Tuesday, 13 August 2019


"When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all, with one accord, in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from Heaven, as of a rushing, mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting."   Acts 2:1-2.  NKJV

The people of God were all gathered together - in one accord - when the power of the Holy Spirit came down upon them. Things always happen big time, when God's people are together in unity. The Holy Spirit loves this and can work with the togetherness. If you want your church or group to grow and have power too, make it a practise to be together in harmony with God and each other.

God really shook that place and the people that day, and things were never to be the same again. It was a 'suddeny,' a powerful surprise from God. God loves surprises, I do too, don't you? I had a lovely surprise the other day. One of my Grandson's had missed my birthday - no surprise there Lol. He telephoned his Grandma, my wife, and told her that he wanted to buy me a vinyl album, did she know what I would like? Strangely enough, we had only been talking about my favourite singer who had released a new album that I would like. 
Without any knowledge of this, I was relaxing at home when there was a knock at the door. Wondering who this could be on a Sunday afternoon, I opened the door to see a delivery man with a parcel in his hand. When he had left, I opened the parcel, still wondering what could be inside, as I had not ordered anything myself. I was overjoyed to find the album of my favourite singer, that we had been discussing a few days earlier. I was stunned and speechless at first and reading the piece of paper inside, I saw that my Grandson had purchased and sent it to me. What a wonderful surprise this was. It was a suddenly! God is like that; He loves surprising and blessing His children. 

God is the God of the suddenly. A suddenly is something that happens quickly and unexpectedly. It's a happening without warning or delay. It can happen instantly, all at once. And God can change things Suddenly, in the blink of an eye or perhaps within an hour. It may take a day for things to happen or just one moment. God is a good Father and likes to surprise His children.

If He hasn't already, God wants to surprise you too. He loves it and loves to see the joy these surprises give us. He's our Father and parents love to bless their children. Rather like the delivery to myself, things can happen very suddenly. It may be so quickly that it takes your breath away. 

You may be thinking, 'I don't get any surprises.' Well you had better watch out for them because they're headed your way. Just get on with your daily life; include God in all you do and say, and God, who listens to all of our conversations, may send a beautiful surprise your way - suddenly. In fact, it may be in the pipeline right now. 

Just enjoy your daily life with Jesus

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


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