Friday, 12 July 2019

You cannot do it alone

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"Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the LORD of hosts."  
                                                                                                       Zechariah 4:6.  NKJV

Whatever you are doing for God or in your daily life, you can't do it without the Holy Spirit. You want a closer walk with God? You need His Spirit. You want to be an intercessor? You need His Spirit. In fact, if you want to serve God at any level - pastor or usher, you need His Spirit in order to do the job properly, letting people see Jesus in your work.

In the above verse, we see three key elements:

There is strength in numbers. Whatever you do, it's easier to approach it with some help. It can be fulfilling to have an army around you when you go out on the streets to evangelise, preach in church or give your testimony. Warriors who are defending their territory would quake with fear when they realised the size of the attacking army. It seemed an impossible task.
Some people over the years have had super-strength, look at Samson for example. He could perform the most amazing feats, yet when his hair was cut off, he was as weak as a kitten. He told Deliliah, 'No razor has ever come upon my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother's womb. If I am shaven, then my strength will leave me and I shall become weak and be like any other man.'  (Judges 16:17). He had limitations, he wasn't invincible.

If we cut a large hedge with some shears, it will take ages and will be quite tiring. However, bring a hedge trimmer into the equation and it is done in no time at all. A sports car can go an incredible speed, far faster than a basic family car. The power wins each time. However, take that power away or make it unavailable and the output is cut down.
We can use the best batteries that are available, however, once they run down, unless they are re-chargeable, they are only useful to re-cycle. 
A great example of power was at Pentecost. The early church had done a little evangelism and such since Jesus had ascended into Heaven, but they had been limited, because the  authorities were out to stop them. Therefore they had to keep a low profile. On that day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came with such power that it turned their world upside down and back again; Peter preached a sermon and over 3000 souls were saved that day. They didn't care any more that they could be arrested and even killed. Something wonderful had happened to them - they were empowered by God's supernatural power. the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit
John 16:13 says, 'However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak, and He will tell you things to come.'
Without the Holy Spirit, there is little we can accomplish. With the Holy Spirit residing in our heart, we can achieve all that He sends us to do. God uses each one of us, if we make ourselves available to be used, and performs the most amazing stuff through us. 

He is wanting to use you - today. Are you ready for this? Do you want Him to take you to different heights; to perform miracles through you? Is there a bubbling within you, a feeling that you can't contain? God wants to give you the fulness of His Spirit. As a Christian, you have been given the Holy Spirit, but God wants to saturate you in it; to fire you up; to light that fire within you again, or for the first time.
Are you willing? If you are, tell Him and then get ready because if you're serious, He will take you up on this offer!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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