Saturday, 31 August 2019

Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me

"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven."                                            Matthew 5:10    NKJV

Sticks and stones will possibly hurt, but insults will never get me. I'm not too sure about the latter part of this phrase, as many people have been devastated by what has been said to them. Words can hurt and the affect, can last a lifetime.

This phrase, I remember, was around when I was at school, you may remember it too. It was mainly used when we were on the receiving end of verbal bullying. Nowadays, this phrase has possibly been adapted to fit into some streetwise saying.

Words do hurt and come from people we never thought would say them. It's quite difficult to shrug off insults and persecutions.The early Christians had much to contend with on this subject. Under Nero, the Roman Government persecuted Christians terribly. Some were murdered but before that, they were tortured, some had body parts cut off and were forced to watch the parts being roasted and thrown to dogs. Many had their eyes plucked out too. It is said that Nero, had some people covered in hot tar while they were alive and then set fire to. They were then used as lamps to illuminate his living quarters. Also, as Emperor, he was recognised as a god and people had to worship him. If they didn't, they paid the price.

I read a book many years ago. I can't remember the title, or the author but it was set in China. The Chinese Authorities were clamping down on Christianity and believers were ordered to denounce Jesus, or they would be shot. The father of one particular family refused to do this and just before the family were all killed he turned to his wife and children and said, 'Don't worry, tonight we will have supper with the King.'
What an amazing testimony. I have never forgotten it and it made me wonder if I would be able to do that if ever I was in this position. I'd like to think I could but how difficult that would be.

I don't know about you, I become upset and then angry when I'm persecuted for something which is much smaller that what I've mentioned. Many people today, around the world, are suffering for their faith. They're being falsely imprisoned, raped, tortured and killed. And yet their faith is much stronger than mine could ever be. I whine when someone says something bad about me and yet, I'm not facing what many others are.

We may moan and groan; and feel that we're hard done by. We may say, 'It's not fair,' and yet this is child like to what others in this world are suffering for.

Let me ask you; what would you do if all of a sudden, where we live, it became a state where Christianity was forbidden? If this was the case, how would you react to being threatened, by death, unless you denounced Christ? It is unlikely to happen where we live, but with the state that the world is in, it could be a threat.

We take so many things for granted and we show ingratitude at times for what God has blessed us with. However, at the blink of an eye, it could all be taken away from us.

I feel God is wanting His people to be grateful for all He has done and will do in the future. You may be ill; you may be disabled; you may be short of money or not have what others have, but you are alive!

Be grateful and thankful to God for that. Amen? - Amen!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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