star, pop star or business person has died very suddenly. Many of these people are not happy. All the wealth in the world cannot give happiness or good health. many millionaires are not happy with their wealth and seek to get more, worrying about it all.

The world is in rebellion to God's ways. Dare I mention abortion, as an example? This is a contentious area. The world says it's ok and there is an army of people who would agree with this. However, God does not agree. This is totally against His law and it breaks His heart to see that the world is treating it as a normal way of life.
Abortion is the murder of an unborn child. It doesn't even get a choice. God gave life and yet, abortion can take it away, just like that. At times, it may be argued that through certain circumstances, there may be a suitable reason for abortion. But it must be a valid reason - if there is one, for taking a life like this. 

We have a mind and the ability to make choices. If we belong to God, we do not belong to the world, we belong to Jesus and we obey and uphold His word. It's called, 'Thinking differently,' It's saying, 'What would Jesus do here?' Or, 'What would He say?' 

As a Christian, each of us needs to think and do things differently. We are not a copy of this world but a copy of Jesus. Do you not agree?

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard 

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