Saturday, 20 July 2019

Stone throwing

"10 Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?' 11 She replied, 'No one  Lord.' And Jesus said to her, 'Nether do I condemn you; go and sin no more.' "  John 8:10-11.  NKJV

A woman had been caught in the very act of adultery, which carried the sentence of death by stoning. However, Jesus spoke with the Pharisees about what they planned and said whoever has not sinned at all, let him throw the first stone. This obviously, cleared the place straightaway. 

We have all sinned and let God down very badly at times. This woman's sin, was of the flesh - a weakness in her life that we are all susceptible to at times, whatever the sin may be. However, the Pharisees sin was different. They were pointing the finger and throwing out accusations when they had all sinned themselves. They were hypocrites and Jesus knew this. Sin is sin, and there is no particular different levels of it. However, the Pharisees' sin was deliberate and they knew it. They were being bigoted and hypocritical. The woman's sin, was still wrong, but was out of the weakness of her flesh and Jesus dealt with it.

At times, we will be tempted to throw a stone at someone. We may have done it already by criticising someone and passing the gossip around, that may not be strictly true by the time we've heard it. Jesus takes a very serous view about this. Be honest with yourself today. Have you ever thrown a stone at someone in this manner? Have you condemned someone and gossiped about them? If you have, you need to confess this to Jesus right now, because if you don't, you can go no further in your walk with Him. Things may not be going too well in your life at the moment. If this is so, check yourself over and search your heart. Are you guilty of throwing a stone at someone? If you are, confess and feel God's forgiveness.

There are many stone throwers in life. We meet them all the time. The biggest is the devil himself. He will take great delight in spreading malicious gossip around about you, if he gets the opportunity. He is the chief stone thrower. He will stack loads of condemnation on you, if you let him. So much so, that you will find it difficult to do anything. You will feel like a condemned person. If this is you at the moment, get your bible out and read:

'There is therefore, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.'   (Romans 8:1)

If you belong to Jesus, you have been forgiven and are no longer under condemnation. Therefore do not let the evil one, or anyone else, for that matter, put condemnation on you. And, don't you allow yourself to put it on to other people by throwing stones.
You know that it isn't right to do that.

God Bless

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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