Thursday, 29 August 2019

Take away the stone

"38 Then Jesus, again groaning in Himself, came to the tomb. It was a cave, and a stone lay against it. 39 Jesus said, 'Take away the stone.' Martha, the sister of him who was dead, said to Him, 'Lord, by this time, there is a stench, for he has been dead four day."
                                                                            John 11:38-39.  NKJV

Jesus knew that He was in the supernatural and the only thing preventing Lazarus being brought out of the tomb, was a large stone. However, others, including Martha, were coming from a natural position, and felt that it was wrong. Lazarus would be resurrected, yes, but at the last day, not this day. When Lazarus came out of the tomb at Jesus' command of, Lazarus come forth,' (John 11:43) people were amazed, some bewildered, but Lazarus was overjoyed that he had his life back.

Our walk with Jesus can be a difficult road to travel along at times. Things come our way that trip us up, and there are temptations everywhere. We have opportunities, if we're not careful, to do things that we know are wrong and it's almost like a voice is saying, 'It's ok, no one will know.' Oh yes they will! You'll know and God will know too and if the devil can have his way, pretty soon all the local area will know as well. We have to be careful.

At times, we can feel that we are in a cold, dark cave or tomb ourselves, and a stone is keeping us prisoner. We may be tired and therefore very low in spirit. It may be that we've overdone things by taking on too much. Sound familiar? When this happens, we can end up irritable; snapping at our loved ones, saying things we'd never, normally say.

The stone of tiredness captures us and tries to keep us in a place where we, 'Must do this and I must do that.' Guilt can kick in like, 'I should have done this,' and 'I feel awful for letting such and such down.'
The shopping may need doing; clothes need washing and ironing and the grass is so long that at one time you had a dog, but now you can't find him.

Stress - tiredness - Stress - anxiety - Stress - illness

Hey, stop just there! God didn't create you to be on the go all the time. You've allowed a stone to be rolled into place and you're behind it - trapped! You need to do some Behavioural Therapy in order to put things back into perspective, so follow this:

Write down all that you need to do. There may be pages of things that need your immediate attention, so
Put things into priority order - not everything needs doing today. Once you have your list.
Bite-size chunks is the common term for this. The idea is to look at your list of priorities and then make a decision what you can do today. Do not look at everything as a whole and attempt to do it all. If you do, it will be disastrous.
Get your chores into bite-size chunks and then, if possible, break them down further into manageable bits.

This works, believe me, but you have to work at it. You'll be tempted to think that you can't do this, things need doing NOW! You'll also be tempted into believing it's a load of cod's wallop, but don't listen because it's not.

Be strict with yourself. Manage your time more effectively and take the pressure off. You'll then have more time to yourself and more time with God, and - that stone of tiredness will be taken away.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

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